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Архипова Екатерина Дмитриевна

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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Выполнила: Ученица 10Б класса МОБУСОШ №8 Фартова Карина Исследовательская работа на тему: Э. Дикинсон и М.Цветаева: схожие мотивы лирики

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

Цель работы: изучить поэзию М.Цветаевой и Э.Дикинсон и найти точки соприкосновения в творчестве двух поэтесс.

Слайд 4

Задачи • Прочитать необходимую литературу; • Изучить и сравнить биографии М.Цветаевой и Э. Дикинсон ; • Изучить, сравнить и проанализировать поэзию поэтесс; • Систематизировать и обобщить накопленный материал; • Перевести на русский язык стихотворения Дикинсон в поэтической форме; • Сделать вывод;

Слайд 5

Историко – литературная справка В истории литературы часто случается, что тот или иной писатель опережает свое время. Так случилось и с Эмили Дикинсон (1830 - 1886), прожившей всю жизнь в городке Амхерсте в Новой Англии. В детстве у нее обнаружился дар устной импровизации. Она на ходу придумывала незатейливый стишки, но проявить свой талант перед большой аудиторией не удалось: почти всю жизнь Эмили провела в кругу семьи, в стенах отцовского дома. Только после смерти Эмили ее сестра Лавиния нашла ее стихи (366 стихотворений) и опубликовала их . Однако сама Эмили Дикинсон избегала публичности, так что при жизни оказались напечатанными только 8 стихотворений. Поэзия Дикинсон - раздумья о жизни и смерти, природе и любви. Марина Цветаева намного опередила свое врем(1892 - 1941). Дочь профессора Московского университета в 1910 году сама отдала в печать свои стихи. Свое творчество Марина называла «романом с собственной душой», который продолжался всю жизнь. На протяжении всей творческой жизни неизменным содержательным качеством ее поэзии оставался универсализм - опыт личный переходит в опыт общечеловеческий.

Слайд 6

“I’m Nobody! Who are you?” Emily Dickenson. A word is dead Мне говорят When it is said, Слово сказанное Some say. мертво, I say it just Я говорю, оно лишь Begins to live начинает жить That day. В этот миг.

Слайд 7

Поэзия Э.Дикинсон Это поэзия пытливой мысли и отчаянной искренности. Для нее поэт – избранник, способный совершить духовное путешествие в сферы, неведомые другим. Главный объект внимания Эмили – мир человеческих чувств, драма сознания и эмоций. Можно сказать иначе: пейзажные миниатюры и бытовые зарисовки для поэтессы – тот образный язык, при помощи которого она передает свои знания о жизни человеческой души или исповедуется перед читателем в своих горестях и радостях. Дикинсон обо всем говорит сжато, афористично, с подкупающей простотой. Но «прозрачность» ее стиха оборачивается многозначной « зашифрованностью ». В поэзии Эмили постоянно присутствуют мотивы любви и смерти – главные загадки человеческого бытия. Вновь и вновь она пытается отыскать разгадку этой драмы , обращаясь к Богу с еретической претензией. А ведь у М.Цветаевой та же драма разгадки бытия.

Слайд 8

Творчество М.Цветаевой За тридцать лет поэтической работы творчество М.Цветаевой неустанно развивалось и совершенствовалось. Но постоянно она была верна переосмыслению личного интимного опыта в опыт общечеловеческий. Уникальность ее лирики в сочетании лирики с чувствами, « поэзией сердца» с «поэзией мысли», песенности , музыкального «внушения» с рациональностью. Прежде всего ей важен смысл – речь. Не жалея стиха, не дорожа плавностью гармонии или ладом, она безжалостно резала строку цезурой, усекала стопы, резко – с помощью тире - отбрасывала слово верх; если надо, отрезав слог, отшвыривала его вниз, в следующую строку, и ставила восклицательный знак. Иногда замедляла бег строки, почти останавливала ее, чтобы смысл выступал в сияющей обнаженности.

Слайд 9

Уникальность поэтического видения . Внешние обстоятельства их жизни внешне не схожи. Великая жажда жизни, смелая передача кризисных состояний души, страсть в исповедальной по тону поэзии – вот наиболее явные параллели между лирикой « домоседки» Э. Дикинсон и обреченной на жизненные скитания М.Цветаевой. Не удивительно, что смысловые переклички двух художественных миров влекут за собой и схождение композиционных и смысловых приемов в поэзии лириков.

Слайд 10

Split the Lark – and you’ll find the Musi с – Bulb after Bulb, in Silver rolled – Scanty dealt to the Summer Morning Saved for your Ear when Lutes be old. Loose the Flood – you shall find it patent – Gush after Gush, reserved for you – Scarlet Experiment! Sceptic Thomas! Now, do you doubt that your Bird was true? Вскройте жаворонка! Там музыка скрыта – Лепесток в лепестке из серебра. На нее скупятся для летнего утра. Она про запас – Когда лютня стара. Отомкните поток! Он насквозь неподделен. Из горла бьет за струей струя.я Багровый опыт! Теперь ты веришь, Фома, что подлинна птица твоя? (Перевод В. Марковой)

Слайд 11

Леты подводный свет, Красного сердца риф. Застолбенел ланцет, Певчее горло вскрыв: Не раскаленность жёрл, Не распаленность скверн – Нерастворенный перл В горечи певчих горл. Го’ре горе’! Граним, Плавим и мрем о вотще. Ибо нерастворим В голосовом луче Жемчуг... Железом в хрип, Тысячей пил и свёрл – Неизвлеченный шипя В горечи певчих горл. Марина Цветаева “Леты подводный свет” (1922):

Слайд 12

Проведем простейшее сопоставление этих произведений. Прежде всего, основная базисная их формула тождественна: вскройте певчее горло – там сокрыта музыка. Что такое музыка? У Дикинсон это – серебро, у Цветаевой – перл, жемчуг, железо. Излученный звук уподобляется потоку жидкости. УДикинсон это два слова – струя и поток, у Цветаевой на жидкое состояние указывают подводный свет, риф и слово “плавим”. Бесчеловечный, кровавый характер поэтического эксперимента выражен уДикинсон через “багровый опыт”, у Цветаевой – через “раскаленность жёрл”, “ распаленность скверн”, “тысячи пил и свёрл -/ Неизвлеченный шип”. Категория прошедшей вечности: уДикинсон – “Когда лютня стара”, у Цветаевой – “Леты подводный свет”. Чистота, монохроматичность звукового потока у Дикинсон передана посредством “Он насквозь неподделен”, у Цветаевой – “Нерастворенный перл”, “нерастворим/В голосовом луче”. Итак, возможны лишь два варианта: либо это вольный перевод Цветаевой стихотворения Дикинсон (что никем и ничем пока не доказано), либо это независимые всплески одной и той же безжалостной гениальной поэтической, а не исключено – и Божественной – души – в 1896 ( Дикинсон ) и в 1922 (Цветаева).

Слайд 13

Вывод: В писательской судьбе М.Цветаевой много общего с судьбой Э.Дикинсон . Это величайшие искусницы и изумительные мастерицы стиха. Обе они интимны – каждая по – своему. И обе высоко – независимы: для «публики» уступок не делают, для легкого успеха – их нет. Обе – смиренные духом гордячки, чудачки, «домоседка» Эмили и обреченная на вечное скитание Марина. Умеющего читать поэзию, поэзия М.Цветаевой и Э.Дикинсон волнует и будоражит, то ритмом пляшущего каблучка, то тонкой паутиной любовного кружева. Любовное же в них прозренье – одаренность женщин, а еще – ВЕЛИКАЯ ЖАЖДА ЖИЗНИ! Никогда мужчина не мог бы так написать!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Research work on a subject: "Proper names in J.K. Rowling's novel "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets".

Слайд 2

I ntroduction Names of characters in works of art are the means determining considerable volume of information. The choice of a name can be connected with an art plan, a genre, art school and style. Sometimes the name can tell more, than the writer conceived.

Слайд 3

work purpose Studying of features of proper names in J work. K.Rowling "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets".

Слайд 4

T ask • to pick up literature for a subject and to study the use of proper names in works of English writers; • to work a material of the text of the novel for the purpose of selection of proper names; • to analyse morphemic structure of the chosen names in work; • to compare results to the characteristic of the hero, this author; • to find out, whether these names are "speaking".

Слайд 5

If J. K. Rowling gave to the heroes assumed names, these names can be "telling" and reflect their character.

Слайд 6

THE WORST BIRTHDAY Action of the second novel about Harry Potter begins in his 12th birthday, on July 31, 1992. Since the beginning of summer Harry didn't receive any letter from Ron or Hermione. In the same evening in Harry's room there is a house elf by the name of Dobby and declares that Harry Potter can't come back to Hogvarts , there it is threatened by terrible danger. Three days of Potter keep locked up, as if in prison. At night to Harry there come Weasley's brothers — Ron, Fred and George — on belonging to their father flying "Ford England", get out and take away to itself home.

Слайд 7

Probably, the surname of Potter is educated from the word pot . Possibly, it because Harry it was similar to a pot in respect of that contained in itself all troubles, occurring in the magic world. It is also possible to assume that Potter is similar on value to pot phrase luck (when you take pot luck, you choose sth or go somewhere without knowing very much about it, but hope that it will be good, pleasant, etc ).

Слайд 8

THE BURROW Potter spends the rest of vacation with Weasley's family. They receive it as native: Ron's mother, Mollie Weasley , constantly with love cares of Harry, and the father Rhone, the employee of the Ministry of Magic of England Arthur Weasley , becomes friend Harry and asks him on different inventions muggles of which is fond. Ginny Weasley going this year on the first course of Hogvarts , reddens and is confused at the sight of Harry. Harry and Weasley's family go to do shopping before school to Slanting Lane , using flying gunpowder. Harry incidentally gets to Lyutny Lane, to horrible shop " Gorbin and Burke". There he sees Draco Malfoy and his father Lucius which something sells.

Слайд 9

Ron Weasley – the second-year student, Harry Potter's best friend. I arrived on Gryffindor faculty, as well as all members of his big family.As we know that Ron was the high and thin guy, with red hair , therefore, it is possible to assume that Weasley is educated from words weasel [‘ wi:zl ] (small wild animal with reddish-brown fur, long thin body ),that completely displays appearance of the hero: "… freckle-faced, red-haired, long-nosed someone. Ron Weasley was outside Harry's window"

Слайд 10

AT FLOURISH AND BLOTTS Approximately in an hour in bookstore our heroes meet the wizard and the writer GILDEROY LOCKHART which is declared the appointment to the post of the teacher P rotection A gainst Dark A rts at school of Magics " Hogvarts ". But after that they again come across on Malfoyes . It appears, Malfoy hate Weasley's family for friendship with muggles .

Слайд 11

THE WHOMPING WILLOW To the station Kings- Kross Weasley and Harry's family go by Arthur Weasley's car. Harry and Ron have to get on a platform 9 3/4 the last, but it is impossible to them: the barrier through which they have to pass, doesn't let them. Having been late for the train, they take the car of the father Ron and fly to Hogvarts . When landing the car crashes into the Rattling willow, the magic wand Rhone thus breaks, and the car runs to the Forbidden wood. Harry and Ron are reprimanded by professors Severus Snape and Minerva Mcgonagall that saw their car muggles (at take-off invisibility) refused. Snape demands to exclude Harry, but Mcgonagall decides to be limited to the prevention.

Слайд 12

Whomping Willow – the magic willow growing in the yard of Hogwarts school. Wham [ wæm ] (used to represent the sound of a sudden, loud hit) or whup [ wлp ] (to defeat sb easily in a game, fight, an election, ect ), whopping [' wɒp ɪŋ ] (very big). The willow was really not simply big, but huge.

Слайд 13

GILDEROY LOCKHART At school all only also start saying that about Lockhart though he is vain and understands nothing in ZOTI. At the lessons he reads to students fragments from the books in which described the feats. Also he plays scenes from them with one of students (usually Harry was "victim"). Harry and Ron treat Lockhart with contempt, and Hermione — with adoration .

Слайд 14

Gilderoy Lokhart – the teacher of protection against dark arts at school of Hogvarst , known for everything, as the powerful wizard who has made, as originally was considered, a set of feats. As it is possible to assume that the name Gilderoy is educated from the word ray [ rei ] (narrow beam of lidht , heat or other energy; small amount of sth good or of sth that you are hoping for)

Слайд 15

MUDBLOODS AND MURMURS Harry on working off at Lockhart (it was appointed for the broken Rattling Willow) starts hearing a voice which speaks about murder. Anybody, except Potter, doesn't hear this voice. Hermione considers that it is better to speak about it to nobody as even in the magic world to hear what don't hear others — a bad sign.

Слайд 16

Hermione Granger – the second-year student of faculty of Gryffindor, Harry's best friend. It is possible to assume that Granger is educated from G reduction ( gravity or a measurement of the force with whitch sth moves faster through space because of gravety ) + ranger [‘ reind ʒə ] (girl who belongs to the part of the Guide Associations in Britain for girls between the ages of 14 and 19).

Слайд 17

THE WRITING ON THE WALL And on the Halloween there is an incident — Harry again hears that voice and together with friends runs at top speed. They get to the corridor which has been filled in with water where on a candelabrum the cat of the school supply manager Filch Missis Norris hangs, and on a wall — a bloody inscription "The secret room is open! Tremble, enemies of the successor! " Filch accuses of it Harry Potter and claims that that killed a cat. Unexpectedly Snow intercedes for Harry, and Dumbledore dispels fears concerning a cat. She isn't killed, only froze. Some months are necessary to grow up a mandrake and to prepare a potion which will cure a cat.

Слайд 18

Argus Filch – the peace officer in Hogvarts . His name Argus [' a:gǝs ] (In Greek mythology, Argus Panoptes or Argos, guardian of the heifer-nymph Io and son of Arestor , was a primordial giant whose epithet " Panoptes ", "all-seeing", led to his being described with multiple, often one hundred, eyes. ) in Ancient Greek mythology " multiocular giant, son of the Phoenician tsar Agenor ; during a dream the part of his eyes was awake. Surname of the inspector of Filch [ filt ʃ] (to steal sth . especially sth . small or not very valuable)

Слайд 19

Harry, Ron and Hermione suspect of room opening by Malfoy . They decide to create the Reverse potion and to turn into Krebb and Goil to find out something at Draco Malfoy . Hermione deception gets permission to take the book "Strong Potions" in library at Lockhart. In further Harry and Hermione it is possible to steal ingredients from an office of Snape .

Слайд 20

Goyle – the second-year student, the student of faculty of Slytherin , the friend of Draco Malfoy and the enemy of Harry Potter. It is probable that Goyle is educated from gargoyle noun [' ɡɑ : ɡɔɪ l] (an ugly figure of a person or an animal that is made of stone and through which water is carried away from the roof of a building, especially a church) Crabbe It is possible to assume that Crabbe is educated from crabby adjective [' kræb ɪ] (bad-tempered and unpleasant): "Ron's jaw dropped so that Crabbe looked even more clueless than usual"

Слайд 21

THE ROGUE BLUDGER At Griffindor's the game with Slytherin the Bludger attacks all the time one Harry. It falls, breaks a hand, but catches Golden Snitch other hand. Night of Harry carries out in a hospital wing. To it Dobby comes and admits that it bewitched it a Bludger on a match and blocked a barrier to a platform 9 3/4 that Harry couldn't get to Hogvarts . Dobby knows who opened the Room, but can't tell Harry. After conversation with Dobby in chamber bring Colin Creevey with his camera. He too froze, and the film in the camera melted.

Слайд 22

Colin Creevey - the first-year student who is training at faculty of Gryffindor. It is possible to assume that the name of the boy is educated from collie [' kɒli ] (… a dog of which there are several types. Those with long pointed noses and long trick hair are popular as pets …)

Слайд 23

THE DUELLING CLUB Lockhart and Snape create duelny club at school to teach pupils to methods of self-defense. Soon duels of pupils which come to an end unsuccessfully begin — Harry and Draco began to send "ridiculous" damnations at each other. Draco lets out a snake from a stick, but Harry orders it not to attack anybody. The snake obeys. So all learn that Harry can speak parceltongue , that is is able to talk to snakes in their language. It becomes clear that it is very rare ability. Salazar Slytherin and Voldemort talked on parceltongue.

Слайд 24

Draco Malfoy – the second-year student, the student of Slytherin . The enemy of Harry Potter. The name Draco [ dræɡǝn ] (a large fierce animal with wings and a long tail, that can breathe out fire) is similar to Dragon It is possible suppose that the surname of Malfoy is educated by addition of the words mal [ mæl ] (bad or badly; not correct or correctly) or malicious [m 'li ʃə s] having or showing hatred and a desire to harm sb or hurt their feelings) and foe [ fəυ ] (an enemy) Severus Snape Its surname is formed from to verb snap [ snæp ] (to move, or to move sth , into a particular position quickly especially with a sudden sharp noise; to speak or say sth in an impatient, usually angry, voice)

Слайд 25

Salazar Slytherin – the founder of faculty of Slytherin . To assume that the surname of Slytherin is educated from slither verb [' slɪð ə] (to move somewhere in a smooth, controlled way, often close to the ground). Usually so reptiles move, and on the coat of arms of Slytherin there is a snake. As it is possible to assume that Slytherin is educated from sly [ slai ] verb (acting or done in a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people). And really Slytherin appreciates ambition, cunning, resourcefulness.

Слайд 26

Serpensortia – the magic spell causing emergence huge snake.Serpensortia is educated as by connection of two words serpent [' sɜ:pǝnt ] (a snake, especially a large one) and sortie [' s:t ɪ] (an effort that you make to do or join sth new) Expelliarmus – the magic spell, allowing to disarm the rival. It is educated by addition of the words expell (to force out) and arm (either of the two long parts that stick out from the top of the body and connect the shoulders to the hands ) Spells

Слайд 27

THE POLYJUICE POTION The reverse Potion which was prepared by "a griffindor Trinity", was welded by Christmas. Having lulled Krebb and Goil by means of fruitcakes with a sleepy potion, Harry and Ron take their hair and, having added in the potion welded by Hermione, turn into Malfoy's friends. Hermione takes a hair from Millisenta Bulstroud's clothes from Slytherin with which she fought in duelny club, but it appears a cat's hair, and Hermione turns into the semi-person semi-animal then she should be treated long. Harry and Ron come to Draco to Slytherin's drawing room and try to extort who opens the room, but, to their surprise, appears that Malfoy knows nothing.

Слайд 28

THE VERY SECRET DIARY Harry Mirtl finds in a toilet the strange book, it is the diary, but inside empty pages. On the book it is written that it is a certain Tom Riddle's property. Harry finds out that if to start writing in the Diary, someone answers it with records. Harry writes the name, in the diary there is an inscription that his interlocutor is called Tom Riddle. Harry learns that Reddl studied in Hogvarts 50 years ago. Potter asks to tell about events of that time. But Reddl suggests to look at something. And Harry moves on 50 years ago, to Hogvarts of that time. Harry sees how teachers carry away a corpse of the girl which found in a toilet. She was killed by a monster of the Secret Room. Harry is seen by Reddl — this is the senior, Slytherin's head. Potter sees how Reddl communicates with the director of Hogvarts of that time — Armando Dippet , and with professor Dumbledore who then was the teacher of a transfiguration. It becomes clear that Hagrid studied together with Reddl at school. Reddl accuses of death of the girl of Hagrid and tells something about a monster. Harry comes back in due time, and in some days the diary vanishes from its room.

Слайд 29

Moaning Myrtle – the reduction, living in a toilet for girls. Girl , that was killed 50 years ago a basilisk as it was a mudblood . "Moaning" - the participle formed from a verb of to moan [by m əυn ] (to make a long deep sound, usually expressing unhappiness) Myrtle ['m : tl ] (a bush with shiny leaves, pink or white flowers and bluishblack berries) - eternally blossoming plant. Probably, the author so called this girl because it will always exist.

Слайд 30

I nvestigation Soon Hermione Granger suffered also. Only after that Harry Potter's attacks ceased to accuse of attacks because he couldn't even attack in thoughts the girlfriend. Tournament Quidditch was cancelled. Dumbledore dismiss from a position of the director Hogvarts , and Hagrid take away in prison for wizards Azkaban. Harry and Ron see it, sitting in Hagrid's house under an invisible cloak. The semi-giant manages to advise to follow spiders.

Слайд 31

Albus Dumbledore – the principal Hogvarst . It is known that the name Albus is translated with Latin as white. Possibly, it is connected with appearance of the director "Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, sat watching the Sorting from the staff table, his long silver beard and half-moon glasses shining brightly in the candlelight“ The second part of a surname of Dumbledore - D’ore - can be translated with French , as gold. It is probable that completely Dumbledore surname it makes secret sense - "Silence gold".

Слайд 32

ARAGOG After a while Harry and Ron notice that for the unclear reason from school spiders run: in the Forbidden wood their chain lasts. Harry and Ron follow spiders and meet Aragog , a huge black spider. Aragog says that it — that monster who was brought up by Hagrid , but it — not Slytherin's monster, and the forest warden never opened the secret room. The real monster disappears in the lock, and spiders are afraid of it so that at all don't say his name.

Слайд 33

Aragog – a huge spider, Hagrid's pet. The first part of a name of this spider, possibly, is formed from arachnid [ə 'by ræknɪd ] (any small creature of the class that includes spiders). The second part of a name probably is taken from the Bible in which were mentioned two people, which invasion will be shaken by the world shortly before Christ's second coming. These people – Gogh and Magog . Probably, the author took as a basis these people because when Aragog came, it changed a lot of things in life Hagrid and all school, having caused it a big loss.

Слайд 34

THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS Soon Harry and Ron understand that the Moaning Mirtl and is that girl who was killed by a monster. She can tell the truth. In hospital they learn that mandrakes kept up, and by the evening the potion which will cure a cat, Justin, Colin Krewe and Hermione will be ready. Harry and Ron find a leaf which she bore of in Hermione's fist. On it the monster, a huge snake a basilisk which can kill one look is described. Friends understand that it and lives in the Secret room. Victims of a basilisk didn't die because didn't look it fool in the face: the cat saw his eyes in reflection from water, Hermione in a mirror (she knew that fool in the face the basilisk can't look), Bend via the camera, Justin through Almost Headless Nick, and Almost Headless Nick couldn't die the second time. Besides Hermione wrote the word "pipes", explaining as the basilisk moves on the lock. Our friends come nearer to a secret solution.

Слайд 35

campaign to the secret room Harry and Ron are going to tell to teachers about the investigation, however on a wall near a toilet of girls there is an inscription that in the Secret room there is a pupil of school, and it remains there forever. Soon it becomes clear that it is Ginny Weasley . School are going to close. Harry and Ron decide to ask the help for Lockhart, but find out that Lockhart wants to run away.

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It becomes clear that in the books it appropriated feats of other magicians for what at first in detail I asked them, and then erased their memory the Oblivion spell. Lockhart wants to subject to a spell of Oblivion of Harry and Ron that they told nothing, but Harry is disarmed his spell by Ekspelliarmus . Harry and Ron go to the moaning Mirtl , having forced and Lockhart to go with them. Mirtl tells that before death heard the speech in unclear language and saw two huge yellow eyes. It shows on a wash basin where there were these eyes, and Harry sees that the small snake is scratched on the crane. Having presented that before it the snake, speaks to Harry snake language the word "open". The tunnel, leading down opens.

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THE HEIR OF SLYTHERIN Harry goes further and meets Tom Reddl and the lying unconscious Ginny Weasley . Tom Reddl takes away Harry's magic wand and admits that it — Slytherin's successor. It killed Mirtl and slandered Hagrid , he subordinated Ginny , all year corresponding with the diary, and she on his order wrote messages, killed roosters and forced to attack a basilisk on its victims. Ginny didn't remember that she did it. Then Reddl decided to get acquainted closer with Potter, and then Ginny stole the diary. He is Voldemort : name Voldemort — a name anagram Tom Narvolo Reddl.

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Reddl causes a basilisk to kill Harry Potter, but the phoenix of Fouks flies to the aid of the boy and brings the Magic Hat. The phoenix battles to a basilisk and pecks out to it both eyes. In the Hat there is a sword casting by silver which Harry kills a basilisk. Thus the basilisk will hard wound Harry the canine, but the phoenix cries, and Harry's wound recovers. Soon the phoenix brings to Harry the diary, and that pierces the diary with a basilisk canine. From the diary whip ink, poison of a basilisk burns in it a through hole, and Reddl with shout disappears.

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DOBBY'S REWARD Dumbledore comes back to the post at the request of all members of the Board of trustees, except Lycius Malfoy . Some members of council hint that their consent to Dumbledore's dismissal was caused by threats to subject to a paternoster of their family. Harry and Dumbledore could expel Lycius Malfoy from the Board of trustees, having accused him that it threw Ginny Weasley's diary. Malfoy's attempts to justify were senseless, besides Harry releases Dobby in the cunning way — having wrapped up the sock the diary, it gives Lycius's both things, that throws out a sock and gets directly to Dobby. The elf rejoices to release and banishes Malfoy . From this point he becomes one of Harry's loyal friends.

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C onclusion The most volume and deep characteristic of the character is his name. Choosing a name for the hero, the author often concludes in it many signs, allowing us it is better to understand the character. As J. K. Rowling arrived also, naming the heroes such names. Having finished research, we can draw a conclusion that J. K. Rowling really gave to the heroes assumed names, and these names reflect character of the hero, show his inner world, that is noticeable not at once, the one whom he is actually. Thus, our hypothesis completely was confirmed.

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Thanks for attention

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