Разработка тестовых заданий по теме: “British holidays, customs and traditions”
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Разработка тестовых заданий по теме:

British holidays, customs and traditions”

I. Underline bank holidays.

Hallowe’en, Christmas Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Pancake Day, Good Friday, May Day Bank Holiday, Guy Fawkes’ Night, Easter Monday, April fool’s Day, Spring Bank Holiday, Remembrance Day, Mother’s Day, Summer Bank Holiday.

II. Complete the sentences.

  1. The 25th of December is                                          a) New Year’s Day  
  2. The first Monday after May 1 is                            b) Guy Fawkes’ Night
  3. The 1st of January is                                                     c)  Summer Bank Holiday
  4. The last Monday in August is                                 d) April fool’s Day
  5. The 14th of February is                                            e) Christmas Day
  6. The 26th of December is                                           f) Hallowe’en
  7. The 5th of  November is                                           g) May Day
  8. The 1st of April is                                                    h) St. Valentine’s Day
  9. The last Monday in May is                                     i) Spring Bank Holiday
  10. The 31st of October is                                          j) Boxing Day

III. Match.

  1. Hallowe’en                                                                   a) joke
  2. Easter                                                                          b) heart
  3. May Day                                                                     c) visit friends 
  4. Guy Fawkes’ Night                                                     d) kilt
  5. Christmas                                                                    e) pumpkin  
  6. April fool’s Day                                                          f) bonfires  
  7. St. Valentine’s Day                                                      g) Hogmanay  
  8. The Highland Games                                                    h) carols
  9. Boxing Day                                                                  i) maypole
  10. New Year                                                                 j) egg

IV. Guess the holiday and cross out the odd word.

1) Fir tree, pantomime, Santa Claus, pumpkin, stockings, coloured lights and decorations, cards      

2) Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday, maypole, making pancakes, going to church, egg-rolling, an ancient symbol of new life                                                                               

3) Trafalgar Square, first footing, Hogmanay, fir tree, Morris dance      

4) “Penny for a guy”, “trick or treat”, jack-o’lanterns, ghosts, horrible faces, pumpkin

5) Joke, tricks, a pint of pigeon’s milk, laugh, autumn        

6) Love, flowers, summer, cards, winter            

7) Gunpowder Plot, bonfires, the Houses of Parliament, “Penny for a guy”, jack-o’lanterns            

8) Jump, witches, kilts, toss, bagpipes, Scotland            

9) Garlands of flowers, ribbons, Morris dance, the maypole, egg- rolling            

V. Complete the sentences with words traditionally associated with Christmas.








a cracker








1) The tradition of singing ______, or Christmas songs, at Christmas is older than Christmas itself.

2) According to popular custom, any girl or woman caught standing under the ______may be kissed without her permission.

3) Long before Christianity was introduced, ______were worshipped as symbols of undying life, and used in magical rituals.

4) Just before Christmas dinner people often pull ______It usually makes a sharp noise and releases a toy and a piece of paper with a joke.

5) Traditionally people decorate their trees on Christmas ______ that's December 24.

6) A traditional Christmas ______usually has a piece of holly on the top.

7) On Christmas Day everyone gives and receives ______.

8) Christmas trees are often decorated with ______symbolizing Christ as “Light of the World”.

9) Christmas ______often show the pictures of Nativity.

10) The ______, with its green leaves and red berries, is often used to make attractive Christmas wreaths.

11) The celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25 began in ______ in the fourth century.

12) The Christmas tree came originally from ______.

13) Santa Claus visits houses by climbing down the ______.

14) Carol-singers usually collect money for ______. 

15) In medieval Germany an evergreen hung with ______was part of a traditional Christmas performance.

VI. True or false (T/F)?

  1. All holidays in GB are movable.        
  2. A female first-foot is thought to be a disaster.        
  3. Royal Eisteddfod is a singing and dancing competition.        
  4. The banks don’t close on the public holidays in GB.        
  5. In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st.          
  6. At Easter people organize bonfires.              
  7. Children dress up as witches on Guy Fawkes’ Night.        
  8. On the Queen’s official birthday,  there is a traditional ceremony called the Lord Mayor’s Show.                
  9. Oxford Street and Regent Street always have beautiful decorations at the New Year and Christmas.        
  10. Hallowe’en is a public holiday.        
  11.  “Auld Lang Syne” is sung not only on New Year’s Eve and at the close of reunions but also at many other social gatherings.          
  12. Morris is often danced round the Maypole.      
  13. Hogmanay is celebrated in March.        
  14. The Queen’s real birthday is on April 21st.      
  15. In England, they do not celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas.                
  16. The spectacular ceremony of Changing the Guard takes place at Buckingham Palace.        
  17. The ceremony of the keys takes place every morning.      
  18. “The Englishman’s home isn’t his castle” is the saying known all over the world.                
  19. Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the country.          
  20. Animals in GB are not only loved but protected by law.        

Ответы к заданиям

I. Underline bank holidays.

Hallowe’en, Christmas Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Pancake Day, Good Friday, May Day Bank Holiday, Guy Fawkes’ Night, Easter Monday, April fool’s Day, Spring Bank Holiday, Remembrance Day, Mother’s Day, Summer Bank Holiday. 

II. Complete the sentences.

  1. The 25th of December is          (e)                                        a) New Year’s Day  
  2. The first Monday after May 1 is          (g)                           b) Guy Fawkes’ Night
  3. The 1st of January is          (a)                                              c)  Summer Bank Holiday
  4. The last Monday in August is          (c)                               d) April fool’s Day
  5. The 14th of February is          (h)                                         e) Christmas Day
  6. The 26th of December is          (j)                                        f) Hallowe’en
  7. The 5th of  November is          (b)                                       g) May Day
  8. The 1st of April is          (d)                                                 h) St. Valentine’s Day
  9. The last Monday in May is          (i)                                    i) Spring Bank Holiday
  10. The 31st of October is          (f)                                            j) Boxing Day

III. Match.

  1. Hallowe’en           (e)                                                          a) joke
  2. Easter          (j)                                                                    b) heart
  3. May Day           (i)                                                              c) visit friends 
  4. Guy Fawkes’ Night           (f)                                             d) kilt
  5. Christmas           (h)                                                           e) pumpkin  
  6. April fool’s Day           (a)                                                 f) bonfires  
  7. St. Valentine’s Day           (b)                                            g) Hogmanay  
  8. The Highland Games           (d)                                         h) carols
  9. Boxing Day           (c)                                                         i) maypole
  10. New Year          (g)                                                             j) egg

IV. Guess the holiday and cross out the odd word.

1) Fir tree, pantomime, Santa Claus, pumpkin, stockings, coloured lights and decorations, cards -    Christmas     

2) Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday, maypole, making pancakes, going to church, egg-rolling, an ancient symbol of new life -   Easter                                                                            

3) Trafalgar Square, first footing, Hogmanay, fir tree, Morris dance - New Year     

4) “Penny for a guy”, “trick or treat”, jack-o’lanterns, ghosts, horrible faces, pumpkin -   Hallowe’en

5) Joke, tricks, a pint of pigeon’s milk, laugh, autumn- April fool’s Day       

6) Love, flowers, summer, cards, winter -    St. Valentine’s Day           

7) Gunpowder Plot, bonfires, the Houses of Parliament, “Penny for a guy”, jack-o’lanterns - Guy Fawkes’ Night           

8) Jump, witches, kilts, toss, bagpipes, Scotland - The Highland Games           

9) Garlands of flowers, ribbons, Morris dance, the maypole, egg- rolling - May Day           

V. Complete the sentences with words traditionally associated with Christmas.








a cracker








1) The tradition of singing carols, or Christmas songs, at Christmas is older than Christmas itself.

2) According to popular custom, any girl or woman caught standing under the mistletoe may be kissed without her permission.

3) Long before Christianity was introduced, evergreens were worshipped as symbols of undying life, and used in magical rituals.

4) Just before Christmas dinner people often pull a cracker. It usually makes a sharp noise and releases a toy and a piece of paper with a joke.

5) Traditionally people decorate their trees on Christmas Eve that's December 24.

6) A traditional Christmas pudding usually has a piece of holly on the top.

7) On Christmas Day everyone gives and receives presents/gifts.

8) Christmas trees are often decorated with candles symbolizing Christ as “Light of the World”.

9) Christmas cards often show the pictures of Nativity.

10) The holly, with its green leaves and red berries, is often used to make attractive Christmas wreaths.

11) The celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25 began in Rome in the fourth century.

12) The Christmas tree came originally from Germany.

13) Santa Claus visits houses by climbing down the chimney.

14) Carol-singers usually collect money for charity.

15) In medieval Germany an evergreen hung with apples was part of a traditional Christmas performance.

VI. True or false (T/F)?

  1. All holidays in GB are movable.        (F)
  2. A female first-foot is thought to be a disaster.        (T) 
  3. Royal Eisteddfod is a singing and dancing competition.        (T)
  4. The banks don’t close on the public holidays in GB.        (F)
  5. In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st.        (T) 
  6. At Easter people organize bonfires.        (F)       
  7. Children dress up as witches on Guy Fawkes’ Night.        (F)
  8. On the Queen’s official birthday,  there is a traditional ceremony called the Lord Mayor’s Show.(F)               
  9. Oxford Street and Regent Street always have beautiful decorations at the New Year and Christmas.        (T) 
  10. Hallowe’en is a public holiday.        (F)
  11.  “Auld Lang Syne” is sung not only on New Year’s Eve and at the close of reunions but also at many other social gatherings.        (T)   
  12. Morris is often danced round the Maypole.        (T)
  13. Hogmanay is celebrated in March.        (F) 
  14. The Queen’s real birthday is on April 21st.        (T)
  15. In England, they do not celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas.        (T)         
  16. The spectacular ceremony of Changing the Guard takes place at Buckingham Palace.        (T)
  17. The ceremony of the keys takes place every morning.       (F)
  18. “The Englishman’s home isn’t his castle” is the saying known all over the world.        (F)       
  19. Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the country.         (T) 
  20. Animals in GB are not only loved but protected by law.        (T) 

Задания составлены учителем английского языка Грязновой Е.В.

Sources of information

  1. David McDowall. Britain in Close – up, 2002.
  2. Pavlovskaya Anna. England and the English. M.: Moscow University Press, 2005.
  3. Povolotsky. British Studies./ Интек – М., 1996.
  4. Береговская Н.Ж. Habits and Ways in Great Britain. – М.: “Т-ОКО”,1998.
  5. Боева Н.Б., Попова Н.П. Великобритания. География, история, культура. Ростов н/Д, 2005.
  6. Голицынский Ю. Great Britain. – СПб.: Каро, 1999.
  7. Колодяжная Л.Н. Познакомьтесь: Великобритания. – М.: Рольф, Айрис-пресс, 1999.
  8. Колуфман К.И. Страницы Британской истории. - Обнинск.: Титул, 1999.
  9. Нестерова Н.М. Страноведение: Великобритания. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс,2005.
  10. Ощепкова В.В. Britain in Brief. – М.: “Лист”, 1999.
  11. Сатинова В.Ф. Британия и британцы. – Минск: “ВЫШЭЙШАЯ ШКОЛА”, 2004.
  12. Хишунина Т.Н. Customs, traditions and holidays in Britain. - СПб.: Просвещение,2000.

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