Грамматический тест для студентов СПО 1 курса.
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Красникова Наталья Борисовна

Тест включает 40 предложений, в которых нужно выбрать правильный вариант  из предложенных четырёх.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы из предложенных вариантов.

1. His name ___ Peter.





2. He ___ not from Turkey.





3. _____ eat salad and pizza.





4. That is _____ desk.





5. I like _____ to the theatre.



 c.to going  


6. What time ________ work?

 a.he starts  

 b.he start  

 c.does he starts  

 d.does he start  

7. ______ some books on the table.

 a.there isn't  

 b.there is  

 c.there are  

 d.there aren't  

8. _______ have a sandwich?

 a.can I  

 b.I can  

 c.am I  


9. I ________ on holiday in August.


 b.am usually go  

 c.usually go  

 d.go usually  

10. I sometimes work ___ Saturdays.





11. He ______ swim very well.

 a.not can  

 b.don't can  

 c.can't to  


12. I _____ a nice statuette last week.


 b.did bought  



13. There is _______ paper on the table





14. Her brother is ______ than me.



 c.more taller  

 d.more tall  

15. _________ any sisters or brothers?

 a.do you have  

 b.have you do  

 c.you have  

 d.do you  

16. She ____ wearing glasses now.





17. When ________ to buy me a computer?

 a.are you going to  

 b.you going  

 c.are you going  

 d.you are going  

18. I _________ to France.

 a.has never been  

 b.have never been  

 c.never was  

 d.was never  

19. It was nice _____ you.

 a.at meeting  

 b.to meeting  

 c.on meeting  

 d.to meet  

20. Would you like to go ____ the world?



 c.out of  


21. When she got back, the dog ________ her lipstick.

 a.was chewing  



 d.were chewing  

22. She's ____ youngest in the family.





23. There _______ a festival tomorrow.

a. will be  


 c.will to be  


24. Why ________ change your mind?

 a.had you to  

 b.must you  

 c.you had to  

 d.did you have to  

25. If I _____ to the post office, I'll post this letter for you.

 a.would go  



d.will go  

26. I _______ get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

 a.didn't use to  

 b.amn't used to  

 c.wasn't used to  

 d.didn't used to  

27. When ____ the radio ____?

 a.was, invented  

 b.was, invent  

 c.did, invent  

 d.did, invented  

28. If I ____ a lot of money, I would buy a house in the country.


 b.would have  


d.would had  

29. When I woke up, everybody else _________.

 a.had already left  

 b.already left  

 c.would left  

 d.already had left  

30. She said she _____ his new car.


 b.can to like  


 d.could to like  

31. He _______ ever since he arrived at the party. He's had eight beers so far.

 a.has drunk  

 b.was drinking  


 d.has been drinking  

32. After ______ to Manchester, the Johnsons felt much better.

 a.to move  


 c.having moved  


33. She can't afford ______ for her car.


 b.to paying  


 d.to pay  

34. We ______ been going out with each other for a year in September.



 c.will have  

 d.will be  

35. If the water had been warmer yesterday, I _______ gone swimming.

 a.won't have  

 b.would have  



36. This time next month I _______ lectures at a university.

 a.will attend  

 b.will be attending  


 d.am attending  

37. I haven't got _____ money. Could you lend me _____?

 a.some, some  

 b.any, any  

 c.any, some  

 d.some, any  

38. It's not very easy to live _________.

 a.by your own  

 b.on oneself  

 c.with oneself  

 d.on your own  

39. ___ money makes the world go round.





40. He thinks too much ___ himself.





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