Урок развития речи "Парад животных" 5 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Катанова Елена Валерьевна

Lesson objectives

Pupils will be able

·       revise the vocabulary and structures presented in the unit «Animal world»

·       to have fun

·       build up a feeling of achievement


Skills development

Pupils will practice

·       asking and answering questions

·       describing animals

·       speaking


Vocabulary: name of animals, colours, descriptive adjectives, verbs of physical movement.



Has got

Can/can’t (ability)

Present simple

I’d like to…

Possessive case

The comparative and the superlative forms of short adjectives.


Файл animal_parade.docx20.79 КБ
Файл animal_passport_1.docx143.97 КБ
Файл animal_passport.docx129.83 КБ
Файл animal_passport2.docx107.92 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Тема: «Animal Parade»

Класс: 5         

Учитель: Катанова Е.В.

Тип урока: урок развития речи, обобщения и систематизации


  1. образовательная – повторить и закрепить на практике названия животных, цвета, описательные прилагательные, глаголы действия, конструкции «has got», «can/can’t», «Present Simple», «I’d like to…», сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных;
  2. воспитательная – воспитание любви к животным;
  3. развивающая – развитие навыков сравнения, сопоставления, описания животных, умения задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, навыков говорения.

Приемы и методы: беседа, репродуктивный, эвристический, игра, практикум (сочинение - описание), работа в группах.

Оборудование: мультимедийная установка, экран, презентация, выполненная в Microsoft PowerPoint, раздаточный материал для работы в группах.

Ход урока

 I Организационный момент. Слово учителя.

Good morning, dear teachers and children! (слайд №1)

Today we are going to talk about animals, their characteristics and abilities, place of  living and what they like. We will also try to describe them. So , welcome to our Animal parade. (видеозаставка, слайд №2)

II Работа с конструкцией «has got». (слайд №3)

1 Look at the pictures of animals and say what you see.

1 a cat                                6 a dog

2 a bear                                7 a lion

3 a giraffe                        8 a wolf

4 a pig                                9 a zebra

5 a crocodile                        10 an elephant

2 Which animal is the first (third, seventh, tenth)?

The first animal is a cat.

The third animal is a giraffe.

The seventh animal is a lion.

3 What animal has got a long tail? (crocodile, lion, dog, cat, giraffe, wolf, elephant).

The crocodile has got a long tail.

4 What animal has got a short tail? (bear, pig).

5 What animal has got a long neck? (crocodile, giraffe).

6 What animal has got a short neck? (bear, pig lion, dog, cat, wolf).

7 What animal has got a sharp teeth? (crocodile, lion, wolf, bear).

III Работа с диаграммой «Wild and domestics animals» (слайд №4)

Divide the animals into two groups. What animals are wild? (The bear, the giraffe, the crocodile, the lion, the wolf, the zebra and the elephant are wild animals)

What animals are domestic? (The cat, the dog and the pig are domestic animals).

Звучит музыка «Farm song»

Please, tell me what animals have you heard? (cat, dog, cow, horse, donkey, pig, hen).

Let’s divide domestic animals into two groups (house pets, farm animals).

What animals are farm?

What animals are house pets?

Look at the characteristics of animals (big, little, long-legged, short- legged, long- necked…)

What wild animals are big? (lion, crocodile, elephant).

What animals are short - legged? (pig, crocodile).

What animals are long - legged? (giraffe, elephant).

What domestic animals are long - tailed? (cat, dog, cow, horse).

What domestic animals are short - tailed? (pig).

What domestic animals eat? (слайд №4 слово «EAT»).

The cat eats milk and fish.

The dog eats bread and meat.

The cow eats leaves and grass.

IV Работа с конструкцией «I’d like to…»

Look at the picture of animals and say what you see. (budgie/parrot, fish, spider, dog, cat,).

What animal would you like to keep as a pet?

I’d like to keep a parrot as a pet.

V The task «Odd one out»

Now you’ll see the pictures of 3 different animals. Two of them have a common feature: for example, a long tail or short legs. You should choose the animal that has not such a common feature. (слайд №6,7)

What animal have you chosen? Why?


1 a fox, a crocodile, a hare.

The fox has got a long tail. The crocodile has got a long tail too. But the hare  (rabbit) has got a short tail.

2 a pig, a crocodile, a giraffe.

The pig has got short legs. The crocodile has got short legs too. But the giraffe has got long legs.

VI Задание «Compare the animals» (слайд №8, 9)

1 An elephant, a crocodile, a tiger.

The tiger is bigger than the crocodile. The elephant is the biggest animal.

2 a dog, a cat, a monkey.

The dog is cleverer than the cat. The monkey is the cleverest animal.

VII Просмотр отрывков из фильмов о животных.

Now I invite you to watch the video extracts about animals. Pay attention to what the animal can do, what it eats, where it lives, whether it is a hunter. (слайды с видео №10,11,12.13)

1 The elephant lives in jungle, in Africa. It can run and swim. It eats leaves and fruit. It doesn’t hunt.

2 the monkey lives in jungle, in Africa. It can run, jump and climb. It eats leaves and fruit. It doesn’t hunt.

VIII Загадки про животных

Listen to the riddles about animals. Try to guess: «What animal is this?»

My coat is smooth and nice

It is of yellow colour

With pretty narrow stripes

(a tiger) (слайд№14)

In the forests of Africa there is a tall animal which has got a long neck.

He has got long legs and can outrun other animals.

What is the name of this animal?

(a giraffe) (слайд№15)

My beautiful tail

Is fluffy

And the colour of it

Is red

I hate the idea

Of it being a worn

Round your neck

Or upon your head

(a fox) (слайд№16)

I am big and

I am strong

And my trunk

Is very long

(an elephant) (слайд№17)

IX Составление паспорта и рассказа о животном

Today our class is divided into 3 teams: «Giraffe», «Fox», «Elephant». You should write a passport for your animals

And you should describe the animal on the basis of your passport. (слайд №18)

I think, you are ready. Please, read me your passports. Now the captains will read us their compositions.

X Номинации животных

Well, me have been on the parade of animals. Each animal is unique and deserve the prize. Today we have the following nominations(слайд № 19.20.21,22,23,24,25)

What medals are for the tiger? (the giraffe, the fox, the elephant)

The medal «a dangerous animal» is for tiger.

Вывод: What medals did these animals get?

The tiger got medals in the following nominations: a dangerous animal, sharp teeth.

XI Игра «Раскодируй фразу» (слайд №24.25)

What’s the message? This is the key to the code.


My favourite animal is a tiger. And what is your favourite animal?

XII Подведение итогов,  выставление оценок.

Предварительный просмотр:

Animal`s passport





Has got:




Предварительный просмотр:

Animal`s passport





Has got:




Предварительный просмотр:

Animal`s passport





Has got:




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