разработка урока английского языка для 6 класса
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему



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Открытый урок в 6 классе по теме "Что ты за человек?"
учитель английского языка МБОУ «Школа №23» г. Ростов-на-Дону

Барсегян Карине Владимировна

Цели и задачи урока:

1. Отработка лексики, связанной с описанием характера человека. Данный урок является вторым в цикле уроков, объединенных целью научить детей определять характер человека и его взаимоотношения со школьным коллективом. Лексика отрабатывается в монологических и диалогических высказываниях.
2. Использование новой лексики при чтении.
3.Повторение грамматики: образование слов противоположного значения с помощью суффиксов и префиксов.

Оснащение урока:

Учащиеся заранее готовят таблицу:



Your friend

Best qualities



Worst qualities



Тема урока: Appearance

У учащихся приколоты красочные значки:
Be friendly! Be careful! Don’t bully! Be cheerful! Be confident! Don’t be so serious! Smile! etc.

Ход урока:

1. Приветствие.

Teacher: Good afternoon, children.

Pupils: Good afternoon.

Teacher: Sit down, please. How are you? Feeling friendly? The theme of today’s lesson is “ What are you like?” We are going to have an interesting time together. You’ll tell the class about yourselves and your friends. You’ll play dialogues and discuss who is friendly and helpful and who is selfish. Then we’ll read a text and play a game. Let’s begin. What kind of person are you? What are your best qualities and your worst qualities? Be honest!

2. Дети рассказывают о себе.

Примерные высказывания детей (монологическая речь):

Pupil 1: I can’t be aggressive. I’m tidy, helpful, friendly and sociable. I am not bossy. My friends say that I have a good sense of humour – they always laugh at my jokes. My parents always say that I’m not serious. I’m a bit lazy and very talkative.

Pupil 2: I’d like to tell you about my friend. He is brilliant but he isn’t a “show off”. He is helpful, a good listener, sociable and very honest. He talks straight. He is very respectful. But he is too serious and critical.

Pupil 3: I’m not selfish. I’m generous. I’m polite and honest. But my friends say that I’m a bit talkative and bossy.

Teacher: Well, I see you are honest and critical. And now it’s time for drama. Let’s act out the dialogues “Can you do me a favour?” in the following true-to-life situations.



(Pupil 1 has some problems with English)

Pupil 1: Kate, can you do me a favour, please?

Pupil 2: Sure. What can I do for you?

Pupil 1: I’m afraid my English is not very good. Can you help me?

Pupil 2: All right! I’ll help you. Let’s meet after lessons.

Pupil 1: Thank you.

Pupil 2: No problem.


(Pupil 1 is ill)

Pupil 1: Jane, can you do me a favour, please?

Pupil 2: Yes. What is it?

Pupil 1: Can you give this book to Peter tomorrow? I won’t be going to school.

Pupil 2: OK. I’ll try to find him. I hope you get better soon.


(Pupil 1 has some problems with math)

Pupil 1: Ted, can you do me a favour? I have some problems with math. Can you help me?

Pupil 2: Oh, no. I’m very busy this week. I have a very interesting book and a new computer game.

Pupil 1: Sorry. I’ll ask Nick. He is more helpful.

На доске таблица:

Dialogue I

Dialogue II

Dialogue III

Kate is

Jane is

Ted is


Teacher: What is Kate like? What is Jane like? And what about Ted ?
Дети соединяют стрелками слова, характеризующие персонажи диалогов.
Teacher: Well done. You have understood the dialogues very well. Your opinions about these children are right. Now let’s read how American children elect a class president.
Read the text from the text-book and find out the main idea: “Who is the best class president?”

3. Чтение и обсуждение.

На доске таблица:


in favour of



Примерные высказывания детей:

Pupil 1: Julia is a good pupil. It’s a good quality for a president.

Pupil 2: She is not talkative. It’s another argument in favour of Julia.

Pupil 3: She is helpful. We can trust her.

Pupil 4: Ted is brave. It’s in his favour.

Pupil 5: Mandy is serious. It is a reason to vote for her.

Teacher: Now read some more opinions about these children and decide if they are in favour of or against each candidate.

Дети читают высказывания о кандидатах и заполняют таблицу.

4. Контроль домашнего задания.

Teacher: Your hometask was to build opposites using suffixes and prefixes. Please match the characteristics with their opposites.



5. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: Now you will take a test.

Каждый ученик получает карточку, которая включает в себя задания по теме урока. После выполнения работы учащимся предлагается обменяться выполненными тестами. Правильные ответы даны на доске.


I. Complete the sentences using the right word:

1. Nick has a ________ smile for everybody.

A. busy
B. tall
C. friendly

2. Ted is polite to every man and ________ to every woman and girl.

A. straight
B. respectful
C. untidy

3. Peter is helpful but a bit _________.

A. generous
B. clever
C. bossy

4. Mike always looks you right in the eyes. He is _________.

A. shy
B. honest
C. tall

5. Mr. Green writes books for children and he is ________.

A. careless
B. confident
C. angry

II. Match these characteristics with the correct definitions.

1. does stupid things
2. keeps her/his things in the right place
3. likes to chat
4. has got a lot of friends
5. leaves his/her clothes everywhere
6. never looks upset

a) tidy
b) silly
c) sociable
d) careless
e) talkative
f) cheerful

Keys to the tests:

I. 1. C; 2. B; 3. C; 4. B; 5. B

II. 1. b; 2. a; 3. e; 4. c; 5. d; 6. f

Teacher: Now you know your marks. Tell me please what we have done today.

Pupil 1: We have described our character.

Pupil 2: We have acted out the dialogues and discussed them.

Pupil 3: We have read the text.

Pupil 4: We have taken a test.

Teacher: Good. What was most interesting for you? What was difficult or boring?

Pupil 1: The text was interesting.

Pupil 2: The test was not boring.

Teacher: Thank you very much for your work. Here is a box “Thanks a Bunch” with some thank you letters.

Дети поочередно достают из шкатулки письма с похвалами.

Teacher: Good-bye, my dears. See you soon.

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