Урок РК "Урал"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Колганова Марина Викторовна

Изучаем родной край. К сожалению, одна из презентаций слишком тяжёлая.))


Microsoft Office document icon plan_uroka.doc44.5 КБ
Office presentation icon the_urals_by_m.ppt816 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка к проекту

План урока

«Моя прекрасная Родина — Южный Урал»

(в рамках УМК Биболетовой М.З., Трубаневой Н.Н.

«Английский с удовольствием» / “Enjoy English” для 8 класса.)

Цели урока:

  1. Развивать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся в сфере устной монологической и диалогической речи.
  2. Развивать познавательную активность учащихся с привлечением наблюдения, изучения иллюстраций, восприятия, анализа и обобщения демонстрируемых материалов.
  3. Познакомить учащихся с природой Челябинской области, прививать им любовь к родному краю.


  1. Расширить активный словарный запас учащихся за счёт включения следующих единиц по теме «Экология и охрана окружающей среды»: nature - natural, to protect – protection, ecology – ecological, explore – exploration, pollute – pollution, environment – environmental, danger – dangerous, chemical waste, environmental problems/ research, air / sea pollution, antipollution laws, power station, junk food, throwaway packaging, species of animals, alarming predictions…
  2. Развивать навыки аудирования.
  3. Тренировка словообразовательных навыков.
  4. Продолжать формировать умения школьников по составлению диалогов по теме.
  5. Развивать умение извлекать необходимую информацию из прочитанного текста/презентации, выделять главное.

Ход урока:

  1. Lead-in.(1-2 min) Teacher: Today we’ll speak about our native land, its beauty and peculiarities, its nature and wildlife, its industry, ecology and people. We’ll speak about Chelyabinsk Region.
  2. Listening. (5-6min) But first I’d like you to look at the screen where you can see a poem about our land. But there are missing words in the poem, so, will you please listen to it carefully and fill in the lost words. (Презентация «The Urals1 by M»)

The Urals                by M. Kolganova

The land between the continents,

Which lays in Europe and Asia,

Your mountains are wonderful

And so beautiful is your nature!

        I like your streams and forests,

Your fields and summer flowers,

        Adore your winter beauty,

        Which shines like precious diamonds!

The supporting land of Russia

Someday you were called.

You helped to save our country

And may be even the world!

        You’re rich in different minerals,

Birch forests big and little,

Diverse amazing animals

And kind hardworking people!

The land between the continents,

Which lays in Europe and Asia,

Your treasures are innumerous,

But I adore your nature!

Now let’s read the poem and translate it into Russian.

  1. (3min) So, what does our nature, our environment consist of? Let’s read this.(ex.7 p.42) Start presentation “What Amazing Land!”


Natural geographical features                                Man-made geographical features

(Environment which has not                 Living organisms        (Environment which has not been

been much changed by people)                                much changed by human activity)

Classify the words of exercise 7 according to the types of environment.

Words: climate, weather, mountains, towns, forests, fishes, plant species, houses, lakes, seas, oceans, continents, canals, human beings, trees, minerals, air, water, natural channels, railways, islands, animals, land, farms, factories, wild parks, picture galleries, insect species, other planets, the Moon.

  1. Survey.(2-3min) But what features make Chelyabinsk Region so special?

What is so beautiful here?

What is also very important in our region?

So, we come to the conclusion that our nature is beautiful and unique but there are a lot of mineral resources and industrial enterprises in our region which are also very important for the region and for our country as well. And here we come to the problem of the protection of our environment.

  1. Reading.(6-7 min) Now let’s watch the presentation and be ready to answer some questions about the facts you’ll see and read in the presentation.

(Презентация “What Amazing Land!”)


  1. Where is our region situated?
  2. Are the Ural Mountains young or old?
  3. What is the territory of Chelyabinsk Region?
  4. How much is the population of our region?
  5. How many deposits of minerals were discovered on the territory of our region?
  6. Are there any nature reserves or national parks here?
  7. How else are the Urals called?
  8. How many species of animals live on the territory of Chelyabinsk Region?
  9. How many species of birds live on the territory of Chelyabinsk Region?
  10. What ecological problems are there in Chelyabinsk Region?
  11. Why can we say that our land is amazing?

  1. Dialogues.(4-6min) Let’s think what we can do to improve the situation in our region and to avoid or solve some eco problems… Discuss it with your partner using the following words and phrases:

Plant trees and colourful flowers, create new parks and lovely gardens with exotic plants, it’s worth trying, not to pollute our homeland, attract attention, do research on, throw away less litter, avoid buying junk food, not to smoke, leave food for wild animals and birds in winter, serious environmental problems, help to clean up the local environment…

Now let’s listen to some dialogues.

  1. Reading.(4-5min) And now you’ll read the text of ex.12 on page 43. You’ve got 4 minutes to read and understand the text and give it a title.

Listen to the sentences and say if they are true or false according to the text, you’ve just read:

  1. Many species of animals and birds have disappeared. (true)
  2. The country air is clean and fresh. (false)
  3. Some rivers are polluted by chemical waste and are empty of fish. (true)
  4. Forests the size of Belgium are planted every year. (false)
  5. Pollution is very dangerous for wildlife but not for people. (false)
  6. Environmental problems are getting worse all the time. (true)
  7. Scientists have made alarming predictions. (true)

  1. Writing.(3-4min) And now you are to do a written exercise. Please, fill in the words given on your cards changing their forms. Make adjectives out of nouns or nouns out of verbs. You’ve got 4 minutes.

There are several … organizations in Chelyabinsk Region.


Pollution is very … for wildlife and people.


Our beautiful lakes need … .


Air and water … is one of the most serious … problems of our days in our region.


… of … resources can also cause environmental problems.

If you do everything well and still have some time left, it’s possible to do ex.17(Look through the text and find the sentences with the passive voice.) and ex.18(Look through the text and find the words which match these rules: nouns with suffix –tion /verb=noun /adjectives with suffix –al) on page 44.

  1. Homework.(2min) page 56 exercise 5

Write a short essay about your area. Use the following guidelines:

  •  Write where it is situated, how far it is from the capital city of your country and your region.
  •  Write about its population (how many people, what nationalities, what languages are spoken and taught).
  •  Describe its man-made features and architecture (houses, streets, galleries, theatres, etc.)
  •  Describe its geographical features and wildlife (rivers, climate, weather, plants and animals, etc.).
  • ADD Ecological problems and ways of solving or avoiding these problems in our region.

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