Открытый урок английского языка в 8 классе "Совершенствование навыков аудирования"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Садыкова Резеда Фаритовна

Открытый урок разработан полностью на английском языке, уровень владения англ.языком у учащихся  - выше среднего. Тема "A Lucky Break!" по УМК "New Millenium English"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый Урок Английского языка

8 «А» класса

A LUCKY BREAK! Listening (аудирование)

Teacher’s actions

Students’ actions

  1. Good morning I’m glad to see you sit down please. Today we are going to speak about advertisements. At first tell me please

Where can you see adverts? Do you like adverts? and  Which ones are effective what do you think?

  1. Yes, you are right. We see adverts every day – in the street, on television, in supermarkets and in newspapers and magazines.
  2. Now look at the black board, read these adverts and tell me please:

Which advert Варианты: a)wants to sell smth. b)gives information about an event c)asks for smth. d)offers help

  1. Please open your books at page 20 Listening A lucky break (работа в рекламе).

Please Динар read these words in the box at the top of the page (noise – a sound, especially a loud or unpleasant)

Your task is to match the verbs to the nouns. Begin please, take 1 minute.

Let’s check your answers    

Look at these pictures and  decide What is being advertised? 

  1. Exercise1 True or false

Now you will hear Sarah and Luke talking about advertisements on TV and please decide if the statements are true or false. Let’s read the statements (translate). Please listen and decide.

Now listen to the cassette again make some notes to correct false statements. (ставлю 2 раз)

Are you ready to discuss?  

  1. Exercise 2A Note-taking

 Now please look at the Quick Tip.  Катя     please read (translate). Remember that you shouldn’t try to write complete sentences when you make notes.

Now you will hear a radio programme about two actors, Georgina and Danny they work in TV advertisements. Please look at these words and copy them into your vocabularies.

glamorous (seeming more exciting or attractive than ordinary things) – эффектный, обаятельный.

fun (amusing or enjoyable) – веселый, забавный

tiring (making you want to rest or sleep) - утомительный

embarrassing (making you feel uncomfortable or shy) - смущающий, затруднительный

exciting (making you feel very happy) - захватывающий, волнующий.

Please repeat after me …

Now please Женя read these words (Гузель please read)

Which of these words do you think they might use to describe their jobs? Please discuss in pairs.

  1. Exercise 2B

Please look at the boxes for Danny and Georgina and read. Listen carefully and complete these notes (1). Now listen to the cassette again and check your notes(2). Let’s discuss.

  1. Exercise 3A Stressed Words

Some words in English sentences are more stressed than others, and they are the words that carry the most information (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives)

Read the sentence : My favourite advertisement on the television is an advert for trainers.

What do you think which two words are stressed?(написать на доске)

Please listen to the recording and check. Have you guessed right?

Let’s practice and do task 3B.

  1. Exercise 3B 

1. Underline stressed words work on your own.

2 Now compare your answers with your partner’s.  Listen and check. Read the first sentence mind your stress.

  1. Advert

Now please try and write your own advert. Use the notes to help you. Work in group please.

  1. Decide what your advert is for and give it a heading: For sale/Found!/Wanted
  2. Describe the item.
  3. Give important details like the price, or where you found the item, or how much you will pay for it.
  4. Give your contact details.

The first group show your advert. Read it please.

  1. Home task

Give me your Work books

Be ready to speak about your attitude towards advertisement and learn new words.


in the sheets of newspaper, TV programme, in the shops, etc.

Celebrities are used to sell expensive goods (because companies want us to link the products with success and beauty)


watch/see – a programme

see – a picture

listen – to a CD

hear – a noise

1 picture –

2- sweets (chocolate)

3- computer game

1. Luke likes the chocolate advert. (T)

2. Sarah thinks all adverts are good.(F)

3. Luke thinks some adverts are funny. (T)

4. Sarah can’t understand Luke’s sense of humor. (T)

5. Most actors appear in TV advert in their career. (T)

  1. The adverts are terrible.
  2. Why aren’t there more adverts on TV?
  3. Do actors really enjoy appearing in TV ads?

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