контрольные работы для 6-7 классов
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Пискунова Ирина Михайловна

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Предварительный просмотр:

Be + indication I. Give additional information about subjects, using formulas: this is/these are. Examples: This is a room (large). = This/that is a large room. These are notebooks (thin). = These/those are thin notebooks. 

  1. This is a car (comfortable). =
  2. That is a tent (little). =
  3. This is an apple (tasty). =
  4. That is a bag (brown). =
  5. This is a carpet ((thick). =
  6. This is a bank (big). =
  7. This is a text (easy). =
  8. This is a lake ( deep). =
  9. That is a vase (nice). =
  10. This is a tie (red). =
  11. Those are cups (blue). =
  12. These are shelves (good). =
  13. Those are hats (old). =
  14. These are chains (silver). =
  15. Those are coats (warm). =
  16. Those are pictures (beautiful). =
  17. These are knives (sharp). =
  18. Those are carpets (new). =
  19. These are oranges (sweet). =
  20. Those are books (interesting).=

II. Use possessive adjectives. Example: That is an umbrella (my). = It’s my umbrella. 

  1. This is a typewriter (her). =
  2. Those are books (our). =
  3. These are maps (their). =
  4. That is a tie (his). =
  5. Those are pencils (her). =
  6. That is a toy (your). =
  7. This is a bed (my). =
  8. Those are apples (our). =
  9. That is a coat (his). =
  10. That is a car (their). =

Be + possession III. Use possessive pronouns . Example: these are our books = The books are ours. 

  1. Those are their tickets. =
  2. Is this your pen? =
  3. That is our dog. =
  4. This is her typewriter. =
  5. Are those your gloves? =
  6. Is that my umbrella? =
  7. This is Mary’s hat. =
  8. That is my brother’s house. =
  9. This is his coat. =
  10. Are these my flowers? =

IV. Answer the questions, using the words in brackets.
Example: Which car is theirs? (green) = The green one is theirs. 

  1. Which pencil is yours? (red). =
  2. Which bag is Mary’s? (brown). =
  3. Which coat is his? (black). =
  4. Which house is theirs? (small). =
  5. Which glass is yours? (that). =
  6. Which umbrella is hers? (blue). =
  7. Which notebooks are theirs? (thin). =
  8. Which room is ours? (room 30). =

Be + appearance of things/quality ratings
V. Ask the questions according to the example. Example: your car/black = What colour is your car? – It’s black. 

  1. your suit/grey. =
  2. the shoes/brown. =
  3. the walls/blue. =
  4. your hat/white. =
  5. the coat/black. =
  6. the sofa/green. =
  7. the carpet/red. =

VI. Translate into English. 

  1. Это ваша газета? – Нет, это газета Билла. =
  2. Какая твоя новая квартира? – Она большая и светлая. =
  3. Чей это автомобиль, твой или твоего отца? – Моего отца. =
  4. Где наши билеты? – Они у меня в сумке. =
  5. Какого цвета твое новое пальто? – Оно синее. =
  6. Николай сейчас в Москве? – Да. =
  7. Это твоя ручка? –Нет, моя красная. Думаю, что это ручка Билла. =
  8. Где мой зонтик? - Посмотри на письменном столе. =

VII. Answer the questions. 

  1. What’s your name? =
  2. Where are you from? =
  3. What nationality are you? =
  4. How old are you? =
  5. What’s your job? =
  6. What’s your address? =
  7. What’s your friend’s name? =
  8. Where is he/she from? =
  9. What is your friend like? =

VIII. Use the correct forms of the verb “to be”.
Example: … you at home? = Are you at home? 
Jill: Hello. … we all here today? = Maria: John … missing and Lisa … missing too. = John: Good morning! Here I … . = Lisa: Sorry, I … late. = Jill: Oh, that … all right. … you both OK? = John: Yes, we … . =





I. Change sentences according to the example.

Example: We have a big kitchen = We’ve got a big kitchen/We have got a big kitchen.

Do you have a sister or a brother? Have you got a sister or a brother?

  1. They have a new office. =
  2. I have a sister. =
  3. I don’t have a brother. =
  4. Jack has a bicycle. =
  5. Jack doesn’t have a car. =
  6. Jane has a dog, hasn’t she? =
  7. Do you have a phone? =
  8. What do you have in your hand? =
  9. Do you have a sister or a brother? =
  10. You don’t have a dog, don’t you? =

II. Fill in the gaps with SOME, ANY, NO.

  1. Mary has got … money. =
  2. Jack hasn’t got … money. =
  3. Have you got … cheese? Yes, I’ve got … . =
  4. We’ve got … oranges. =
  5. We haven’t got … lemons. =
  6. Has your brother got … Spanish books? =
  7. Yes, he has … . =
  8. You haven’t got … relatives in London, have you? No, I haven’t got … . =

III. Answer the questions.

  1. Have you got a family? =
  2. Have you got a sister or a brother? =
  3. Have you got a good flat? =
  4. Have you got a large kitchen? =
  5. Has your kitchen got a fridge? =
  6. Your flat has got a balcony, hasn’t it? =
  7. Have you got a telephone in your flat? =
  8. Have you got any good records? =
  9. Have you got a car? =
  10. Have you got a garage? =

IV. Answer according to the examples.

Examples: Has he got an electric shaver? (German) – Yes, he’s got a German one. What about sunglasses? (expensive) – He’s got expensive ones.

  1. Has he got a pocket calculator? (American). =
  2. What about gloves? (leather). =
  3. Has he got a digital watch? (Japanese) =
  4. What about a car? (Korean) =
  5. Has he got a computer? (portable) =
  6. What about nice ties? (silk) =
  7. Has he got a holiday home? (small) =
  8. What about children? (two young). =

V. Translate into English.

  1. У Виктора есть друзья? =
  2. Да, у него есть 2 хороших друга. =
  3. У меня нет денег. У меня тоже. =
  4. У меня есть несколько газет. У меня тоже. =
  5. У тебя есть конфеты? Да, есть несколько. =
  6. У меня нет пианино. =
  7. У тебя есть сахар? Да, есть немного. =
  8. У нее нет родственников в Лондоне. =
  9. У тебя есть немного свободного времени? =
  10. Да, я сейчас свободен. =

VI. Fill in the gaps with the constructions “there is/there are, is there/are there”.

1… a cup on the table. =

  1. … a box on the floor. =
  2. . … a glass on the sideboard. =
  3. . … a knife on the plate. =
  4. … a fork on the tin. =
  5. … a cup on the table? =
  6. … a box on the floor? =
  7. … a glass in the sideboard? =
  8. What … on the plate? =
  9. What … in the fridge? =
  10. … some cigarettes on the dressing table. =
  11. … some plates on the cooker. =
  12. … some shoes on the floor. =
  13. … some knives on the table. =
  14. … any cigarettes on the dressing table? =
  15. … any plates on the cooker? =
  16. … any cups in the fridge? =
  17. … any knives on the shelf? =

VII. Ask questions to the text.

Mrs. Smith’s kitchen is small. = There is a fridge in the kitchen. = It is white. It is on the right. = There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. = The cooker is blue. It is on the left.= There is a table in the middle of the room.= There is a vase on the table. = There are flowers in it. = There is a cup on the table too. = The cup is clean. =

VIII. Write about your kitchen.

IX. Fill in the gaps with “there is/there are, this, the”.

  1. … a lot of trees in our street. … trees are old. =
  2. … an airport in our town. … airport is not far from the centre. =
  3. . … is my brother. He is a journalist. =
  4. … no cigarettes in the box. =
  5. Sorry, … nobody in the office now. … secretary is out and … chief is at the meeting. =
  6. … is my new flat. … three rooms in it. =
  7. … hospital is 2 blocks from here. =
  8. … is Queen street. … a lot of offices in it. … building at the end of the street is my office. =
  9. Where is … typewriter? =

X. Fill in the gaps with “some, any, no”.

  1. I’d like to buy … flowers. We haven’t got … in the garden now. =
  2. There’s … butter on the table, but there isn’t … milk.=
  3. Is there … paper on the desk? No, there isn’t … =
  4. Are there … pictures in this book? Yes, there are … =
  5. We haven’t got … sugar. Go and buy … please. =
  6. There is … carpet in our bedroom, but there is one in the sitting room. =
  7. There is … cheese on the able. =
  8. I’ve got … interesting books to read. =
  9. Have you got … money? Yes, I have … =
  10. There are … magazines here, but there are … on that shelf. =

XI. Translate into English.

  1. У моего друга хорошая двухкомнатная квартира. =
  2. Комнаты большие и светлые. =
  3. В гостиной стоит стол и 4 стула. =
  4. Справа находится книжный шкаф. =
  5. В левом углу телевизор и кресло. =
  6. Спальня тоже большая. =
  7. В ней находятся две кровати и гардероб. =
  8. На полу красивый ковер. =
  9. Кухня очень удобная. =
  10. Там есть балкон. =
  11. в вазе есть цветы? =
  12. Да, в ней несколько роз. =
  13. В твоем чае нет сахара. =
  14. Положи немного. =
  15. Есть ли английские журналы в нашей библиотеке? Нет. =






I. Change the following sentences as in the example.

Example: Give me that vase.=Give that vase to me.

  1. Show me that picture. =
  2. Give her those flowers. =
  3. Send George that letter. =
  4. Give Mr. Jones these books. =
  5. Give the children these ice-creams. =
  6. Please, bring John that chair. =
  7. Take her those newspapers. =
  8. Pass him the salt. =

II. Put in me, him, her, us, them.

Example: Give Tin this short. Give … this one, too. = Give Tim this short. Give him this one, too.

  1. Give Jane this watch. Give … this one, too. =
  2. Give the children these ice-creams. Give … these ice-creams, too. =
  3. Give Tom this book. Give … this one too. =
  4. That is my passport. Give … my passport, please. =
  5. That is my coat. Give … my coat, please. =
  6. Those are our umbrellas. Give … our umbrellas, please. =
  7. That is Jane’s dictionary. Give … the dictionary, please. =

III. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

Example: Take the books … the table and put them … your bag = Take the book from the table and put them into your bag.

  1. Show me this map. Show it … me. =
  2. Go … the room … the corridor. =
  3. Take that pencil and put it … front … you. =
  4. Come …, please. =
  5. Give these notebooks … Lucy. =
  6. Take the magazine … her and show it … us. =
  7. Take the cup … Jane and put it … the table. =
  8. Close your book and put it … your bag. =
  9. Go … the door and close it. =
  10. Send the telegram …Mr. Smith. =

IV. Use the proper pronouns.

  1. The children are hungry. Give … something to eat. =
  2. We are students. This is … classroom. =
  3. Take the book from the table and put it into … bag. =
  4. Betty has a temperature. Give … some tablets. =
  5. Ted is a schoolboy. … marks are good. =
  6. Those are our books. Give … our books, please. =

V. Translate into English.

  1. Дай мне карандаш. – Черный? – Нет, красный. =
  2. Возьми вазу из буфета и поставь ее на стол. =
  3. Лекция очень интересная. Не пропусти ее. =
  4. Позвони Лене. Она сейчас дома. =
  5. На столе грязная посуда. Вымой ее. =
  6. Не бери мой словарь. Возьми словарь Ани. =
  7. Покажи нам свой новый велосипед. Вот он. =
  8. Я встаю в 7.30. =
  9. Сейчас 12.15. =
  10. В воскресенье мы обедаем в 14.00. =

VI. Answer the following questions.

  1. How many days in a week are there? =
  2. What is the first day? =
  3. What are the weekdays? =
  4. What are the weekends? =
  5. How many months are there in the year? =
  6. What is the first month? =
  7. December is the last month, isn’t it? =
  8. Is May the fifth or the eleventh month? =
  9. What are the spring months? =
  10. What are the summer months? =
  11. What are the autumn months? =
  12. What are the winter months? =
  13. What are the four seasons? =






I. Give some additional information according to the example.

Example: Lucy is reading (a magazine).= Is she reading a magazine? Yes, she is. She is reading a magazine. No, she isn’t. She isn’t reading a magazine.

  1. Dick is writing (a letter). =
  2. Donald is working (in the garden). =
  3. The girls are playing (volley-ball). =
  4. Betty and Kate are typing (the documents).=
  5. Jane is washing (the floor). =
  6. The men are drinking (beer). =
  7. Mary is drawing (a picture). =
  8. She is dancing (with Paul). =

II. Make up general questions and answer either in positive or in negative according to the example.

Example: you/watch TV. = Are you watching TV at the moment? Yes, I am. Or No, I am not. I am talking to Lucy.

  1. the students/write test. =
  2. Mary/have an English class. =
  3. Roger/swim. =
  4. Peter/listens to the news. =
  5. Mary/do her homework. =
  6. you/wait for Alice. =
  7. you/look for your flowers. =

III. Make up alternative questions.

Example: Helen is reading (a newspaper or a magazine) = Is she reading a newspaper or a magazine?

  1. The children are playing (tennis or football). =
  2. Mary is typing (a letter or an article). =
  3. Mrs. Jones is cooking (lunch or dinner)? =
  4. The students are writing (a test or a dictation? =
  5. The Browns are traveling (about Italy or about France) =

IV. Make up disjunctive questions.

Example: Dick is writing (a letter) = Dick is writing a letter, isn’t he?

Dick isn’t writing (a letter) = Dick isn’t writing a letter, is he&

  1. The Baxters are traveling (about Ireland). =
  2. The boys aren’t playing football (in the yard).=
  3. Jane is reading (an English book). =
  4. Jody isn’t cooking (meat). =
  5. Mrs. Green is typing (documents). =
  6. The children aren’t eating (cheese). =

V. Ask special questions with prepositions.

Example: John is waiting for somebody (who) = Who is he waiting for?

  1. They are talking about something (what). =
  2. He is speaking to somebody (who). =
  3. She is listening to something (what). =
  4. She is looking at something (what). =
  5. They are waiting for somebody (who). =
  6. Peter is playing cards with somebody (who). =
  7. I’m thinking about something (what). =
  8. She is looking for something (what) =

VI. Respond to the following questions as in the example.

Example: What is Mike doing here? =I have no idea what he is doing here.

  1. Who is he waiting for? =
  2. What are they talking about? =
  3. Where is he going? =
  4. What is she cooking? =
  5. Who are they speaking to? =
  6. What is she typing? =
  7. Where are they traveling?=
  8. What is he looking at? =
  9. What are they looking for?=
  10. What are they listening to? =

VII. Express solidarity either in positive or in negative.

Example: I am watching TV at the moment (I). So am I.

I am not watching TV at the moment (I). Neither am I.

1.We are cleaning our yard (we) =

Jane isn’t washing the windows (Dick). =

Mike is fixing the TV set (Roger) =

The children aren’t eating ice-cream (their parents) =

I am studying French (Lucy) =

We are not playing cards (we). =

John isn’t writing a test (Mary). =

VIII. Use the correct forms of the verbs.

1. Everybody (to be) very busy now. Mr. Anderson (to clean) his apartment. Mrs. Wilson (to fix) her kitchen sink. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (to paint) their living room. Mrs. Black (to do) her exercises. Tommy Lee (to feed) his dog. And Mr. and Mrs. Lane (to wash) their car. I (to be) busy, too. I (to wash) my windows and I (to watch) my neighbours.

2. What you (to do) now? – I (to type). What you (to type)? – An article. Your brother (to be) at home? Yes, he (to read) something in the living room. Where (to be) the children? They (to play) in the garden. How (to be) your mother? What she (to do)? She (to visit) her friend now.

IX. Translate into English.

  1. Где Роджер? - Он в своей комнате. Что он делает? - Он чинит телевизор. =
  2. Что вы пишете? - Я пишу письмо своей сестре. =
  3. Энн все еще печатает? - Да. =
  4. О чем вы думаете? - О своей работе. =
  5. Что делают сейчас Джейн и Дик? - Они слушают музыку. =
  6. Что вы ищете? – Я ищу зонтик. =








I. Fill in the gaps with proper indefinite pronouns:

a) something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody

1. There is … in the bag. 2. There isn’t … in the room. 3. Give me … to read. 4. Has … got a red pencil? 5. Is there … new? 6. I can see … at the window. 7. … can answer the question. 8. – Where is the book? - It’s on the table. –But there is … there. 9. Is … absent today?

b) a lot of, many, much, few, a few, little, a little

1. Hurry up! We have very … time. 2. Don’t make so … noise. 3. There are … tape recorders, but very … TV sets. 4. Is there … or … snow in England in winter? 5. Are there … mistakes in my dictation? 6. – There are only … pictures in this book. 7. There is still … sugar in my tea. May I ask for some more? 8. Can you describe the situation in … words? 9. We haven’t got … pear-trees in our garden, but there are … apple trees. 10. How … water is there in the tea-pot? – Very … .

II. Translate into English.

1. Сколько кинотеатров в вашем городе? - Есть несколько. Два или три. 2. У вас есть мел? Да, есть немного. 3. У них слишком много мебели в гостиной. 4. Дайте мне что-нибудь почитать. 5. В вазе ничего нет. 6. Сколько у него сестер? - У него нет сестер. 7. В квартире никого нет. 8. На столе что-то лежит. 9. В конторе кто-нибудь есть?

III. Respond to the following questions as in the example.

Example: - Can you swim and dive? - I can swim, but I can’t dive.

1. Can you knit and sew? 2. Can the baby walk and run? 3. Can she dance and sing? 4. Can he read and write? 5. Can you draw and paint?

IV. Ask for additional information as in the example.

Example: - I can’t play cricket. (What games). – What games can you play?

1. You can’t take all these books. (which books) 2. She can’t finish the work. (when) 3. You can’t keep the book long. (how long) 4. I can’t visit Peter tonight. (when) 5. We can’t stay at this hotel. (where)

V. Respond expressing solidarity as in the example.

Example: - Kate can type. (Betsy) – So can Betsy.

- Alice can’t type. (Lucy) – Neither can Lucy.

1. Robert can drive. (Jack) 2. Alex can’t dance. (Nick) 3. I can drive a car. (my brother) 4. Mike can’t draw. (Jane) 5. We can ski. (we) 6. She can’t cook. (her husband) 7. I can swim well. (Peter)

VI. Respond expressing surprise as in the examples.

Example: - I can’t swim. – Can’t you?

- Mike can swim well. – Can he?

1. I can play poker. 2. I can’t dance. 3. I can take shorthand. 4. I can’t cook. 5. I can do card tricks. 6. I can’t sew. 7. I can drive.

VII. Ask and give permission as in the example.

Example: - May I go out for a moment, please? – Yes, you may./Yes, please./ Please, do./Certainly.

Prompts: 1. open the window; 2. Listen to the record; 3. Switch on the radio; 4. Go home; 5. Borrow your pen; 6. Talk with you. 7. Come in.

VIII. Ask and deny permission as in the example.

Example: - May I smoke here? – Please, don’t/ I’m afraid not/ No, you mustn’t

Prompts: 1. use your car; 2. close the door; 3. borrow your umbrella; 4. go out; 5. take your dictionary; 6. cross the street now; 7. buy an ice-cream;

IX. Respond using the modal verb “must” to express obligation as in the examples.

Examples: A) - The suit is nice. (buy) – You must buy it.

B) - You’ve got a temperature. (go out) – You mustn’t go out.

A) 1. Bill is ill. (visit) 2. Jane is very busy. (help) 3. It’s 8.40. (go to school) 4. It’s 12 o’clock. (have lunch) 5. It’s late. (go to bed).

B) 1. It’s too cold. (stay out long) 2. He is very busy now. (speak to him) 3. There is a child in the room. (smoke) 4. It’s Peter’s textbook. (take) 5. You have much homework for tomorrow. (watch TV)

X. Give short answers to the following questions either positive or negative as in the example.

Example: - Must I help him? – Yes, you must./ No, you needn’t.

1. Must I wait for him? 2. Must she copy the text? 3. Must we go there today? 4. Must I send them an e-mail? 5. Must he type the documents? 6. Must they come at 5 sharp?

XI. Fill in the gaps with the proper modal verbs.

  1. … I have you type-writer for a week, please? 2. … I help you? – No, you … 3. – I … type. I think you … learn typing. 4. - … I help Peter? – Yes, you … He … do the work himself. 5. - … I go out, Mum? – No, you … It’s too cold. 6. Jane … skate. – So … Mary.






I. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the example.

Example: Tom is a good tennis player. – Tom plays tennis very well.

1. Mrs. Green is a very good typist. 2. My wife is a good cook. 3. Jack is a hard worker. 4. Helen is a slow reader. 5. The girls are good singers. 6. Mary is a fast runner. 7. Mr. Robinson is a good speaker.

II. Complete the sentences as in the example.

Example: Jack knows French … (Italian)

Jack knows French, but he doesn’t know Italian.

1. We write dictations… (grammar tests). 2. They play hockey… (cricket). 3. She likes tea… (coffee). 4. He skates well … (ski) 5. Mrs. Smith teaches Spanish… (French) 6. My friend speaks English … (Italian).

III. Express your disagreement as in the examples.

A) Example: - Mike finishes work at 5, doesn’t he? (at 6) – No, he doesn’t. He finishes work at 6.

1. Betty likes tennis, doesn’t she? (volley-ball) 2. Tom teaches Spanish, doesn’t he? (Russian) 3. Mr. Baxter works at an office, doesn’t he? (in a shop) 4. Jack makes many mistakes, doesn’t he? (few) 5. You usually travel by air, don’t you? (by train)

B) Example; - Mary doesn’t know Italian, does she? – Yes, she does. She knows Italian well.

1. Mike doesn’t skate, does he? 2. Your friend doesn’t drive, does he? 3. You don’t work at weekends, do you? 4. Jack doesn’t like hockey, does he? 5. They don’t play cards, do they?

IV. Complete the sentences using adverbs of frequency as in the examples. Pay attention to the place of adverbs in the sentences.

Examples: Susan often plays chess… (seldom cards). Susan often plays chess, but she seldom plays cards.

Mike is often late… (Peter never). Mike is often late, but Peter is never late.

Robert always speaks English… (never Italian). 2. Our mother is usually at home in the evening … (seldom in the afternoon). 3. I don’t often travel by air … (usually by train). 4. They are always at work at 5 … (seldom at 7). 5. I don’t often have coffee in the evening… (always in the morning).

V. Respond to the following questions as in the examples. Pay attention to the direct word order in the indirect questions.

A) Example: - Does Gemma speak French? – I don’t know. You ask her if (whether) she speaks French.

1. Does Ronald often see Mary? 2. Does Peter drive a car? 3. Does Ann type well? 4. Do Betty and Susan like pop music? 5. Do they work hard?

B) Example: - Does Alice know Chinese? – I don’t know (I have no idea, I’m not sure) if she knows Chinese. Perhaps she does.

1. Does Philip play chess? 2. Does Peter collect coins? 3. Do the Browns ever rest at the seaside? 4. Does Nick go in for sports? 5. Does Mary live in London?

C) Example: - Where does Peter work? - I don’t know (I have know idea) where he works.

1. What games does Mary play? 2. When does Jack finish his work? 3. Where does Helen study? 4. When does Lucy have her classes? 5. How does Jane get to work?

D) Example: - Paul dines at 2. (where) – I wonder (I’d like to know) where he dines.

1. Jack lives far. (where) 2. Mike comes early. (when) 3. Betty often visits her parents. (how often) 4. Roger wants to buy a dictionary. (what dictionary). 5. Lucy often misses her classes. (why).

VI. Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. The swimming pool (open) at 9 am and (close) at 7.30 pm. 2. I have a car, but I (use, not) it very often. 3. How many cigarettes you (smoke) a day? 4. What you (do)? 5. Where your father (come) from? 6. He (come) from Scotland. 7. If you need money, why you (get, not) a job? 8. I (play) the piano, but I (play, not) very well.

VII. Translate into English.

  1. Вы часто видите моего брата в офисе? 2. Роберт никогда мне не пишет. 3. Почему она не готовит сама? 4. У нее нет времени. 5. Интересно, почему Виктор нам не звонит? 6. Ты не знаешь, он курит? 7. Не имею ни малейшего представления. 8. Петр не говорит по-немецки, не правда ли? 9. Нет, говорит.








I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense forms, make necessary changes.

1. – Where (be) Mary? – She (be) in the kitchen. – What she (do) there? – She (cook) dinner. – She always (cook) it for the family? – As a rule she (do). 2. – What they (discuss) now? – They (speak) about their exams. 3. What Mike (do) now? – He (translate) an article from Russian into English. – He (know) English well? – Yes, he (do).

II. Use the expression “have + to infinitive” as in the example.

Example: Mary is busy. (type several letters) = Mary is busy; she has to type several letters.

1. My classes begin at 8 am. (get up early). 2. Jack is taking his exam tomorrow. (work hard) 3. I have no relatives in Moscow. (stay at a hotel) 4. The office is far from the house. (take a bus) 5. My father is ill at the moment. (look after him) 6. I have no time. (be at work at 9 a.m.)

III. Respond to the following questions in Past Simple as in the example.

Example: Did the lift stop? – Of course it stopped.

1. Did you watch the match? 2. Did she talk to the boss? 3. Did she type the letter? 4. Did they discuss the plan? 5. Did the news surprise him? 6. Did she cook the steak?

IV. Make negative responses in Past Simple as in the example.

Example: We usually rest by the sea in summer. (last summer) – Last summer we didn’t rest by the sea.

1. We watch TV in the evening. (yesterday evening) 2. On Sunday we usually go to the cinema. (this Sunday) 3. Mike usually stays late at work. (this Friday) 4. She usually types many letters. (yesterday) 5. We often visit our parents at weekends. (last weekend)

V. Make questions – general or special in Past Simple to the following sentences.

1. An Englishman came to London. 2. He stopped at a hotel. 3. He decided to send a telegram. 4. He went to the post office. 5. He sent his wife his address in the telegram.

VI. Make sentences in Past Simple with adverbs “first” or “last” according to the example.

Example: see Peter/ on Sunday = I last spoke to Peter on Sunday.

Read “War and Peace”/ at school. = I first read “War and Peace” at school.

1. speak to the boss/ a week ago; 2. phone Richard/ yesterday; 3. write to him/ a week ago; 4. fly /at the age of 15; 5. hear this opera/ in my childhood; 6. visit the art museum/ when I was 10.

VII. Answer the questions using the formula “used to” as in the example.

Example: - Do you often go to the theatre? (I was in London) = Not now, but I used to go there when I was in London.

1. Is he nervous? (He was young) 2. Does she smoke? (She was at university) 3. Do you often travel in Europe? (I worked for an international company) 4. Has he got a lot of money? (He was a film actor) 5. Does he like concerts? (He was here last year).

VIII. Write what you or other people were doing some time ago as in the example.

Example: I was busy he whole day yesterday. (write an article) = I was writing an article.

1. On Sunday I was in the library. (prepare for my exam) 2. At 11 am I was at the university. (write a test) 3. We were in the country at the weekend. (fish) 4. I was out all day long yesterday. (work in the garden) 5. At 7 pm we were still at the office. (have a meeting).

I. Make sentences with WHEN for the following situations according to the example.

Example: We had a lecture on art yesterday, and the rector came in the middle of it = We were having a lecture on art when the rector came in.

1. Mr. Robinson turned the TV on and listened to the concert. Then the telephone rang. 2. We were at the discos last night. In the middle of it somebody shouted: “Fire!” 3. Robert drove to London yesterday. Halfway there the car broke down. 4. I watched an interesting TV program, but Bob called me in the middle of it. 5. We had a test yesterday. The bell rang in the middle of it.

II. Put the verb into the correct tense.

  1. While I was having/had breakfast this morning my sister called me. 2. When I was seeing/saw his face I was realizing/realized my mistake. 3. I was writing/wrote a letter when Bob dropped in. 4. I was taking/took an umbrella because it was raining/rained. 5. What you (read) when I (come)? 6. Ann still (wait) for me when I (arrive).







I. Agree and promise to do things as in the example.

Example: - Can you clean the window? – Sure, I’ll clean it.

1. Can you call me later? – Sure, … tonight. 2. – Can you repair the clock? – OK, … tomorrow. 3. Can you photo-copy it for me? – Sure, … tomorrow. 4. Can you type it for me? – Sure, … today.

II. Answer the questions as in the example. Begin answers with “I’ll probably…”, “I think I’ll…”, “I don’t think I’ll…”.

Example: What are you going to do tomorrow? (go to the country) – I’ll probably go to the country.

1. Where is John going to spend his summer vacations? (go to the mountains) 2. What are you going to do? (phone him) 3. What are your plans for tomorrow morning? (go shopping) 4. What is she going to do? (send a telegram) 5. Do you think they’ll come on time? (be late).

III. Complete these sentences using “going to” or “not going to” as in the example.

Example: watched Panorama last week, but …(not/next week) = I watched Panorama last week, but I’m not going to watch it next week.

1. Julia caught the 7.45 train yesterday, but … (not/tomorrow). 2. I didn’t see him Last month, but … (next month) 3. She bought some meat in that shop last Monday, but …(not/next time) 4. I didn’t travel by air the last time, but … (next time) 5. We stayed at home last night, but … (not/tonight).

IV. Make questions with “going to” as in the example.

Example: (when/leave) = When are you going to leave?

1. (how long/stay?) 2. (travel/by car?) 3. (visit us/alone?) 4. (where/stay?) 5. (How much/pay /tickets?)

V. Offer your help or services as in the example.

Example: Teacher’s carrying a lot of books. You say:” Shall I carry these books for you?”

1. You and your friend are leaving his house, the radio is still on. What will you say?

2. You are speaking to your friend, but the window is open and the street is noisy. What will you say? 3. Your friend can’t do a problem. You know the solution. What will you say?

3. Two men are trying to push the car. You are eager to help. What will you say? 5. Your friend is going to give a party, but he hasn’t got good records. What will you say?

VI. Make requests with “WILL” as in the example.

Example: The salt is far from you. You ask your neighbour to help saying: “Will you pass me the salt, please?”

1. You are busy and can’t answer the phone. You ask your friend: … 2. The coffee is practically cold. You ask the waiter: … 3. You want to light a cigarette, but there isn’t a lighter. You ask your colleague: … 4. You are short of money. You ask your brother: … 5. You are thirsty. You ask your mother: …

VII. Suggest to your friend with “SHALL” as in the example.

Example: play cards = Shall we play cards?

1. go to the movies. 2. spend the weekend in the country. 3. play a game of tennis. 4. have a swim. 5. watch the boxing match on TV.

VIII. Answer the questions in Future Continuous as in the example.

Example: Are you going to watch the match tomorrow? (work) = No, I’m not.

I’ll be working

1. Are you going to call him? (sleep) 2. Are you going to ask them now? (have their lunch) 3. Are you going to bed early? (go to a party) 4. Are they coming to the cinema tonight? (drive to the country) 5. Is he playing tennis with us tomorrow? (sit an exam).

IX. Paraphrase the sentences, using Future Continuous as in the example.

Example: We are going to London tomorrow = We’ll be going to London tomorrow.

1. We are catching the 8 o’clock train. 2. My brother is meeting me at the station. 3. They are staying at home. 4. We are arriving at Paddington Station at 10 pm. 4. My brother is staying overnight in London, but I’m not. 5. My father is picking me up at the station.

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