план урока
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Хабибулина Елена Сергеевна

Урок в 8-м классе


Microsoft Office document icon my_future_caree1.doc54.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

My Future Career


  1. To practise using vocabulary connected with work and jobs.
  2. To practise using the language of job interviews.
  3. To practise listening and speaking about future jobs and professions.
  4. To encourage students to develop as independent and active learners of English, Spanish and German.
  5. To develop learner independence by helping students to appreciate their work at the lesson.

Resources used:

Аctivity sheets for students, computer presentation.

Social Aspects of the Work at the Lesson.

I The Beginning of the Lesson.

English teacher: Good morning, dear comrades. We are glad to meet you at our lesson.

German teacher:

Spanish teacher:

English teacher: Good morning and welcome .Nice to see you after your winter vacations We are here today to talk about one of the most important problems of all young people graduating from school.There is a nice statement said by British novelist Anthony Hope. Here it is:

“Unless one is a genious, it is best to aim at being intelligible”

The aim  of our lesson is to share some opinions, which will help you to make your future progress in life.

This lesson will help you:

  1. To practise using personality vocabulary;
  2. To practise using vocabulary connected with work and jobs;
  3. To practise  using the language of job interviews;

         To achieve our aim we will:

  1. Practice asking polite questions;
  2. Do personality test and find  the right career for you;
  3. roleplay  interview for a job;


So. Is our  aim interesting for you ,important? Why?

Pp. Well, I consider the aim of our lesson  is very important for us as we are leaving, school this year. Besides ,I’m sure ,the lesson will help us to understand ourselves.

Pp. OK .In my opinion everybody present here will try to do their best to practice English language.

Pp.Eh, you are absolutely right. But to my mind we’ll be able to practise  not only our English but German and Spanish too.

Pp.As for me, the aim is interesting and exciting so it will be useful for us.

T. Are you ready to work profound to achieve this aim and then to be able to use your knowledge in your future life?

Pp. Sure, I’m ready to work hard to achieve our purpose.

Pp. So am I.

Pp.I can’t help staying alone without my mates.

T. Well, comrades! Let’ start. At the end of the lesson you’ll have to appreciate your activity              during the lesson. So,look at the board. Here are some  sayings that will help you to work at the lesson and achieve success.

“The door of wisdom are never shut“

Have you something to do tomorrow? Do it today”

(Benjamin Franklin)

“Persistent people begin  their success where others end in failure.”

(Edward Eggleston)

Never, never, never give up.

(Winston Churchill)

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.

(Chinese proverb)

The best advice given to the young is: Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.

(Katherine Whitehorn,British journalist)

German teacher

La maestra de Español.

Pronto terminas tus studios en la escuela. Ya habrás pensado en la carrera que quisieras escojer;en  que Universidad cursar tus estudios o en que escuela de peritaje seguir estuando y adquiriendo a la vez un oficio  práctico.

Hoy en la lección vamos a intercambiar las opinions sobre las posobilidades de adquirer  un trabajo así en España como en Rusia.

Alumno 1 Me encanta siempre expresar la opinion personal y sobre todo los problemas actuales.

Alumno 2 Me parece, que el problema de las profesiones y oficios entre los alumnus de las clases mayors goza de popularidad.

Alumno 3 En lo que se refiere a mi ,yo puedo ponerme de acuerdo con mis compañeros.

II The main Part of the Lesson.

1Компьютерная презентация


German teacher…


    Have you thought about you future career?

    Choose three or four adjectives from the Key Words that describe you best.

….What profession would you like to choose?

Key Words




























T. Do you agree with Pete? Is he…?

    Can you agree with Ann? Is she …?

    Are you of the same opinion with Sasha?

    What kind of person is Helen? Let`s do the test “Everybody is good at something”.

T. Which of the position do you think would be more most suitable for you? Why?

Do your personality test and find the right career for you.

(The test is prepared in three languages: in English, German, Spanish. Everyone of the students gets one copy of the test either in English or in Spanish or in German).

Three expert groups of English teachers, German teachers and Spanish  teachers are formed to revise the results of the test. The guests are given tests  too.


5) The  results of the “ Everybody’s good at something” (Объявляют гости учителя)

If most of your answers were:

  1. You are helpful,patient,generous.Your ideal job is one in which you work with people-helping,training,or curing them,e.g.doctor ,nurse,teacher,social worker.
  2. You are reliable organized,logical,careful.You are good at practical things.You are a good person to work with figures,computers,machines,plants or animals.
  3. You are emotional creative,flexible.You are imaginative and creative and you would be good as a journalist,designer or artist of some kind.
  4. You are strong,confident,motivated.You are a natural leader and would be a good manager of other people in a business.

If your answers were mixed,you are probably  suited to a job in which you can use your different skills and abilities.Example  - manager of a computer  company with combines practical abilities (b) and  leadership(d).

6) Meeting – Conference.

T. Well.Let’s imagine that we are at the Meeting – Conference with the representatives of three foreign companies having their branch companies in our country.OK! Let’s invite them and allow them to speak.

Spanish company “ Inditex”.

Español. !Buenos días,compañeros! Mi nombre es Amancio Ortega. Soy el fundador del INDITEX grupo. Espero que vosotros teneís bastante información sobre nuestra companía conocida en todo el mundo.

 Alumno 1.Perdóname poe favor, señor Ortega. Si no me equivoco ?vuestra compaía fue fundada en el año 1985 en Barcelona?

Amancio Ortega – No.Vd. no tiene razón. Nuestro grupo INDITEX  fue fundado en el año 1975 en la Cotuña, en España.

Al.2. ¿ Dónde tiene Vd. sus empresas filiales?

A.O. – Oh, la produccíon de nuestro grupo INDITEX está difundida en todo  nuestra planeta. Nosotros te4nemos nuestras tiendas en Nueva York  en la 5-ta Avenida, en Paris, en Londres, en la calle Regent, en Toquio tn Shibuya Shopping Quarters.

P 3. Sorry, Mr.Amancio Ortega, Do you speak English? Could I speak  English?

A.O. Well, why not? Let`s speak English.

P 3.I`m interested in knowing , what the secret of your success is?

A.O. I`d like to point out its unique management methods. Secondly – innovation and flexibility in management.

P 4. Sorry, how many companies do you have?

A.O. – Eh, almost a hundred.

P 4. – Forgive me if I`m wrong, but as far as I know, you have got a catch phrase known all over the bussiness world. Would you like to be able to say it just now?

A.O. – Here it is: “Don`t explain  how we are going to make money today.Tell me how we`re going to make it in 5 years time.”

P.4 Thanks a lot Mr. Amancio Ortega.

P.5. Sorry… My name is…  I have just graduated. I studied management at the University. I`m very keen to find a job. I`m rather efficient, ambitious, creative and confident. I speak English only but I`m ready to study another language if it my position requires it. Is there any opportunity for me to work in your company?

A.O. – You see, comrade Jane, if you are  enthusiastic and enjoy working with people please send us your CV. Here is our @ mail  and our address.

P.6. – Discúlpeme, señor A.O.  Soy una grande entusiasta de Español. Lo conozco bastante bien así como  el Inglés. Tengo conocimientos de tratamiento te textos en tres idiomas – en Ruso, Español ,Inglés. Tengo los hábitos de mecanografía correcta. No tiene Vd. Alguna posición ligada con mis conocimientos y hábitos en Argentina pués que tengo parientes en aquel país?

A.O. – Es un problema que debe ser resuelto por nuestra Recepción de Candidados. Pero de todas maneras todos interesados deben  enviarnos su C.V. En España está muy difundido el sistema de oposiciones que consiste en pasar una especie  de exámenes para recibir un puesto de trabajo.  Durante las pruebas y entrevistas nosotros definimos el perfil psicológico y profecional del candidato.

Maestra del Español :

Muchas gracias,señor Amancio Ortega.And here is the planet’s wealthiest man Bill Gates together with his old university chum, the chief executive of Microsoft Corporation Steve Ballmer.. You are welcome, dear comrades. Well, students, if you want to get any information about their company or get to know some facts  from the life of these mega rich men, you may ask them your questions.

Microsoft Corporation.

Pp. – Sorry, how long have you been friends, comrades Bill Gates and Steve Balmer?

Bill – Well, we have been friends for 30 years already.

Pp. -  When did you set up Microsoft, Mr. Bill?

Dill – Eh, I did it in 1975 with my friend Paul Allen.

Pp. – I would like to ask Steve Balmer, please. What degree did you graduate with the Institute?

Steve – I graduated with a degree in social studies, then I went on  to work for two years at Proctor & Gamble. At the same time I was attending the Manchester University Graduate School of Business.

Pp. – Sorry, Mr. Bill. When and how did you begin to work together?

Bill – Frankly saying, I remembered my college mate Steve in 1980 and hired him as the  companie`s first business manager. Over the last 20 years Balmer has been in charge of several Microsoft divisions, including operations, marketing and sales. My friend Steve has influenced Microsoft with his own brand of energy and discipline.

Pp. – Sorry, Vr. Steve. What would you desire us?

Steve – Well, I want everyone to share my passion for cats and dogs. I want people to understand the amazing, positive way our software can make leasure time more enjoyable, and business more successful.

Pp. – Well. What do you do in your spare time?

Steve – I`m fond of playing squash and basketball.

Pp. Thanks a lot for your answers.

German Company.

7) Job Interview.

English teacher: Work in pairs. Read  your role card and prepare for an interview for a holiday job in a restaurant.

German teacher.

Spanish teacher.

  • Good morning. Take a seat.
  • .Good morning.Thank you.
  • My name is…I`m the personal manager at the Metropolitan restaurant. Are you…?
  • That’s right.
  • Why do you want to work at our restaurant?
  •  Your restaurant has a good reputation. Besides I enjoy working  with people speaking different languages.
  • What’s your education? Do you speak any foreign languages?
  • I’m doing my “A” levels this year.I hope to enter the Technological University. My favourite subjects at school are…
  • Well, what qualities do you most admire en people?
  • Mm. most I admire en people honesty, patience, motivation, politeness.
  • Do you have hobby and interests?
  • OK. I’m fond of football and tennis.
  • Well, are there  any questions you would like to ask me?
  • Er, yes, just two things. Could you tell me what salary shall I get daily?
  • Is there a promotion of position?
  • Yes, there is a promotion after passing the training program.
  • Well. Let’s  see how well you know foreign languages. What foreign languages do you know?
  • OK. I know English and Spanish.
  • ¿Dónde habéis aprendido estas lenguas?
  • En el gimnasio número 2 tn la ciudad de Projladny.
  • ¿Habéis viajado alguna vez a España o algún otro país hispanohablante?
  • No, no he viajado todavía a ningún país.
  • ¿Que piensa Vd.de toros?
  • A mi me gustan mucho, porque el toro está unido a España, forma parte de la idiosincrasía del pueblo español. Mt gusta verlos por la tele.
  • Well, thank you. I`ll be getting in touch with you next week.

8) German teacher.

    English teacher

    About importance of foreign languages.

III Окончание урока.

Conclision of the lesson.

 Итог урока.

 Рефлексия. Выставление  оценок.

    Total sum up of the lesson.

    How can you appreciate your work?

    How did you feel at the lesson?

    I liked the lesson very much?

    Thank you very much. It was great!

    I’m so grateful to you.

    Sorry, but I was boring at the lesson.

   It was a lot useful information for me.

    I did my best at the lesson.
  I tried to do my best at the lesson.

   I had a great time. Thank you.

   Thank you so much.

   I appreciate it.

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