План-конспект урока MUSIС in our life
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Макарова Ирина Владимировна

План – конспект урока формирования лексических навыков говорения


Тема цикла: Music.

Проблема урока: Life without music would be a mistake?

Цели и задачи урока:

·        Учебная: ФЛНГ.

·        Воспитательная: развитие эстетического вкуса.

·        Развивающая: развитие критического мышления;

                                           развитие творческих способностей.

Языковой и речевой материал: ЛТ, лексика по теме «Music».                              

Оснащение: раздаточный материал - ЛТ, компьютер, интерактивная доска, CD-диски.

The motto: «Life without music would be a mistake». (Friedrich Nietzsche).


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Предварительный просмотр:

План – конспект урока формирования лексических навыков говорения

Тема цикла: Music.

Проблема урока: Life without music would be a mistake?

Цели и задачи урока:

  • Учебная: ФЛНГ. 
  • Воспитательная: развитие эстетического вкуса.
  • Развивающая: развитие критического мышления;

                                           развитие творческих способностей.

Языковой и речевой материал: ЛТ, лексика по теме «Music».                              

Оснащение: раздаточный материал - ЛТ, компьютер, интерактивная доска, CD-диски. 

The motto: «Life without music would be a mistake». (Friedrich Nietzsche).

Ход урока




How (T)

How (P)








1.Речевая зарядка.

- Good morning, children!

- I’m also very glad to see you!

- How are you?

- I’m fine, thank you.

- The weather is beautiful today, isn't it?




- Good morning!

- We are glad to see you too!

- I’m fine, thanks. And you?

- Yes, it is.






2. Речевая подготовка.

(At this point the phone rings. Children hear the wonderful melody).

- Oh, sorry! This is my phone. You liked the melody?

- I like this melody too. When music we like, we want to hear it more often, do you?

- Yes, I like it. – And I like it too.

Yes, it's so.





3. Постановка проблемы урока.

- Who guessed what the topic of our today's lesson?

- Absolutely right! Today we’ll revise
everything we have learnt about music, styles of music, music tastes, practice our
listening, reading, speaking. So our today’s topic is “Music in our life”.
Look at the board, please, and read the motto of our lesson (“Life without music would be a mistake” Friedrich Nietzsche). 

- Do you agree with this wonderful quotation?

- The topic of today's lesson is «Music».

P1: It goes without saying I do, because we can’t imagine our life without music.
P2: I think, life without music would be boring! 
P3: In my opinion, life without music isn’t interesting at all.
P4: Really, the life would be a mistake if we didn’t hear music, because music helps us in everything we do.


4.Работа с лексической таблицей.  

– Do you listen to music every day?

- And what music styles do you know?

- What is you favourite style of music?

- What is your favourite band?

- What is your favourite singer?

– Where do you listen to music?

Why do you listen to music?

- What music is good for you?

- Which music instrument you like to listen to most?

– Can you play any musical instrument?

- I’d like you to listen to a piece of music and say what type of music it is.

- How would you describe it?

- As for me, I enjoy listening to classical music, because it is emotional, serious and healing. And what about you, Bogdan?
- And what about you, Lena?...

- Yes, I do/ No, I don`t.

- I know ….

- I enjoy…/ I adore…/ I’m interested in...

- My favourite band is…

- My favourite singer is…

- I can listen to music…

- I listen to music…

- I think, a really good music is…

- I like the music plays on…

- Yes, I can play on…/ No, I can’t play…/

I'm learning to play the …

- It`s blues (jazz…)…../…/…….

- It`s relaxing and calm…/It`s sad a little bit…/ This music… 

P1: As for me, I like pop music because it is cheerful, simple and touching.
P2: As for me, I enjoy listening to folk music, because it is beautiful, traditional, romantic.

P3: As for me, I like rap, because it is emotional, energetic and catchy.


5. Работа с упражнениями.

T: How well you deal of musical styles we will help to find out the following exercise. Complete the sentences with the words from the box:
Pop music, classical music, reggae, folk music, jazz, punk, country, rap.
1.--------is played by a big orchestra in a concert hall.
2.--------comes originally from black American musicians.
3.--------is played by young people with brightly coloured hair.
4.--------usually offers simple tunes which are popular for a short time.
5.-------- music is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin.
6.------- is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.
7.------- comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long period .
8.------- is often played freely, not following written music.
9.------- has a strong , loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.

- There’s something mysterious about nice music. And what is music for you? 
( Some pupils answer the question)

Listening ( Musical Pause).
T: And now let’s enjoy listening to this wonderful song, which is performed by
“The Beatles”. Of course, it’s “Yesterday”. You may close your eyes and relax. Or you may sing together with “The Beatles”.

( There sounds the song “The Beatles”.)
T: I think you enjoyed this wonderful song, didn’t you?

T: Speak about your taste in music using the following scheme.

Possible answers:
P1: Music is a source of delight, inspiration, hope.
P2:It’s the realm of beauty, which helps me to live through the day.
P3: Music is a very important part of my life. I can’t imagine my life without it.
P4: Music helps me in my studies. Listening to music gives a break and helps me in my life.

P1: It goes without saying, I enjoyed it greatly.
P2: It made a deep impression on me.
P3: It enchanted me.
P4: Its sweet melody impresses us deeply.


6. Итог урока.

T: Let our lesson be over in unusual way. Let wonderful music sound for you!
(There sounds the melody “ Love Story”). 
May there always be this music of love in your hearts!


7. Оценки.

T: Our lesson is coming to an end. Did you enjoy it? I hope you did. You were very active and hard working and get the following marks:….


8. Домашнее задание.

T: Your home task is to write an essay “Music in My life”.

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