Урок с региональным содержанием по теме "Arkhangelsk"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Попова Юлия Александровна

Данный материал с региональным содержанием можно использовать в рамках изучения темы "The English world"


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Данный урок можно провести в рамках изучения темы «The English world». Учащиеся знакомятся с Великобританией, а также с городами Йорк и Баз.

Цель: Развитие навыка устной речи.



-развитие умений  монологической речи с целью обобщения полученных знаний по теме «Архангельск»;

- развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции на региональном материале;

- дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуляции речевого творчества каждого ученика.


- развитие творческого воображения;

- развитие умения понимать смысл и основную идею текста.


- расширение кругозора по теме «Архангельск»;

- формирование картины мира во всем его многообразии;

- расширение круга знаний учащихся об административном центре Архангельской области.

Оборудование:  текст, раздаточный материал с упражнениями для работы в классе и дома, слова по тексту, макеты-деревья с листьями для выставления баллов команде, иллюстрации к тексту, картинки, на которых изображены достопримечательности Архангельска.


I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

  - Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! Sit down, please.

II. Объявление цели и задач урока.

  • Look at the board, there you can see some places of interest. Try to answer my question what the theme of our lesson is.

Дети называют тему: «Архангельск».

- Yes, you are right. We are going to speak about  Arkhangelsk.  

  We are going to work in 3 groups and do different tasks. You have trees on your desks. You will decorate them with the leaves of different colours. Red means a “5”, yellow means a“4” and green means a “3”.

- At the end of the lesson we shall count the leaves and put you marks.

III. Фонетическая разминка.

  • Let’s start with the phonetic exercises.

1. Дети читают слова за учителем.

2. Дети читают слова по цепочке в своей группе.

3. Один ученик от каждой группы читает слова на оценку (по 5 слов).

Учитель выдает листочки за работу в качестве оценки, дети прикрепляют их на макет-дерево).

  • Arkhangelsk
  • the Northern Dvina
  • the Arkhangelsk region
  • the North
  • in 1584

  • culture
  • an important industrial center
  •  shipbuilding
  • to be founded
  • a cinema


  • a theatre
  • education
  • wooden architecture
  • 370 000 people
  • to be situated

IV. Лексическая зарядка.

- Let’s play “Domino”

 Проходит в виде игры в «Домино». Все учащиеся получают карточки (на одной половинке слово по-английски, на другой – по–русски.) Дети выходят к доске и прикрепляют карточки на магниты.




the Northern Dvina

Северная Двина

the Arkhangelsk region

Архангельская область

the North




in 1584

в 1584



370 000 people

370 000 человек

to be founded

быть основанным

to be situated

быть расположенным

to be proud of




an important industrial center

важный промышленный центр

a shipbuilding complex

кораблестроительный комплекс

to export



Well done!

V. Основной этап.  Работа с текстом “Arkhangelsk”.

  • Now we will read the text “Arkhangelsk”. (Приложение)

1. Let’s read it sentence by sentence.

2. Find in the text.

  • современный красивый город
  • много красивых деревянных церквей
  • дружелюбный  город
  • промышленный центр

  • он был основан в 1584
  • В  городе есть два театра, кинотеатры и кукольный театр.
  • В нем есть много магазинов.
  • Он расположен на берегах реки Северная Двина.

  • административный центр Архангельской области
  • ведущая отрасль
  • центр образования и культуры
  • можете посмотреть картины русских художников

(Задание проводится в виде соревнования между группами, за каждый правильный ответ дети получают листочки).

3. Работа в группах (устная речь).

- Now you work in groups.

- Take the card and ask a question to another group.

1. When was Arkhangelsk founded? 

2. Where is it situated?

3. How old is a town?

4. What is the population of  the town?

5. Why do we say that Arkhangelsk is an important industrial center?

6. You can find some theatres, cinemas and  museums, can’t you? 

(Каждая группа задает по два вопроса. Учащиеся получают листочки за правильные ответы)


  • I think you are tired. Let`s do our exercises. Stand up, please. Who wants to be a trainer? Pupil ____, come to the front, please!

                                                       Up, down,

Up, down,                   (руки вверх, вниз)

Which is the way to Arkhangelsk town? (шаг на месте)

Where, where?        (поворот в стороны)

Up in the air,            (смотрим вверх)

Close your eyes,     (закрыть глаза руками)

And you are there.  (развести руки в стороны)

VII. Послетекстовая работа.

1) Work in groups again and match the parts of the sentence.

1.Arkhangelsk is

a friendly town.

2.It is situated on both

you can see paintings by Russian artists

3.The leading branch of industry

are repaired and built

4. In the Museum of Fine Arts

is timber industry

5. Every year many ships

two theatres, a concert hall

6. It has

banks of the Northern Dvina

  • The time is over. Check up your tasks. Each group will read aloud two sentences and I will give you a leaf.

    2) Аудирование.

  Now you are going to listen to some statements and decide if they are true or false. Work on your cards.

   (+)1. Arkhangelsk  was founded in 1584.

   (-) 2. Arkhangelsk is situated near the Black Sea.

   (+)3. Arkhangelsk is an important industrial center of the North.

   (+)4. One of the oldest branches of industry is shipbuilding.

   (-) 5. There aren’t any universities.

   (+)6. People can visit the Outdoor Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art in Malye Karely.


VIII.  Объяснение домашнего задания.

  • At home you are  to learn the topic “Arkhangelsk”.
  • Open your record-books and write down your hometask.

IX.  Подведение итогов урока.

Our lesson is coming up to the end. Let`s sum up. Let`s count the red leaves on your trees. Thank you for your work. Your marks are…..



        Arkhangelsk is one of the oldest Russian towns. It was founded in 1584. Arkhangelsk is the administrative center of the Arkhangelsk Region. It is situated on both banks of the Northern Dvina. It is a friendly town. Its population is about 370 thousand people.

      Arkhangelsk is an important industrial center. The leading branch of industry is timber industry. Arkhangelsk exports timber to many countries of the world. One of the oldest branches of industry is shipbuilding. Every year many ships are repaired and built.

     Arkhangelsk is a center of education and culture in the North. It has three universities, several colleges, many schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. There are two theatres, a concert hall, a puppet theatre and cinemas in this town.  It has a lot of shops.

     You can see paintings by Russian artists in the Museum of Fine Arts. The Northern Maritime Museum tells the visitors about the history of the Port of Arkhangelsk. You also can visit the Outdoor Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art in Malye Karely. There are many beautiful wooden churches, log houses and farm-buildings.

     Arkhangelsk is a sport town. It has a Palace of Sport, several stadiums, swimming pools, sport schools for children. Arkhangelsk is a modern beautiful town.

  • Arkhangelsk
  • the Northern Dvina
  • the Arkhangelsk region
  • the North
  • in 1584

  • culture
  • an important industrial center
  •  shipbuilding
  • to be founded
  • a cinema


  • a theatre
  • education
  • wooden architecture
  • 370 000 people
  • to be situated

  • Arkhangelsk
  • the Northern Dvina
  • the Arkhangelsk region
  • the North
  • in 1584

  • culture
  • an important industrial center
  •  shipbuilding
  • to be founded
  • a cinema


  • a theatre
  • education
  • wooden architecture
  • 370 000 people
  • to be situated

  • Arkhangelsk
  • the Northern Dvina
  • the Arkhangelsk region
  • the North
  • in 1584

  • culture
  • an important industrial center
  •  shipbuilding
  • to be founded
  • a cinema


  • a theatre
  • education
  • wooden architecture
  • 370 000 people
  • to be situated

  • Arkhangelsk
  • the Northern Dvina
  • the Arkhangelsk region
  • the North
  • in 1584

  • culture
  • an important industrial center
  •  shipbuilding
  • to be founded
  • a cinema


  • a theatre
  • education
  • wooden architecture
  • 370 000 people
  • to be situated

  • Arkhangelsk
  • the Northern Dvina
  • the Arkhangelsk region
  • the North
  • in 1584

  • culture
  • an important industrial center
  •  shipbuilding
  • to be founded
  • a cinema


  • a theatre
  • education
  • wooden architecture
  • 370 000 people
  • to be situated

  • Arkhangelsk
  • the Northern Dvina
  • the Arkhangelsk region
  • the North
  • in 1584

  • culture
  • an important industrial center
  •  shipbuilding
  • to be founded
  • a cinema


  • a theatre
  • education
  • wooden architecture
  • 370 000 people
  • to be situated

1. When was Arkhangelsk founded? 

2. Where is it situated?

3. How old is a town?

4. What is the population of  the town?

5. Why do we say that Arkhangelsk is an important industrial center?

6. You can find some theatres, cinemas and  museums, can’t you? 

1.Arkhangelsk is

a friendly town.

2.It is situated on both

you can see paintings by Russian artists

3.The leading branch of industry

are repaired and built

4. In the Museum of Fine Arts

is timber industry

5. Every year many ships

two theatres, a concert hall

6. It has

banks of the Northern Dvina

1.Arkhangelsk is

a friendly town.

2.It is situated on both

you can see paintings by Russian artists

3.The leading branch of industry

are repaired and built

4. In the Museum of Fine Arts

is timber industry

5. Every year many ships

two theatres, a concert hall

6. It has

banks of the Northern Dvina

1.Arkhangelsk is

a friendly town.

2.It is situated on both

you can see paintings by Russian artists

3.The leading branch of industry

are repaired and built

4. In the Museum of Fine Arts

is timber industry

5. Every year many ships

two theatres, a concert hall

6. It has

banks of the Northern Dvina

1.Arkhangelsk is

a friendly town.

2.It is situated on both

you can see paintings by Russian artists

3.The leading branch of industry

are repaired and built

4. In the Museum of Fine Arts

is timber industry

5. Every year many ships

two theatres, a concert hall

6. It has

banks of the Northern Dvina

1.Arkhangelsk is

a friendly town.

2.It is situated on both

you can see paintings by Russian artists

3.The leading branch of industry

are repaired and built

4. In the Museum of Fine Arts

is timber industry

5. Every year many ships

two theatres, a concert hall

6. It has

banks of the Northern Dvina

№ утверждения

True/ False







№ утверждения

True/ False







№ утверждения

True/ False







№ утверждения

True/ False







№ утверждения

True/ False







  • современный красивый город
  • много красивых деревянных церквей
  • дружелюбный  город
  • промышленный центр

  • он был основан в 1584
  • В  городе есть два театра, кинотеатры и кукольный театр.
  • В нем есть много магазинов.
  • Он расположен на берегах реки Северная Двина.

  • административный центр Архангельской области
  • ведущая отрасль
  • центр образования и культуры
  • можете посмотреть картины русских художников

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