Открытый урок английского языка в 11 классе по теме "Все о кино"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Гудкова Елена Анатольевна

Урок обобщения пройденного материала по теме "Все о кино" по учебнику Кузовлева В.П.


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Итоговый урок английского языка в 11-м классе по теме

 "Все о Кино"

Цели и задачи:

учебный аспект: развитие речевого умения;

развивающий аспект: развитие самостоятельности, творческих способностей, выраженные в умении создать собственные презентации в Power Points. воображения, познавательной активности;

воспитательный аспект: воспитание потребности к творчеству;

речевой материал: лексика и грамматика предыдущих уроков.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал по теме, магнитофон, аудиозапись для задания по аудированию.

Группа заранее была разделана на 3 подгруппы. Учащимся предлагалось создать свою презентацию по одной из тем: “История кино”, “Русское кино”, “Современное кино”. Каждая группа, помимо материала учебника (автор В.П.Кузовлев), искала дополнительные материалы, фотографии для презентаций.

По ходу урока предъявляются кадры из презентаций учителя и учащихся.

Организационный момент.


Today we are going to have a final talk about cinema. Cinema and TV films have become an important part of our lives. Let’s remember some facts about the genres of the cinema, the professions of people, who make films, and every group will present their project.

2. Речевая зарядка


First of all let’s warm up. Who knows more genres? What genres do you know?

P1: I know different genres: western…

(Работа проходит в быстром темпе, по типу “снежного кома”. Кадр №2. Приложения 1)

3. Совершенствование лексических навыков.

Несколько учащихся получают карточки с названиями жанров, остальные угадывают жанр по описанию, затем кратко выражают свое отношение к ним.


Now let’s see if you can guess a genre by its description.

Melodramas, action films ,horror films, musicals, comedies.

1------- are usually aggressive and have many fights of different types.

2-------are films with a lot of singing and dancing.

3 ----- are films stuffed with unreal things and special effects.

4------are films where people find themselves in funny situations and we laugh a lot.

5------are very popular among women and housewives.

  • Westerns are pretty good.
  • Actions films are fairy bad.
  • Comedies are extremely fantastic.
  • Horror films are absolutely awful.
  • Thrillers are totally astonishing.
  • Melodramas are really great.
  • Documentaries are very good.
  • Cartoons are really interesting.
  • Musicals are absolutely magnificent.

4. Повторение названий профессий, связанных с кино.

It’s time to revise the names of profession connected with cinema. Quiz (Приложение 1, кадр №3)

5. Аудирование. You’re going to hear an extract from the interview with a young actress. What does she like about in her fellow-actor?

a) He is very attractive.

b) He is easy to work with.

c) He is generous.

6. Активизация пройденного лексико-грамматического материала. In the text choose the appropriate word.

Titanic won a record-tying 11 Oscars, including best picture, best (1) director/ directory  and best song. «I’m the king of the world!» crowed Titanic director James Cameron, quoting  a (2) role/ line from the movie’s hero, as he accepted his (3) prize/nomi nation at the 70th annual Academy Awards. The 200 million dollars(4) disaster epic/detective story  and all time box-office champion tied with Ben Hur in 1959 for the number of (5) nominations/awards won but lost  a chance to win a record 12 Oscars when it fell short in three (6) categories/ aspects : Hunt beat Kate Winslet, Kim Basinger took (7) supportive/ supporting  actress  for L.A. Confidential over Gloria Stuart, and Men in Black claimed the consolation prize.Cameron thanked  his cast and (8) team/crew , saying; «You guys gave me pure gold every day and I share this gold with you... Everybody else that I was going to thinkeither got an Oscar or a (9) prize/nomination , so they’re covered». In a dramatic counterpoint to the evening’s (10) fetival/festivities, Cameron reminded the (11) viewers/audience that  the movie was based on a real tragedy  and asked  for a moment of silence. Then he returned to a (12) celebrity/celebratory  mood.  Titanic went into  the night with a record-tying 14 nominations. Besides winning the best picture, direction and song – «My Heart Will Go On» - the film won awards for (13) cinema/cinematography, art direction, film (14) edition/editing, costume design, sound, original dramatic score, and visual (15) effects/stunts.  

7. Активизация речевых навыков. Составление диалогов.

  1)- What do you think of the film?

- Oh, it was extremely good! I was kept in uncertainty up to the end. The story line was so mysterious.

- Yes, thrillers always keep audience in suspense. And this one is a really good thriller.

2). – It is a pretty good film. The story line is simple but touching.

- Yes, the plot is really very simple but melodramas don’t need to be complicated & mysterious. Usually they are naïve but we like them for it.

3). – Do you like the film?

- Oh, yes it was really good. I like films which are full of fights & adventures.

 - Oh, yes, you do. And this one was really stuffed with fights. I think there were too many of them.

- You simply don’t like action film, I guess.

8. Защита проектов.

Учащиеся каждой группы представляют свои проекты, задают вопросы членам других команд.

Т: You worked in groups and made your projects. Now I want you to present your work to the other groups.

Группы по очереди представляют свои проекты. В конце презентаций предлагаются задания для других групп.

Задания к “History of cinematography”:

Why Hollywood is called the capital of filmed entertainment?

What genres of the first films were in the west?

Who invented cinematograph?

What is the name of the first film in the world?

What are the names of the first film stars?

Did you watch the screen version of “Gone with the wind”? Do you like this film?

Задания к “Russian cinema”:

  1. Do you know when the first film was demonstrated in Russia?
  2. Could you tell me who founded the first film studios, please?
  3. Can you tell me when the first Russian sound cinema house started to work, please?
  4. I’d like to know, please, what first genres of the Russian films were popular?
  5. Can you name me the stars of silent films in the 20th in Russia, please?

Задания к “Modern cinema” (см. Приложение 2)

9. Заключительный этап урока. Videoclip «Oscar predictions 2016»

Т: Conclusion.

I want to thank all of you. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. You are very active, attentive and bright. I wish you good luck.

Список литературы

  1. Кузовлев В.П. и др. Английский язык для 10–11-х классов. М. 2006.
  2. Mark Farrel, Regina Ceriani, Franca Rossi. The World of English. Longman, 1995.
  3. Speak Out. // 1998 - № 5-6 – стр.18–25.
  4. Америка // 1992. Сентябрь. Стр. 28–29.

Titanic won a record-tying 11 Oscars, including best picture, best (1) director/ directory  and best song. «I’m the king of the world!» crowed Titanic director James Cameron, quoting  a (2) role/ line from the movie’s hero, as he accepted his (3) prize/nomination at the 70th annual Academy Awards. The 200 million dollars(4) disaster epic/detective story  and all time box-office champion tied with Ben Hur in 1959 for the number of (5) nominations/awards won but lost  a chance to win a record 12 Oscars when it fell short in three (6) categories/ aspects : Hunt beat Kate Winslet, Kim Basinger took (7) supportive/ supporting  actress  for L.A. Confidential over Gloria Stuart, and Men in Black claimed the consolation prize.Cameron thanked  his cast and (8) team/crew , saying; «You guys gave me pure gold every day and I share this gold with you... Everybody else that I was going to think either got an Oscar or a (9) prize/nomination , so they’re covered». In a dramatic counterpoint to the evening’s (10) fetival/festivities, Cameron reminded the (11) viewers/audience that  the movie was based on a real tragedy  and asked  for a moment of silence. Then he returned to a (12) celebrity/celebratory  mood.  Titanic went into  the night with a record-tying 14 nominations. Besides winning the best picture, direction and song – «My Heart Will Go On» - the film won awards for (13) cinema/cinematography, art direction, film (14) edition/editing, costume design, sound, original dramatic score, and visual (15) effects/stunts.  

  1)- What do you think of the film?

- Oh, it was extremely good! I was kept in uncertainty up to the end. The story line was so mysterious.

- Yes, thrillers always keep audience in suspense. And this one is a really good thriller.

2). – It is a pretty good film. The story line is simple but touching.

- Yes, the plot is really very simple but melodramas don’t need to be complicated & mysterious. Usually they are naïve but we like them for it.

3). – Do you like the film?

- Oh, yes it was really good. I like films which are full of fights & adventures.

 - Oh, yes, you do. And this one was really stuffed with fights. I think there were too many of them.

- You simply don’t like action film, I guess.

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