Требования к сочинению
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Колодиёва Ольга Васильевна

Данный материал содержит информацию для написания сочинения на английском языке, полезен материал для учащихся . сдающих ЕГЭ по английскому языку


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Требования к сочинению “Opinion Essay”

1-й абзац Постановка проблемы и своя точка зрения

To my mind, …in my opinion, …in my view, …
I support this view for a variety of reasons.
I think (consider, believe, suppose…)
It seems to me…

2-й абзац 2 аргумента, подтверждающие свое мнение

My opinion finds a wide support.
A lot of people think the same way I do.
Here are some arguments which support my point of view.

Аргументы соединяются словами-связками.
Расположение аргументов
– In the first place, …    First(ly), …    First of all, …   To begin with, …
– Secondly, …   The last but not the least, ….    Finally, …
– Добавление аргументов по той же самой теме
– Besides… Apart from this… In addition to this… Moreover…Furthermore…What is more…

3-й абзац Аргументация противоположного мнения и возражение этой аргументации.

1 аргумент противоположного мнения (других людей)
However, some people think differently. Some people don’t agree with me….   There is an opinion which is different from mine…
Opponents of this view say… There are people who oppose… Contrary to what most believe… People аrgue that … It is argued that …(Излагается их точка зрения)

1 аргумент, подтверждающий свое мнение
I am absolutely sure that they are wrong, because….

4-й абзац Заключение (вы подтверждаете свое мнение, используя разные слова)

– To sum up, …  All in  all…   In conclusion…, I would like to underline, that in my opinion…    because
All in all, I still feel that the benefits of … outweigh the disadvantages.

Some people believe that children nowadays have too much freedom. Other believe that children are protected too much by their parents. Which of these statements do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your decision.

Many people firmly assert that children nowadays are excessively protected by their parents. In my opinion, however, I actually believe that at the present, parents permit their children to have much more independence in their lives than in the past. This is because little kids can select majors they would like to study. Also, they become more independent in finance.

First and foremost, I strongly think that parents presently tend to let their children study or research subjects freely what they are interested in. This do not mean that they don't care about how studying of their kids is. The reasoning behind this is that parents encourage kids to discover their own abilities. It is obvious that it helps them understand themselves much more as well as know what they can do successfully in the future. Take me as an example, my mother supported me to study hard literature which I like. Consequently, I got a good job after graduating from my school because this subject greatly assisted me in writing CV or essay, and it actually persuaded recruiters to admit me.

The second reason I really think that children is now much free is that their parents give them more financial autonomy. The fact is that parents monthly provide their little kids with some money which helps them pay their daily needs in a month. With limitation of money, children have to how to manage their fund, and logically purchase if they do not want to be early bankrupt because parents would not add money to them or do something to rescue them from financial troubles until a month ends. It is clear that it is very good for children to learn about living independent away from protect of their parents when they grow up. There is no doubt that little kids recently gain more financial independence

In conclusion, based on the arguments explored above, I am absolutely convinced that in the most cases, children nowadays become much free. This is because parents allow their little kids not only to independently select subjects, but also to manage annual budget of their children which they subside.

Essay topic: 

It is believed that young people have too much freedom and they do not pay much attention to the older people’s advice. Do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.

Nowadays, human life is changed more than, as psychologist’s expect especially in manner area. In the past old people had an especial position in their family and society. However, we see rarely this matter happen in society.

In my opinion, our generation become rude more than every era. To beginning, there are so many reason for this attitude. Firstly, generation gap is a factor we should pay attention to it. Today, young generation think their parents think and live in tradition way. They do not want update their manner and want everything does like past. For example, I know an old man that he think his children do not go to travel alone, but his children like go every place without their parents.

Secondly, new technology is another aspect of this matter. Unfortunately, young people especially teenagers can access to every information via the internet whether this information is appropriate for them or not. Therefore, they can gain more information than old people can. This information let them to speak in every subject and become selfish. They think they know everything and old people are illiterate.

In addition, in the past, parent taught their children that they should respect to old generation. In contrast, nowadays, in every family children has high position. They just order everything they want or say everything they want and their parents just try to do their order. This way causes children think they are more valuable than their parent and other old people. In fact, they live like a king or a queen.

To sum up, there are many other factor which we should considerate them. As a member of a society, we should think and find a way for change human behavior. It is very appreciate to teach our children to respect other people. We can do that, since they start going to school. Besides, we can produce some Talk show or TV series and show how much old people are valuable.

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