Методическая разработка урока английского языка УМК "Spotlight", 2 класс, Модуль 3 "My Animals".
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Решитько Юлия Ивановна

Методическая разработка урока английского языка

2 класс

Module 3, Unit 7a, Lesson 1

My Animals


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Методическая разработка урока английского языка

2 класс

Module 3, Unit 7a, Lesson 1

My animals

                                                        Lesson plan

Course–Book: Spotlight 2, (V. Evans, J. Dooley, N. Bykova, M. Pospelova)

Aim: by the end of the lesson the children will be able to say what some animals and they themselves can do (name different actions), they will know the structure like a, and familiarize themselves with some new animals, revise the old ones.

Skills: developing speaking/writing skills

New Language: bird, frog, chimp, swim, jump, sing, dance, run, can.

The structure I can… like a…..

Revision: colours, animals.



Teacher Does (Says)

Pupils Do


5 min


To revise animals and colours

Look at the pictures on the blackboard (fish, horse, kangaroo, dog) and name these animals. What colour are they?

Pupils name them and match their names to the appropriate pictures, then, they describe what colour they are. E.g. It’s a fish. It’s red.

The words frog, chimp, bird are unfamiliar for them yet, so they guess their names with the help of the teacher and match them too.

10 min


To introduce the topic

And at the same time revise one more time all the animals

To introduce the phrase: I can jump like a frog

Please, open your books at page 62, unit 7a.  Horse, frog, chimp are….

Let’s play a  guessing-game

Asks the children to divide into several groups

Children guess what means the title (animals)

One pupil chooses one animal. Others: Is it a frog? –No, it isn’t and so on.

Each team gets a list with Russian sentence and one animal and action. Лягушка умеет прыгать. And words: a, can, frog, jump. They make a sentence under the Russian equivalent

One representative of the group make the sentence

A frog can jump and attach it next to the picture.

5 min

Dynamic break

Health-saving activity

Please, stand up. Sing and do

The children listen and show the actions: (swim, jump etc.)

Students book ex.3 p 65. The song.

10 min

While- story

To practice the structure I can jump like a frog.

Let’s say about us, what we can do and like who. E.g. I can jump like a frog.

The children get the cards with the names of the animals. Their task is to tell what they can do and like who. E.g. the card (fish). I can swim like a fish.

Everybody gets the different cards. The first pupil says: I can swim like a fish. His neighbor repeats: I can swim too. Then he himself says the new phrase: I can sing like a bird. And so on.

15 min


To develop writing and speaking skills

To personalize

Asks: please write a small story and represent it to the class.

Asks if pupils like the task, which project is the best

Groups get an animal and write according to the plan:

Animal: It’s a….

(It’s a fish).


(It’s red).

Can: A fish can swim. 

I can.. like a..:

I can swim like a fish.

They draw the animal, choose any colour and colour it.

Children express their opinions.

The children go to the black board. They attach their project to the blackboard.  Each of them say one sentence. The 1st pupil: It’s a fish.

2nd pupil: It’s red.

3rd pupil: A fish can swim

4th pupil: I can swim like a fish.

5th pupil: I can swim like a fish too.

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