Модуль к уроку в 11 классе "Джейн Эйр" Шарлотта Бронте
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Михеева Мария Игоревна

Материал содержит раздаточный материал для учащихся на урок "Джейн Эйр" (УМК Spotlight).


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Предварительный просмотр:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontё

Task 1. Listen to the information about Charlotte Bronte and mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F).

1. Charlotte was born in Thornton in 1816.

2. She was the fourth daughter in the family.

3. She was from a rich family.

4. After the death of Charlotte’s mother, her mother’s sister came to look after the family.

5. The children were sent to Cowan Bridge School.

6. When Charlotte left school she became a doctor.

7. Her first novels were published under a pen name.

8. The writer died from cancer.

9. Her novels were partly autobiographical.

Task 2. Listen to the recording, read the text on pages 34-35 and say T/F/DS (does not say). Prove from the text.

1. John bullied Jane occasionally.

2. Mrs. Reed chose to ignore John's bad treatment of Jane.

3. John usually bullied Jane when Mrs. Reed wasn't looking.

4. John was angry because Jane had a book that he wanted to read.

5. The book that John threw at Jane hit her on the head.

6. Jane compares John to a Roman emperor.

7. Mrs. Reed came into the room after she heard John's shouts.

8. Jane was blamed for the incident.

Task 3. Match the underlined words in the text to their meanings.

  1. sneaking
  2. bewildered
  3. affection for
  4. be accustomed to
  5. take one’s side against sb
  6. dread
  7. shortly
  8. rummage
  9. trickle
  10. bellowed
  1. feel anxious (unhappy)
  2. support sb
  3. soon
  4. feeling of love
  5. confused
  6. doing sth without being seen or heard
  7. be used to
  8. search in a hurried way
  9. flow slowly
  10. shouted in a deep voice
  • привязанность, любовь
  • течь тонкой струйкой
  • скоро, вскоре
  • страшиться, бояться
  • смущенный, сбитый с толку
  • поддерживать к-л.
  • крадущийся
  • привыкнуть к ч-л.
  • рыться, искать
  • кричать, вопить

Task 4. Explain the meaning of the words. Think of your associations to them.

*threats -

*inflictions -

*obedient -

*tottered -

*dependant -

*predominated -

Task 5. Read the gist (shortened version) of Jane Eyre’s story and answer the questions.

Jane Eyre is an orphan. After her parents die, she is put in the care of her aunt. She has a very hard and difficult upbringing, and eventually becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall where she is given a job of looking after the daughter of a certain Mr. Rochester. Mr. Rochester is a classic hero from romantic fiction. He’s dark and very angry-looking and has a bad temper but at the same time he is very attractive. In spite of Jane’s plainness, Rochester is fascinated by her. He finds her witty and full of spirit. Gradually, he falls in love with her and Jane falls in love with him. Everything looks as if it’s going to be happy but at the very last moment they are prevented from marrying when it is revealed that Rochester’s wife is not only alive, but she’s also mad, and living in the attic rooms of Thornfield Hall.

Jane runs away and nearly dies out on the moors. Luckily, she is rescued by the Reverend St. John Rivers, and later, although she is still in love with Rochester, she agrees to marry Rivers and go with him to India. She is stopped from doing this by a telepathic message from Rochester. Jane returns to Thornfield Hall to find that the house has burnt down, and that Rochester is sad and deeply depressed. He had tried unsuccessfully to save his wife from the fire, and during his attempt he had been blinded and permanently injured by the fire.

  1. Why was Jane sent to live with her aunt?
  2. Why did she go to Thornfield Hall?
  3. What was Mr. Rochester like?
  4. What qualities attracted Rochester to Jane?
  5. Why couldn’t they get married?
  6. Why didn’t Jane die on the moors?
  7. What stopped her from going to India with St. John?
  8. What caused Rochester’s terrible injuries?

Task 6. Find adjectives which best describe Jane and Mr. Rochester. Use the gist.

Task 7. In 3-5 sentences write a summary of the story about Jane Eyre. Use new words from the lesson.

Предварительный просмотр:

Charlotte Bronte was a famous English writer. Her four published novels that are partly autobiographical are still widely read today.

Born in Thornton, Yorkshire in 1816, Charlotte was the third daughter of Patrick Bronte and Maria Branwell. Her father was a clergyman and the family was quite poor. There were 6 children in it – 5 girls and one boy. After the death of Charlotte’s mother in 1821, her mother’s sister Elizabeth came to look after the family. In 1824 the four eldest girls were sent to Cowan Bridge School, which was famous for its poor conditions. The children lived in cold dark rooms and were always hungry. Charlotte’s two sisters died in that school. Later Charlotte Bronte described the school in her novel “Jane Eyre”, so we can say that the novel is partly autobiographical.

When Charlotte Bronte left school she became a teacher at school for girls and lived with her two sisters and the brother. The Bronte sisters wrote poems and novels. Their first book was published in 1846. Charlotte’s first novel was “The professor” but “Jane Eyre “ is her true claim to greatness. It was first published under the pen name of Currer Bell in October 1847. Why under the pen name? It was unusual for women to be a writer in those times.

Charlotte Bronte is greatly admired for her use of language and her emotional honesty.

The writer died in 1855 from an illness associated with pregnancy. But “Jane Eyre” is one of the most passionate and popular romances in the English language and English literature.

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