План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе по теме «Enjoy reading» УМК Enterprise plus (pre-intermediate).
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Жесткова Марина Владимировна

Комбинированный урок на тему "Чтение книг" в 8 классе школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, уровень pre-intermediate.


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План-конспект открытого урока по теме «Enjoy reading» в 8 «А» классе  20 января 2016 г.

учителя английского языка Жестковой Марины Владимировны

Учебник: Enterprise plus (pre-intermediate)

Тема урока: « Enjoy reading »

Класс: 8

Продолжительность: 40 минут

Тип урока: урок закрепления активной лексики по теме «Enjoy reading»  (комбинированный)

Цели урока: 

учебные: первичное закрепление активной лексики по теме, тренировка грамматического материала (использование времен Past Indefinite, Past Continuous) и тренировка его в речи;

воспитательная: привить интерес к чтению литературных          произведений различных жанров;

развивающая: развить внимание и память;

общеобразовательная: ознакомление учащихся с основными художественно-изобразительными средствами в литературе.

Оснащение урока:

  • школьная доска,
  • видеопроектор,
  • электронные презентации,
  • раздаточный материал (индивидуальные карточки)

Языковой и речевой материал:

  • Активные ЛЕ – стр. 29 учебника
  • Лексические упражнения – презентация
  • Грамматические упражнения – стр. 30 учебника

Ход урока

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика

Время (в мин.)

1. Организаци-онный момент.


а) приветствие

Учитель приветствует учеников (беседа в режиме T-Cl.):

- Good afternoon!

- I’m glad to see you! Take your seats.

-How are you today? How are you, Dima?

 - How do you like the weather today?  What is it like today? What’s the temperature?

- Have you heard the forecast for tomorrow?  What will the weather be on Saturday?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.

б) Сообщение целей урока.

Today we are going to work with adjectives that you worked with at home, we’ll learn how to use them. Then we’ll work with grammar – Past Indefinite and Past Continuous- and check your home exercises. We’ll have listening, too.

2.  Фонетичес-кая зарядка

Look at the blackboard. Here you can see the words that we studied yesterday. Please, find and read…

  1. the adjectives with the sound [   ]
  2. the adjectives with the sound [   ]
  3. the adjectives with the sound [   ]
  4. the adjectives with the sound [   ]

  1. the adjectives which mean something pleasant
  2. the adjectives which mean something unpleasant
  3. the adjectives which describe nature

  1. the adjectives which describe people’s feelings


dark, calm

sunny, rough

frightened, terrified, delighted, surprised

glad, sunny, delighted, surprised


dark, calm, sunny, rough, moonless, moonless, empty, sandy, pebbly …


frightened, terrified, calm…


3. Работа с активной лексикой.

Now I’ve got some pictures for you. But I want you not just to watch and enjoy them but also answer my questions. You may use the words on the blackboard if you need…

  1. What kind of a sea is it?

What is the weather like?

Is the sky clear?

  1. Is the sea rough?

Is the night moonless or moonlit?

  1. Is the sea rough or calm?

Can we see a lot of people?

Is it a sandy beach or a pebbly one?

  1. Is the street empty?

What can we hear/see/smell in the street?

  1. How do these people feel?

How do you know?

  1. Is the girl delighted?
  2. What does this girl feel?
  3. What happened to these people?

It’ a rough sea.

It’s stormy.

No, it’s cloudy.

No, the sea is calm.

It’s moonlit.

The sea is calm.

No, we can’t, it’s empty.

It’s a sandy beach.

No, it’s noisy and crowded.

We can see people, adds, cars/ hear the honking horns/smell the exhausted fumes.

They’re happy.

They’re smiling.

No, she’s miserable.

She’s embarrassed.

They got frightened.


4. Аудирование

Pre-listening task:

Now let’s have a bit of listening. But before we start Iwant you to look at the picture of ex. 14, p.31. Answer my questions:

  1. Who are these people to each other?

  1. What do they look like? How are they dressed?
  2. Where are they?
  3. What’s the weather like?

Now let’s listen…

Post-listening task:

Were we right in our predictions?

What kind of story is it?

Do you like such stories? What stories do you like?

They are a husband and a wife.

Their clothes are shabby.

They are in the street.

It’s cool and cloudy.

It’s a romantic/ adventure story.


5. Отработка грамматического явления. Проверка домашнего задания.

The extract of the following exercise was also taken from a story. What kind of a story is it?

Before we’ll check the exercises let’s revise the rule about Past Indefinite and Past Continuous. What actions do they express? Look at the blackboard. You are to do the matching.

Now let’s check the exercise.

It’s a fantastic story.

Pupil 1


6. Обобщающее задание.

Now I want you to work in groups. I’ll give you a card with word-combinations and pictures. Use them to make a short story, speak in Past Indefinite and Past Continuous. Then I’ll listen to one of you.

Учащиеся составляют рассказы.

Pupil 2


7. Объяснение домашнего задания.Заключительный этап

SB ex. 4,5 p. 29 –you learn the words for cards.

GB ex. 6,7 p.28 WB ex. 3,4 p.20 – you continue training grammar


We have worked hard today. Thank you greatly. Your marks for today are…

The lesson is over. Good-bye.


План-конспект открытого урока составила:

учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ №120          

Жесткова М.В.

Приложение 1

Card 1

Fill in the gaps with the following words, one word is odd:

 vote, bill, judge, support, amendment, citizen.

  1. Have you paid the …?
  2. He often acts as a … at our school sports competitions.
  3. Have you heard about the new… to the Constitution?
  4. When you come to live to a foreign country, it is not easy to become a …
  5. I’ll … for John Hopkins at the election. He is the best, I think.

Card 2

Fill in the gaps with the following words, one word is odd:

 representative, vote, obey, bill, support, trunks,.

  1. Persons under 18 can’t … for the President.
  2. The forest looked not attractive: no leaves, only the grey … of the trees.
  3. They need one … from each team to discuss the rules of the game.
  4. Children should… their parents.
  5. I’m having difficult times, I need your help and …

                                                                                                                                   - last night

                                                                                  - my sister and I

                                                                                  - to sit in the room

                                                                                  - an empty house

                                                                                  - to do homework

                                                                                  - to listen to music

                                                                                  - to hear a strange noise

                                                                                  - from the garden

                                                                                  - to be scared

                                                                                  - to go out

                                                                                  - to see a cat

                                                                                  - to chase a rat



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