Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме "A Typical English House"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Гаврина Марина Васильевна

Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме "A Typical English House" с использованием проектной технологии.


Предварительный просмотр:

Класс   5

Тема урока:  «A Typical English House»

Цель: развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся  через знакомство с организацией быта и уклада  жизни английских семей.



- активизировать лексико-грамматический материал;

- формировать произносительные навыки;

- развивать навыки монологической речи.


- учить учащихся осмысленно воспринимать и дифференцировать  информацию из   прочитанного и услышанного;

-  развивать языковую догадку, внимание, память, мышление.


- развивать устойчивый интерес у учащихся к английскому языку и стране изучаемого языка через ознакомление со страноведческим материалом с использованием ИКТ технологии;

- развивать познавательный интерес у учащихся.

Технологии: проектная, обучение в сотрудничестве, игровая.

Оснащение урока:      

УМК «Английский в фокусе 5», проектор, ноутбук, учебный фильм, карточки-опоры.

Ход урока:

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

1.Организационный момент

Hello my dear friends! I am happy to see you again.  How are you today? I'm fine. And you?

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today

What day of the week is it today?

Do you like Tuesday?

Hello! We are happy to see you too. We are fine, too.

P1  I’m on duty today.

It’s  27th November

It’s Tuesday.

P2 Yes, I like Tuesday. We have English and History on Tuesday.

2. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.

3. Актуализация лексики по теме.

VIRTUAL  HOUSE   Game http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/teacher/community_lang/house/english/map.htm

Now, let’s pronounce correctly the words. Listen and repeat after me all together.                                                                                     I’m sure you like riddles, don’t you?   Today I’ve some riddles for you.

(учитель загадывает загадки и проверят ответы по картинкам)


  1. It’s a place where we live in.
  2. It’s a room where people sleep.
  3. It’s a room where we cook and eat.
  4. It’s place where we can watch TV, read books and just have a rest after school and work.
  5. It’s a place where we take off our coats and shoes.
  6. It’s a room where we wash our hands and faces.
  7. It’s a place where we grow flowers and plants.

Учащиеся называют слова и повторяют за учителем.

Учащиеся  слушают загадки учителя и отгадывают загадки.

4. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

I think you are ready to say what is the theme of our lesson.    Can anybody name the theme of our lesson today?  That’s right. (Open the cards on the blackboard)

The theme of our lesson is





















We’ll learn some new and interesting information about English house, we’ll also learn to describe English and Russian Houses.

5. Введение и первичное закрепление нового  материала

Listening for specific information


1. Now let’s watch a short film  Homes in Britain.                          Now you have seen a film, a presentation and now let’s check what  you have remembered about the English house.

Task 1  Work in teams.  The winner team is that who will do this task quick and correct.  Mark the following statements   False  (F) or True (T).                                                                                

  1. Traditional English houses have two floors.
  2. The bedrooms and bathrooms are usually downstairs on the ground floor.
  3. The kitchen and the hall are upstairs on the first floor.
  4. The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. English people have a fire-place in the sitting room.
  5. Englishmen like to grow beautiful flowers in front of the houses.

Task 2   T: Now read the article about the English house and  answer the following questions

A Typical English house

The British live in flats but a lot of people have their own houses. There are different kinds of homes in Britain: detached houses, semi-detached houses, block of flats,  terraced houses, bungalows.

English people love old houses but they are very expensive.

What’s the typical English house?

The traditional English house has got two floors: the ground floor and the first floor.  The sitting  or living room, the dining room and the study are downstairs on the ground floor.  The kitchen and the hall are downstairs too. There are two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.

The living room is usually the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. There is usually a fireplace in the living room. The English often spend evenings in the armchairs near the fireplace. They read books, watch TV, listen to music or just sit around and talk.

English people also like gardening. So you can see gardens in front or in the back of the house.  There is usually a big garden with lots of beautiful flowers and plants in front of the house  - it’s often called “front yard”. There is also  a small garden with a swimming pool in the backyard.

Near the house you can often see a garage.

The English love their houses and often say:

“East or West, home is best”,

“There is no place like home”,

“My home is my castle”.

T: Do you know these proverbs?

Task   4  Work in teams.   Answer the questions.  The team is the winner if it gets more correct answers.

  1. Where do many English families live?
  2. How many floors has the traditional English houses got?
  3. What rooms are usually upstairs?
  4. What rooms are usually downstairs?
  5. What is the largest room in the traditional English house?
  6. What do English people usually do in their sitting room?
  7. What do English people think of their homes?

OK, thank you. Let’s check up your answers.

Pupils watch a video

Homes in Britain.

Учащиеся читают текст  вслух.                  На слайдах текст с иллюстрациями.

Учащиеся выполняют задания в командах.


Song  Home, Sweet Home              (on the screen)

I think it’s  time to have a rest. Let’s sing a song.

Home, Sweet Home

I live in a beautiful house

I live with my family

We all are happy together

Because  we are loving each other.

Home sweet home is a best place

To sleep, to eat, to do anything

And no matter about the price

Cause happiness can’t be bought.

Pupils  sing a song

7. Закрепление изученного материала

Speaking. Работа над проектом в группах.

(инструкция) Now you will work in groups again. You should draw a plan of a typical Russian house, describe it and present it to the class. (Каждая группа получает карточку –подсказку.

1. Where do the Russian live?  They live in …                                       2. How many floors has a typical Russian house?                              A typical Russian house has … .                                                              3. What room has the Russian house got? It has got……. .           4. What rooms are there on the ground floor?  On the ground floor there is a/are … .                                                                              5. What rooms are there on the first floor?                                               On the first floor there is a/are …

 Учащиеся получают  карточки. В группах готовят проекты.

9. Рефлексия

Game ‘Round About”

It’s time to evaluate your work. Pease count your points that you have got today. So the winner is …..

Now let’s see how you are feeling now.

Throw the ball to your classmate and tell us how you are feeling now.

Useful phrases (on the screen)

I’m fine/not so bad/not so well/so-so/terrible/sleepy/excited.

I’m in a good/bad mood.

I feel like singing and dancing.

Учащиеся подсчитывают свои баллы.

Pupils’ answers

I’m fine/not so bad/not so well/so-so/terrible/sleepy/   excited.          

I’m in a good/bad mood.

I feel like singing and dancing.

10. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

Our lesson is over. Let’s  make a conclusion and say what we know and can do now.

Do you know the words  оn the topic “English Houses”?

Can you describe an English House, a Russian house?

Yes, you did a great job today. You were active, brilliant and bright. Your marks for the lesson are ….Thank you very much.

Your home task is in your WB.

Yes, we do.

Yes, we can.

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