Тест по теме "Великобритания"
тест по английскому языку на тему

25 вопросов по теме " Великобритания"


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Предварительный просмотр:

№ 1 Choose the right answer:

1.        Ravens have lived in ... for many years.

  1. the Tower of London
  2. Westminster Abbey
  3. Hyde Park

2.        Big Ben has become one of the most famous clocks in ...

  1. London
  2. Britain
  3. the world

3.        St.Paul's Cathedral was built by ...

  1. Sir Christopher Wren
  2. Nelson
  3. Madam Tussaud

4.        The Queen has made ... her London home.

  1. the Houses of Parliament
  2. Buckingham Palace
  3. Westminster Abbey

5.        What was Nelson famous for? Nelson ...

  1. defeated the French at the Battle of Tragalgar
  2. built the Tower Bridge
  3. built St.Paul's Cathedral
  1.         The Tower is famous for:
  1. a) Big Ben; b) beefeaters; c) museum of armour; d) ravens.

7.        The symbol of England is:

a) a thistle b) a rose c) a daffodil

8.        Men wear kilts in:

a) England b) Scotland c) Wales

9.        The city Edinburgh is in:

a) England b) Scotland c) Wales

10.        Trafalgar Square is in:

a) England b) Wales c) Scotland

  1.  A Loch Ness Monster is from: a) Scotland b) Wales c) England
  2. A traditional British dish is:

a) frog's legs b) pizza c) pudding

13. Scotland is famous for:

a) bagpipers b) Highland games c) Oxford university

14.        You can see beefeaters in:

a) Windsor Castle b) the Tower of London c) Buckingham Palace

15. The daffodil is the symbol of

  1. Scotland  b) England c) Wales

16. Nelson Column is in

  1. Trafalgar Square   b) Hyde  Park  c) Piccadilly Circus

17. The city Glasgow is in

  1. Wales b) Scotland c) England

18. The UK consists of...

  1. Great Britain and Ireland
  2. England, Germany, France, Wales
  3. Scotland, England, Wales, Iceland
  4. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

20.        What is the capital of Scotland?

  1. London
  2. Belfast
  3. Cardiff
  4. Edinburgh

21.        What is the symbol of Wales?

  1. a thistle
  2. a daffodil
  3. shamrock

22.        What is Ulster?

  1. the old name of Northern Ireland
  2. the old festival in Northern Ireland
  3. the national flag of Northern Ireland
  4. the old town in Northern Ireland

23. During many centuries the building was a prison, a fortress

a) Westminster Abbey b) The Tower c) The Houses of Parliament

24. Almost all Kings and Queens have been crowned here.

a) Buckingham Palace b)  Westminster Abbey c) St Paul’s Cathedral

25. It is the longest building of London. It was built for 20 years.

a) the Tower b) the Houses of parliament c) the British Museum

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