English through documentaries. (Английский через документальные фильмы)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Мосина Елена Геннадьевна

Предлагаю несколько интернет-ссылок на документальные видеоматериалы, снабженные заданиями на детальное понимание содержания. Смотрите, слушайте и старайтесь уловить маленькие факты и интересные образные выражения талантливого автора документального фильма. Как правило, это фильмы из целых тематических циклов ВВС. Просмотрев один, вы непременно захотите увидеть остальные!




Файл ireland.docx87.23 КБ
Файл mary_stewart.docx73.86 КБ
Файл the_minoans.docx28.46 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Сказание об Ирландии" (The Story of Ireland) - 5-серийный документальный фильм BBC. 

The Story of Ireland is a five-part documentary series examining the history of Ireland and its impact on the wider world. Over the course of the programmes, Fergal Keane travels across three continents, tracing the events, the people and the influences that shaped modern Ireland. The first episode aired on the 20th of February 2011.


Серии: The Age of Invasion

The Age of Conquest

The Age of Revolution

The Age of Union

The Age of Nations

Ireland. The Age of Invasions

1. In 1966 the Irish constructed a Memorial that brought them back to the glorious Celtic ...

2. The real Irish were Gaelic and ..............

3. The teacher says Carson was the person who wanted to .......... Ireland.

4. The first settlers came to Ireland from Europe about ... thousand years ago.

5. Historians call ancient people of Ireland the ....

6. Where the decorative amber came from is a .................... question.

7. Bogs (болота) have been looked for fuel for ....... for several generations.

8. The man found in the bog was a ....

9. The Irish were linked by ......... to the cultures of the classical world.

10. Homer described North Western Europe as the land where .... begins.

11. Julius Caesar called Ireland the Land of .......

12. On Ptolemy’s map we can see the city of ....

13. Ireland sent cattle to Romans for ....

14. The writing on the Roman column is a Irishman's .....

15. The first Irish Christian bishop was a son of a Roman ....

16. Ireland traded with Britain, and the most lucrative (прибыльный) market was ...

17. St. Patrick is commemorated on March, ......

18. St. Patrick vanished the .......... from the face of Ireland.

19. St. Patrick apologised he was the sinner the .......... among all Christians.

20. The early missionaries needed ....................... from a local king.

21. The monasteries were the focal points of intellectual and ...................... life.

22. After the Romans in Europe there was a decline in ..............

23. But in Ireland a cultural ................................ was on the way.

24. A culture that blended the native and the ................ florished.                


Предварительный просмотр:

Картинки по запросу mary stewart queen

Блестящий цикл документальных фильмов ВВС «История Англии» от профессора Дэвида Шамы. Перед вами один из них – о взаимоотношениях королевы Елизаветы Первой и Марии Стюарт.

Смотрим фильм и выполняем задание. Приятного просмотра!


Mary Stewart

1. When Elizabeth died old she still seemed a young woman .....years of age.

2. One woman was a politician, the other was a ....

3. Elizabeth became the Queen on 17th  of November, 15..

4. Elizabeth was ...years old when she mother was executed.

5. Being a teenager she was accused of having a ...from her prisoner Lord Seymour.

6. Elizabeth spent ....years locked in the Tower.

7. Her coronation was carefully ....

8. Her teacher was a public orator at ... University.

9. She adored being ....

10. Robert Dudley was good-looking especially on a ...

11. Dudley's wife was found ...

12. Asking of her cousin Mary Elizabeth wanted to know which of them was the taller, the fairer, the wittier, the ....

13. Mary was next in line to the English ...

14. Elizabeth wanted to find a ... husband for Mary.

15. Lord Henry Darnley had Tudor blood and a lot of ... in his veins.

16. Mary knew how to turn terror into ...

17. When Elizabeth knew Mary had a child her first reaction was to...

18. The Earl of Boswell blew up Darnley's house sky...

19. From now on ... followed Mary Stewart.

20. Mary renounced her throne in favour of her ... son.

21. Running to England she did not know she would linger on there for ... years.

22. Mary's first request to Elizabeth was for some ...

23. Elizabeth was wearing favourite ... of Mary's stolen from her.

24. Now Mary had no illusion that she was anything but ...

Предварительный просмотр:

Картинки по запросу минойская цивилизация парижанка

Перед вами документальный фильм о древней культуре Крита, минойской цивилизации. Вы видите изображение древней фрески, известной под названием «парижанка», так современно выглядела эта дама для журналистов и археологов начала XX века, когда впервые были произведены раскопки на острове Крит англичанином сэром Артуром Эвансом…

Читаем интересную статью на культурном сайте, ищем видео внизу страницы, смотрим фильм, слушаем приятный голос девушки-историка.


Заполняем пропуски в задании:


1. Неre the sophistication and culture exist side by side with ....and .....

2. There are ... snowy mountain ranges on Crete.

3. One day King Minos prayed for a ...... to be delivered for him from the sea.

4. Didalos is called "a Mr. ...... .... " of the Bronze Age.

5. Minataur is "a monster, a hybrid that has no .... on earth."

6. HenrichSchliemann discovered Troy in ....

7. It seemed that the work of Homer was ....... nor a poetry.

8. In Mycenae he found a death .....of the king Agamemnon.

9. Somewhere if the Aegean there was a lost world waiting to be .....

10. Arthur Evans began digging on Crete in .....

11. Knossos was a site with a big label on it saying: "............................ .......".

12. As the speed of excavation picked up, so did the ..........................

13. The Labyrinth was far more than just the monster's ..........

14. The Minoan civilizationis .....thousand years old.

15. The fresco of the bull was life-size and life-..........

16. The found throne was the oldest throne in ..................

17. The Knossos Palace is more than .... times the size of the Buckingham Palace.

18. The Central Court is the size of seven ...........courts fitted together.

19. "БычьяПляска" in English is "Bull ............... ".

20. The bull's hoofprints are the size of the theman's ..........

21. The bull charges because this is what he does, the man leaps because he ............ to.

22. The thin cups, Camaris ware, were named after the ...........where they were found.

23. The Parisienne lady is .....and a half thousand years old.

24. Minoans give evidence as the .........WesternWorldcivilization.

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