Ситуационные карточки для ролевой игры по теме "Piercing & Body Modifications"
материал по английскому языку (8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Новак Галина Игоревна

Ситуационные карточки  для ролевой игры по теме "Пирсинг: аргументы за и против". 

Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков диалогической речи по теме, развитие умения высказать свое мнение, активизация языковых и грамматических навыков (to have smth done). развитие критического мышления, умения работать в группе и паре. Тренировка умения анализировать трудности, учиться их преодолевать, умения принимать спонтанное решение в ситуации общения. 

В наборе 3 парных карточки и 1 карточка для 3-ех студентов. 

Для учащихся среднего и старшего уровня. 


Microsoft Office document icon situatsii_dialog_piercing.doc36 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Student A

That’s your birthday and you’re presented with some money. You’ve decided to have piercing, but you’re hesitating between having a lip, a nostril or a navel piersed. Ask your friend for advice

1. Student B

Your classmate just had a birthday. You know that his/her parents presented him with some money. He/she wants to have piercing. You know that your own family and your school teachers wouldn’t approve of it.

2. Student A

I’ve just found a great desk job, that’s just for you. You’ve contacted the company and have been invited to an interview. But you have your eyebrow, your nostril and your lip pierced. Try to convince the interviewer that you do for this job and your piercing doesn’t interfere with your qualification and skills.

2. Student B

You’re a job interviewer and today you’re having an interview with a new candidate for a desk job. You like his CV, but he has his eyebrow, nostril and lip pierced, such things are not appropriate for an ideal office worker.

3. Student A

You’re a mother. You child is 16 now and wants to have his eyebrow pierced and his arm tattooed. You know that such things may cause lots of problems. Try to convince your child to have something less extreme done.

3. Student B

You are 16 now and want to have your eyebrow pierced and your arm tattoed. You know that your parents don’t like the idea, so try to convince them that such things are really cool and beautiful.

3. Student C

You’re a father. Your child is 16 now and wants to have his eyebrow pierced and his arm tattooed. You remember that you were interested in such things when you were young, but still  such things may cause lots of problems. Try to convince your child to have something less extreme done.

4. Student A

You’re a body piercer. You’ve got a patient, who is under 18 and wants to have his/her tongue pierced. You’re not sure that s/he has his parent’s permission, but don’t want to lose the client. Clear the situation. Tell him about alternative ways of changing the style.

4. Student B

You want to have your tongue pierced and you’ve come to a body piercer. You know that you need your parent’s permission, because you’re 17, but you have only your sister’s one. Try to convince the master that everything will be OK.

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