Разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме "Sights of London".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Данная разработка рекомендована для 6 классов школ с углубленным язучением английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

МБОУ «Арская средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 им. В.Ф.Ежкова с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»

План-конспект  урока

по английскому языку

Развитие УН аудирования по теме

“The Sights of London”

                                                      Класс: 6 «В»                            

                                                                                      Учитель английского языка

                                                        Ханжина А.В.

Тема:  “Sights of London”

Цель урока:

Развитие УН аудирования по теме “Sights of London” .

Задачи урока:

  1. Активизировать в речи учащихся лексику по теме “Sights of London”.
  2. Развивать УН аудирования с пониманием основного содержания и умения извлекать из услышанного текста необходимую информацию.
  3. Воспитывать интерес к культуре, истории и искусству родной страны и стран  изучаемого языка.

Оборудование урока:  интерактивная доска, компьютер, проектор,     презентация “Sights of London”, рабочая тетрадь и диск “This is Britain. Level 2,” раздаточный материал (задания для аудирования).

Ход урока

I. Организация начала урока.

-  Good morning, children! I hope you all feel well today and ready for the lesson.

-  The subject of our lesson is “The Sights of London”.  

II. Актуализация опорных знаний.

- What do you know about this city? (высказывания учащихся).

-  Today we’ll learn some more places of interest.

-  Listen to the dialogue between a tourist and her British friend. You should write down places of interest mentioned in the dialogue.


- Nastya, how do you like London?

- Oh, it’s very beautiful. I have already visited some famous places and I was very impressed.

- What places have you visited?

- I’ve already visited Westminster and saw Big Ben. I always wanted to see Big Ben because I read a lot about it.

- And have you visited the Tower of London?

- Yes, yesterday we went on the excursion to the Tower. We knew a lot of interesting facts about the history of the Tower. For example, that it was  a palace, a fortress and a prison.         

- Yes, the Tower is one of the most interesting places in London. And have you visited Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament?

- Of course, Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s residence and the House of Parliament  is her working place.

- That’s right. I recommend you to visit Trafalgar Square and the Tower Bridge. These are our historical places.

- Oh, it’s great. I think I’ll go there tomorrow.

- I can show you these places.

- It would be great. See you tomorrow then.

- See you.

 - Well, could you name the places mentioned in the dialogue?

-  You can see them on the board.

Trafalgar Square

The Tower of London

The Tower Bridge

Buckingham Palace

Big Ben

       The Houses of Parliament (хоровая работа)

III. Просмотр фильма “London”, проверка понимания.

  • Now we are going to watch a video about two children called Emily and Max who go sightseeing in London with their parents. Try to understand the content of the video.You have activity sheets on your desks. Number the pictures 1-8 in the order you see them in the video. Match each photo to the correct name by drawing a line. Work in pairs.
  • Let’s check the answers.


a Big Ben (6)

b Tower Bridge (7)

c Buckingham Palace (4)

d Tube map (8)

e sightseeing bus (3)

f taxi (2)

g London Eye (5)

h Train Station (1)

  • Complete the dialogue with words from the word bank. Check your answers. (Play the section of the video clip starting from Mum: Emily, do you want to buy the bus tickets? And finishing after Max: Let’s sit upstairs.
  • Let’s read the dialogue.

IV. Проверка домашнего задания: загадки (индивидуальные задания)

  • Listen to the description of the places of interest and guess what it is about… (Индивидуальные домашние задания – загадки-описания).

  •   It’s a clock in the tower and it is a big bell. You can hear it every hour. People are allowed to get inside the Tower. There is no lift and there are three hundred and forty steps (340).It weighs 13.5 tons.

  •   It is a place where the British Government sits. It is the largest modern building. It consists of three parts: the Royal Apartments, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

  •   It is the oldest and famous bridge across the Thames. Originally it was made of wood by the Romans, but it was often burnt down. Later it was made of stone. Finally it was rebuilt and made of concrete.

  •   It is the central square of London and traditional place for people to meet: all sorts of protest meetings are held there. The statue of national hero Admiral Nelson stands  there.

V. Тест.

  • Match a phrase in the left-hand column to a phrase in the right-hand column.

(Activity Sheets)

  • Collect the papers. Let’s check the answers. (Выполнение на интерактивной доске).

VI. Подведение итогов.

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