“What is a tradition?” Разработка урока на английском языке
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Кичикова Ольга Матцеевна

Тема урока: What is “А tradition”? - Что такое «Традиция»?

Цель урока: Активизация использования лексики по теме.

Тип урока: Комбинированный. Повторение пройденного, изучение и закрепление нового материала.

Методическое обеспечение урока и средства обучения: Учебники,  рабочие тетради, словари,  презентация по теме урока,  интерактивная доска, магнитофон, дополнительный раздаточный материал,  картинки.

Какие приёмы использует преподаватель для формирования  общеучебных умений и навыков:

1. Актуализация опорных знаний учащихся.

 2. Максимальное творческое участие учеников в закреплении материала.

 3. Межпредметные связи: история и культура родного края, музыка.


Microsoft Office document icon plan_uroka._chto_takoe_traditsiya.doc40 КБ
Office presentation icon what_is_a_tradition.ppt1.15 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

What is a tradition?

/Разработка урока по английскому языку для учащихся 10 класса по учебнику New Millennium English/

Разработчик: Кичикова Ольга Матцеевна, учитель английского языка

Aim: To learn listening, speaking, reading and writing about traditions.

Objectives: 1. to be able to discuss traditions in broader sense and their role in everyday life;

                    2. to make cross-cultural comparisons;

 Materials: pictures, computer presentation, tape-recorder, cassettes.


1.   Greeting.

T- Good morning my dear girls and boys.

P- Good morning teacher.

T- How are you?

P- Fine, thanks and you?

T- I’m OK too. Thank you. What date is it today?

P- Today is the twenty-third of October.

2. Warming-up activity.

T- The theme of our lesson is “What is a tradition?”

    The topic of our lesson is trying to discuss traditions in a broader sense and their role in every-day life.

The aim of our lesson is to learn listening, reading, speaking and writing about traditions.

Now let’s start our work with ex 1, p 40. Read the task please.

 The task is unscramble the names of three important festivals and match. Answer the questions.

Answers for the first question.

1)  Easter – a decorated egg, because it is a symbol of a new life (and resurrection).

2) Christmas – mistletoe plant, a symbol of survival. (It’s an evergreen plant with small greenish flowers and white berries)

3) Jack – of – Lantern – a common symbol of Halloween.

(A pumpkin carved in the appearance of a demonic face with lighted candle insight)

 Answer for the second question.

 Easter and Christmas are celebrated in Russia too.

 Answers for the third question.

Christmas in Russia –the first lighted star in the sky.

Victory day – They symbol is George’s ribbons and red carnations.

New Year’s day – the symbols are Grandfather Frost, his granddaughter Snegurochka and decorated New Year Tree.

What about Kalmyk festivals and their symbols.

Ur Tsar – colourful ribbons tied to a tree in blossoms as a symbol of fertility and life.

Zul – is a small butteroil lamps as a symbol of prolonging lives.

Tsagan Tsar – bortsaks in the form of the Sun as the symbol of spring.

3. Reading

For a few minutes read the following pieces of inf-n from ex2, p.40 and decide which of the above festivals they refer to. (ex.2, p.40.)

Christmas 1, 5, 7 mistletoe, evergreens the birth of Jesus Christ

Halloween 2, 3, 8 evil, spirits, pumpkin, ghosts.Easter 4,6,9 Resurrection, eggs, rabbit

4. Vocabulary – practice

You have written the words in bold in your voc-ries at home and translated them.

 Let’s check your transl-n: What is the Russian for:

Repeat them after me all together: be associated, be reminded, date back to, declining, define oneself, long-standing, protect against, survive, survival, symbol, unique.

Now girls and boys let’s do ex.1 and 2 in your work-books for more practice.

5. The definition of the word “Tradition”

Now dear, try to give the definition of the word “tradition”. All ideas are accepted; there are no “right” or “wrong answers”.


As you see, the word “tradition” doesn’t mean only celebrating a festival and a holiday .

I want you to write down the definition of the word tradition from Longman dictionary of English language and in your exercise - books.

Tradition – the passing down the beliefs, practices, and customs from the past to the present”. ( The longmann dictionary of English language and culture)

6. Preparing short stories about traditions. Ex.4, p.41.

P-1. I’d like to tell about unigue traditions of a renewed holiday in our country Christmas.

It is celebrated on the 7-th of January. It’s a religious holiday. People go to church service on that day. P-2.Another Christmas tradition is a singing “Kolyadki”. It’s a kind of “Christmas carols”. Children and adults go from house to house. Wish good luck to everyone and people give them small presents. Also on those days young girls like to tell fortunes using candles and mirrors; some people swim in an ice-hole in the river.

7. Listening to the text. ex.5, p.41

1. Look through new words. Listen to the interview with a student from Oxford, talking about the role of traditions in the life of Britain and his own life.

   Put the Topics from the box in the order they appear in the interview.

2. Listen to the recording again and choose the best answer.

8. Conclusion

Well girls and boys at the end of the lesson let’s summarize what we have discussed, have read

in the from of the Presentation:” Tradition. What is it?”

9. Homework. For you homework write down in you diaries ex.2, 4, p.23 (wb); ex.6, p.42 (b)

10. Marks:

11. Bye girls and boys. Thank you for your work. See you next lesson.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

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