открытый урок
материал по английскому языку на тему

Тюрина Юлия Алексеевна

Тема "Путешествие в страну "Грамматика"


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Открытый урок по теме «Путешествие в страну «Грамматика»

Цель урока: Обучающая: Формирование навыков устной речи

                      Воспитательная: Умение привлечь детей к самостоятельной работе

                      Закрепляющая: Закрепление пройденного лексического (furniture) и грамматического (prepositions, there is/are, ordinal numerals)

Plan of the lesson

  1. Organisation moment
  1. Greeting: “Good morning,children! I’m glad to see you! How are you? Sit down please. What’s the weather like today?...”
  2. The duty: “Who is on duty today?...Who is absent?

                                                                 What date is today?

                                                                  What day is today?

  1. The homework: our homework is: you have to draw your bedroom and describe it. Did you draw your room? Well! Who is ready?....

  1. Main part
  1. Today we are going to do the next:
  • We’ll repeat our grammar: there is/are, prepositions and ordinal numerals. OK?
  • We’ll repeat the words: furniture
  • We’ll read a poem
  • Ask and answer the questions
  • We’ll play a game
  1. Listen to the poem and say where is the cat

Where’s the cat?

Under the hat.


On the chair.

Where’s the cat?

In the box.


Over there.

Let’s read the poem all together

  1. Look at the blackboard. Listen to me and repeat after me (повторение предлогов, используя наглядное пособие)

And now answer my questions, using construction There is/are

  • Is there a table in this classroom?
  • Are there plants in this classroom?
  • Is there a clock in this classroom?....
  1. Can you count from one to for example a hundred? (Yes, we can). I will call you a cardinal number and you have to say the ordinal. For example, one-the first and so on.
  2. Ok…very good for you! And now stand up. Let’s relax a little! (физ.минутка)
  3. Do you like to play games?Let’s play. Look at the desk. You can see a box and the balls on a table. You have to take the ball and put it in/on/under/above/near/next to/in the right corner/in the left corner/behind/between this box….go, to the blackboard. You must take the ball right colour.

The blue ball is on the box

The red ball is in the box

 The pink ball is under the box

The yellow ball is next to the box

The black ball is above the box

The brown ball is to the right corner of the box

The orange ball is behind the box

The white ball is to the left corner of the box

The grey ball is between the boxes

Very well!!!

  1. And now I give you this text. We’ll read and translate it. ….let’s begin!!!

My room

This is my room. I like it very much. There is one window in my room. There are pink curtains on the window in my room. Under the window there is a desk. There is a vase on my desk. There is a chair. There is a bed in mu room. There is a carpet near the bed. There is a lamp here. It is red. There is a box with my toys next to a bed. And there is a bookshelf above it. There is a dog under a desk.

We got a beautiful room!!!!

  1. Заключительная часть
  1. Подведение итогов: I hope that you’ll remember prepositions at the next lesson. Now I give you marks
  2. Объяснение дом.задания: Open your diaries, write down home task. It will be repeat the words, ex.1 p.48 from your book. The lesson is over, good buy!!!

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