Открытый урок- презентация на тему "Animals in our life" 6 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Сафина Расима Ахматхановна

Открытый урок- презентация на тему "Animals in our life"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Animals in our life.

Слайд 2

What kind of animals and birds do you know ?

Слайд 3

Animals wild domestic endangere d

Слайд 4

Where do these animals and birds live ? Crocodiles Camels Eagles Whales Sheep Horses Dolphins Monkeys Pandas Sharks Rhinos Tortoises Hens In the mountains In the seas and oceans in (at) the rivers In the trees ( the forests) In the zoo In the country At a farm In the deserts live

Слайд 5

Give characteristics of the following birds and animals.

Слайд 18

Animals all over the world. There are a lot of animals all over the world we should help to survive. Every ten minutes one kind of animal dies out forever. There are thousands of endangered species nowadays, a lot of animals are in The Red Book; badger, bison, several kinds of bears, flamingo are only few of them. It was the man who made them so much harm and brought them to the verge of extinction. Now the man should do his best to help them servive.

Слайд 19

Listen what the booklet says about London Zoo. Answer these questions: a) How many kinds of insects are there at the zoo? b) What species of endangered animals can you name ? c) What's the address of the Zoological Society of London?

Слайд 20

Read the text about London zoo and answer the guestions. a ) When did exotic animals appear in Great Britain for the first time? b) Where is the zoo now?

Слайд 21

Answer these guestions. What kind of animals can we see at the zoo ? Can I take my dog into the zoo ? I like monkeys very much. Can I see them at your zoo ? Are there any big animals at the zoo ? What is the Zoological Society of London? What is its address?

Слайд 22

Can visitors of the zoo see the animals at feeding time? Can I take any of the baby animals home with me?

Слайд 23

Problems of animals. - animals want to live in the wild ; -at zoos animals live only in cages , they cant run and jump ; -bad conditions at the zoos ; - birds have their wings cut and they cant fly ; - every day crowds of people gape at them ; -in winter they are very cold etc.

Слайд 24

What would you do as the director of the zoo ? If I were the director of the zoo , I would…

Слайд 25

Discuss the following problems. ■ What is the difference between a zoo and a wild animal's park? ■ Why do people keep animals in zoos and parks? • . . ■ Where do animals have more space (пространство) for living? ■ Where do animals have a better place to live ?

Слайд 26

■ What do you think is better for animals: to live in zoos? to live in wild animals park? to live in the wild?

Слайд 27

Read the following signs and invent (придумай) your own signs. No swimming Please keep off the grass No fishing please do not feed the pigeons No dogs No ices No flash

Слайд 28

What is it? 1) It has a short tail and pockets in its cheeks for carrying food. 2) A living thing which lives in water. 3) Its favourite foods are milk and fish. 4) It is a slow moving animal with a shell (панцирь). 5) It's man's best friend. 6) Sometimes it can speak. 7) It's a small animal with long ears. 8) It's a small animal without a tail. It looks like a rabbit with short ears, but not a pig.

Слайд 29

The Red book. Badger Bison Flamingo Tiger A white bear Some dolphins Camel Walrus Swan Some eagles Buffallo and etc.

Слайд 30

We should : Animals are our younger brothers. That’s why we should : Protect them and their homes ; Keep the forests, reservoirs ; Reduce the hunting as much as possible ; Shouldn’t shout where animals live ; Create more parks ; Do our best to help animals survive. ; If we don’t do anything, one million species that are alive today will have become extinct 20 years from now.

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