"Джек и бобовое зёрнышко." - краткий пересказ на английском языке от первого лица.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс)

Хвардзикия Натия Абесаломовна

Данный материал создан на основе книги для чтения "Джек и бобовое зёрнышко" к УМК серии "Английский в фокусе" для 5-го класса авторов Вирджиния Эванс, Джени Дули и др. Творческая работа представляет из себя краткий пересказ книги от первого лица, от главного героя сказки - Джека и может быть использована на итоговом уроке внеклассного чтения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Jack and the beanstalk

  • I don’t want to wake up. Oh, how I love to sleep! But my mum makes me get up and help her.

        Oh, hello! I’m Jack, Jack Trott. Do you want to hear my story?

So, listen:

I lived with my mum in a small house. We were very poor, we had almost nothing to eat, so, one day my mother decided to send me to the market and sell our old cow Daisy, which couldn’t give us any milk. With the money I had to buy some food on my way home.

I sold our cow and returned with… guess what?  – with no money and no food but with some beans, which an old man gave me for the cow. Oh, you can’t imagine how angry my mum was. I told her that the beans had been magic, but she threw them away out of the window.

Do you know what happened then? Next day, when we wake up we saw an enormous beanstalk in the garden. It was very, very tall. It went up to the sky and through the clouds. I wandered what was there on the top and started to climb.

        I couldn’t believe my eyes!

                            “ I think this is the top

                             I can see a high wall

                             Wow! It’s a castle –

                             Does it belong to a king?

                             Let me knock on the door –

                             Let me see if he’s in!”

While I was climbing the beanstalk I got hungry and went there for some food. A giantess met me and told that when her husband, a giant came he would eat me. Oh, poor me! I was very scared and hid in the oven.

Of course, when the giant came, he felt my smell, but the giantess was clever and lied it was a sheep. I watched at him trembling.

Do you want to hear more? OK, l will continue.

When the giant ate the whole sheep he told his wife to bring his hen. And what I saw! The hen laid golden eggs. Oh, how I wanted that hen! So, when the giant fell asleep, I climbed out from my shelter, grabbed the hen and ran, but as I tried to leave the Castle, the silly hen cried CLUCK, CLUCK!

I rushed with all my might. The giant chased after me. I started to climb down and the giant followed me, but when I was almost in the garden my mum brought me an axe and I cut down the beanstalk. The giant fell on the ground with a terrible sound.

What is next? – We are rich now. Our magic hen lays golden eggs, we have lots of food and we are happy. Moreover, our cow Daisy is with us now.

Life is so beautiful! Live and dream, and your dreams will immediately come true!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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