тренажёр по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

Тренировочные упражнения для подготовки к ЕГЭ


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Предварительный просмотр:

  READING   Ex.1  Тексты 1 – 6 относятся к различным рубрикам. Установите соответствие каждого текста рубрикам из списка A – G. Каждая рубрика соответствует лишь одному тексту, при этом среди них одна лишняя.



1. Hi, CLICK,  We are two friends, Dario and Michele. We sit together at school. We are eleven years old.   We live in a village near Florence. …

2. Join us for the trip of a lifetime, cycling 400 km across this most beautiful of Caribbean islands. Enjoy the lush, tropical landscapes, soft, sandy beaches, fine architecture and warm, friendly welcome of Cuba.

3. The Man in the Iron Mask. Leonardo Di Caprio takes on the dual role of the evil Louis XIV and his kind twin brother in this Hollywood adaptation of the Dumas classic. With Gepardieu, John Malkovich and Jeremy Irons as the three musketeers, this should be a belter. Sadly, it isn’t.

4. We are looking for new staff to join our friendly dedicated team and have a variety of posts available. You should have good communication skills, great personality and a strong will.

5. The new Motorola has a built-in digital camera, Multi-media messaging, quality ringtones and downloadable games. Play more, say more and explore the world with Motorola.

6. The world is changing around us. To stay ahead we need to keep learning. In many cases our careers depend on it. The Open University has become a leading provider of learning for people who need to develop their careers.

Ex. 2     Прочитайте тексты. Установите, в каких текстах A - G можно найти ответы на вопросы 1 – 6. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одном тексте. Один из приведенных текстов лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


1. get acquainted with the history of transport (learn how people used to travel);

2. observe evolution of artillery;

3. learn how people lived a few centuries ago;

4. observe stars and planets;

5. see all the Shakespeare’s comedies joined into one show;

6. treat yourself to a traditional Afternoon Tea.

A. Firepower is the major new attraction in Woolwich, telling the story of artillery. From cannons and mortars to missile launcher and super gun, the impressive array of equipment makes FIREPOWER London’s most explosive day out!

B. These buildings define the Greenwich Meridian. The real time ball has fallen punctually at 13.00 every day since 1833. Flamsteed House contains the original Astronomer Royal’s  apartments and Harrison’s famous marine timekeepers. Free admission.

C. Travel through time and discover the colourful story of London and its famous transport system from 1800 to the present day. Exciting displays of buses, trams, trains, posters, plus touch-screen displays, videos and working models bring the whole story to life.

D. The Reduced Shakespeare Company has taken over the Criterion Theatre, Picadilly and edited the Complete Works of Shakespeare into just two hours! This funny production distils all 16 comedies into just one short extract, while the history plays are performed as a ball game.

E. One of London’s most friendly and charming museums. Displays of English domestic interiors from 1600 to the present day in a series of period rooms. Delightful 18th century alms-house buildings, set in attractive gardens, reflecting tastes and styles of urban middle classes.

F. Small, unusual and noisy, you’ll find every automatic or self-playing instrument known to humankind, all played and explained during an hour-and-a-half demonstration and guided tour.

G. Experience a traditional ‘English Cream Tea’ in the Café in the Crypt, St Martin-in-the-Fields. A delicious homemade scone, with clotted cream and jam, plus two slices of cake accompany your tea or coffee, served in the 18-th century Crypt of this baroque church in Trafalgar Square.

  GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY  Ex.1 В следующем тексте необходимо заполнить пропуски, обозначенные цифрами 1 – 6. Вариант ответа (a), b), c), d) ) выберите из предложенных ниже и запишите   Time for the parade. Behind the scenes at Warner Brothers Movie World Benjamin and his friends (1) _____ ready for the daily parade. He (2) _____ the train with the little carriages packed with the theme park’s cuddly stars through the park. Porky Pig (3) _____ already his position, Sylvester the Cat joins him. Star rabbit Bugs Bunny (4) _____ the parade in a golden stretch cabriolet. The daily parade with the stars of the theme park in Bottrop-Kirchhellen (5) _____ always a part of Benjamin’s job. The show (6) _____ three times a day.

1        a) get        b) gets        c) are getting        d) got

2        a) droved        b) drives        c) is driving        d) drive

3        a) has taken up        b) took up        c) take up        d) takes up

4        a) head        b) heads        c) is heading        d) was heading

5        a) is        b) has been        c) was        d) had been

6        a) performs        b) is performed        c) performed        d) was performed

Ex.2Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста лексически и грамматически. Впишите образованные

I always wanted to be a great (1) _______________ . I had the  dreams of discovering a new drug that would save the lives of hundreds of people.


Unfortunately I was never very good at (2) _______________  at school  and the teacher used to be very  cross with me.


After a while I decided I would become an inventor and design an amazing new

(3) _______________ which would   become a household name.


My parents were encouraging but told  me not to be so (4) _______________ .

A few weeks later I had a  brilliant idea for a pen that would write upside down.


To my (5) _______________ a friend of mine pointed out that it                was not a new (6) _______________ .                                                          


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