Система английских времен
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Зорин Роман Георгиевич

Презентация отображает основные моменты использования основных времен в английском языке


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Слайд 1

Система английских времен Выполнил: учитель английского языка, Зорин Роман Георгиевич

Слайд 3

Present Simple Present Simple is used to show: 1) a fact or an action that happens on a regular basis ( usually, always, sometimes, often, seldom, every ); 2) when we speak about timetable or TV programmes ( The train leaves at 5 am tomorrow. or Hurry up! The show starts in 5 minutes! )

Слайд 4

Present Continuous Used: The action is now or started in the past and is not finished yet. ( now, at present, at the moment, Look! Listen! ) Your plan for the future. ( tonight, tomorrow, next… .) You are filled with negative emotions ( always is used here — You are always losing your keys! )

Слайд 5

Present Continuous Stative verbs are not used in Continuous : 1) senses ( smell , taste , sound , feel , appear , seem , hear , look , see ) 2) perception ( believe , forget , remember , realise , understand , know ) 3) feelings ( love , like want , hate , desire ) 4) « have » verbs ( have , belong to , possess , own , contain ) 5) other verbs ( be , matter , cost , fit , include ) Remember : think ( that ) = believe ( no Continuous ) - think about / of ( Continuous is possible ) taste = have some taste ( no Continuous ) — taste = to try , to eat ( Continuous is possible ) see = to use your eyes , or to understand ( no Continuous ) — see = meet ( Continuous is possible ) have = own ( no Continuous ) — have breakfast (a good time , etc ) ( Continuous is possible Other verbs with similar meaning : smell , appear , fit etc . - pay attention at their meaning !

Слайд 6

Present Perfect 1) Mainly used to show the result of the action started in the past. ( already, just never, ever yet ) 2) Action that started in the past and still continues. ( since, for ) 3) Action that happened some time ago with words recently, lately .

Слайд 7

Present Perfect Continuous Action started in the past, still continues and possible will continue in the future. The result is not important, the process is important here. We often use such words, as since, for, the whole here. Do not mix up with Present Perfect Simple. I have read 10 books this month. (result) -What have you been doing today? -I have been reading the book you gave me (the book is not finished, process = the whole day)

Слайд 8

Past Simple Past Simple always has a reference to PAST . If we mention when the action took place , we must use Past Simple ( yesterday , last , ago , in 1999, when I was a little kid etc .) Do not mix up with Present Perfect — there is no concrete time reference in Present Perfect : I saw Tom yesterday at the night club . ( Past Simple , time reference - yesterday ) - Have you seen Tom ? - No , I have not seen him yet . ( Present Perfect , no time reference )

Слайд 9

Past Continuous Past Continuous is used to show the process at certain time in the PAST . We often use while , the whole ( day yesterday ), at this time yesterday , at 5 pm yesterday , from 5 till 6 yesterday . We also use this tense when one action interrupts the other : When my Mom came home ( Past Simple , action that interrupts ), I was cooking her a delicious dinner ( action in process ) Or when both actions go together ( both are in process in the past ) While I was cooking a delicious dinner , my Mom was washing the floor .

Слайд 10

Past Perfect Past Perfect shows the result before another action or time in the past . We often use by ( some time in the past ). He had finished his work by 7 pm yesterday . He was so upset because he had missed ( it happened before he started feeling upset ) the train . We often use before and after in this tense . She had tidied up all the rooms before the children returned from school . Do not mix up with Past Simple when actions go one after another . I got up early yesterday , dressed myself and then I went jogging

Слайд 11

Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous is used to show that one action lasted for some time before another action in the past. The process is more important here. We often use for, since, the whole, etc : He had already been reading the book for 5 hours, when mother came.

Слайд 12

Future Simple Future Simple is used to show the fact in future. There is no plan, we decided to do it at spot without thinking it over. It is often used in dialogues . Tomorrow, next….. in a year are often used - Oh, Mum, I see you are tired today. I will make you some coffee.

Слайд 13

Future Continuous Future Continuous is used when you want to show the action that will last for some time in the future. We often use at this time tomorrow, from 5 till 6 tomorrow, the whole day tomorrow, etc. I will be reading the book the whole day tomorrow, please, do not disturb me.

Слайд 14

Future Perfect Future Perfect is used when the action will have some result by the time or other action in future. We often use by (some time in future), before, etc. I will have finished school by 2020

Слайд 15

Future Perfect Continuous This tense is not used very often . The action started in the past , continues now and will have some result by a concrete time or action in future . Usually we translate such sentences into Russian using a compound sentence . In Russian : В декабре исполнится 20 лет, как я работаю в школе. In English : Next December I will have been working at school for 20 years . We often use for here .

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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