Применение наглядности на уроках английского языка
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Рыжова Ольга Александровна

Применение наглядности на уроках английского языка


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Слайд 1

Teacher : Olga Alexandrovna Ryzhova « Forming of conditions for creation of emotional and psychological comfort at English lessons through various means of visual teaching methods »

Слайд 2

4 types of visual teaching methods: 1 directly perceptual, 2 pictured perceptual, 3 directly mnemic , 4 pictured mnemic .

Слайд 3

As a result of summarizing experience and results of the conducted researches it was established that rational use of technical means: 1) to fill lack of the natural foreign-language environment at all grade levels; 2) to realize the important didactic principle of presentation more stoutly; 3) to carry out training with taking into account specific typological features of each pupil; 4) to create the best conditions for programming and control; 5) to provide the formation and development of skills of acoustical self-checking; 6) to use analytical and imitating skills of pupils as much as possible; 7) to define quality indicators of the foreign-language speech of pupils in recording; 8) to carry out many active types of exercises with all pupils at the same time, including speaking.

Слайд 4

Recommendations: 1. It is impossible to use visual aids only to sate lessons with presentation. 2. Every time when using any evident materials the teacher has to formulate accurately the purpose and methods of their using, and also to specify the possible negative moments. 3. It is necessary to consider the listed above shortcomings and not to allow in a grant of excessively volume comment in the native language. 4. Applying evident material, the teacher is obliged to consider age and individual qualities of pupils.

Слайд 5

"What is missing?" The teacher displays cards before pupils, and they call them. The teacher gives the command: "Close your eyes!" takes out one-two cards. Then speaks: "Open your eyes!" asks a question: "What is missing?" Children remember calling words.

Слайд 6

"Snowball" The teacher speaks: "I like apples" and shows the corresponding picture. Later, shows one more picture and asks the pupil to repeat adding one more word. For example, "I like apples and pineapples". So, in turn everybody repeats adding the words which is shown by the teacher.

Слайд 7

"Answer correctly!" The teacher divides pupils into two teams. Then he displays thematic cards a reverse side up. Children one by one turn cards and call the words. That team which called all words correctly wins.

Слайд 8

"A game in a whisper or the broken phone " "A game in a whisper or the broken phone" The teacher divides children into two teams. On a board places cards. The first participants of teams approach the teacher, and that in a whisper says the instruction: "Give me the doll, please.", "Put the car on the table." and so on. Children come back to the teams and in a whisper transfer the instruction to the player following in a chain. When the instruction reaches the last team player, he or she has to execute it as soon as possible. If everything is well done – the team receives a point.

Слайд 9

"Where is the subject?" The teacher divides children into two teams and gives the drawing with the picture of the room to the first team. Later, asks a question ''Where is the...?" The second team tries to guess where there is a subject" It is on/in/under …". Having guessed, teams change the position, and now the second team receives the new drawing, and the first team guesses.

Слайд 13

Thank you for your attention!

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