Конспект открытого урока " My best friend"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Газизова Алсу Шамилевна

Конспект открытого урока " My best friend"в Республиканском семинаре по проблеме «Профессиональная деятельность учителя- предметника в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО», 


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Предварительный просмотр:

МБОУ «Школа №127»

Открытое мероприятие

республиканского семинара

по теме:

«My best friend»

Учитель английского языка:

Газизова А.Ш.

2017-2018 уч.год

Тема: My best friend


  1. Актуализация пройденного материала
  2. Апробация лексики и лексических выражений
  3. Актуализация монологической и диалогической речи, закрепление грамматических навыков
  4. Командная и групповая работа
  5. Использование сингапурских структур (mix-pair-share, sorts cards, teambuilding, round robin, A R  guide ),
  6. Здоровье сберегающие  технологии

Оснащение: презентация, карточки, аудио запись, музыкальное сопровождение.

  1. Good morning children, our topic today are “Best friend”. We are trying to describe your classmate`s appearance and his character, improve our words skills and make a story about your best friend. Also we are going to revise using Present Continuous and numbers.
  2. So, let`s start our lesson. But first we do morning exercises. (трек 8)
  3. We know numbers from 11 to 20. Let`s revise. (11-100, 12-20,13-30,14-40,15-50,16-60,17-70,18-80,19-90)
  4. Very well. Now look at the table, you see cads. (Sort cards). You have to choose the words describing the appearance and the words describing the character.

You have 5 min to do it.

Look at your partner and say: What does he/ she like?

                                                 What is he/she like?

  1. Look at the picture and say: (skiing, skating,sailing, playing the violin, surfing,diving)

What is he/she doing?

How can he /she do it?

Ex. He is sailing

      Ye can sail well

  1. What time are we using children?

Yes, you are right. We use Present Continuous when we are talking of now action.

Present Continuous –now

Настоящее продолженное время

 I am

 He, she, it is

You, we, they are

V ing

V ing

V ing

  1. She ___skiing

We __sailing

He ___skating

I ___playing the violin.

They ___surfing.

You ___diving.

Now you listen the text about the best friend.


My best friend

This is my best friend Karina. She`s 10 years old. Karina has got long fair hair and green eyes. She is short and quite slim. Karina is very kind and funny. In the picture she is playing the violin. She likes playing the violin in her free time. Karina is a good friend and we do a lot of things together.




My best friend is Nikita

She is 8 years old.

She has short dark hair.

She has brown eyes.

She is tall.

 She is not slim.

Karina is not kind and funny.

In the picture she is skating.

She likes to play soccer in her free time.

Karina is a good friend.


Song about a friend

  1. The lesson is over. You are great. You all have excellent marks.
  2. Homework  - to make a story about  your best friend.




My best friend is Nikita

She is 8 years old.

She has got short dark hair.

She has got green eyes.

She is tall.

She is not slim.

Karina is not kind and funny.

In the picture she is skating.

She likes to play the violin in her free time.

Karina is a good friend.





Fair hair




Dark hair

My best friend

This is my best friend Karina. She`s 10 years old. Karina has long fair hair and green eyes. She is short and quite slim. Karina is very kind and funny. In the picture she is playing the violin. She likes playing the violin in her free time. Karina is a good friend and we do a lot of things together.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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