разработка урока "Types of shops"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Презентация разработки урока английского языка по теме "Types of shops"  для 8-го класса УМК О.В.Афанасьева.


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Слайд 1

Тема урока: “Types of shops” учебник английского языка, 8 класс О.В.Афанасьева

Слайд 2

Семантизация новых лексических единиц по теме « Типы магазинов» Цель урока:

Слайд 3

1,Обучающие: Семантизация новых лексических единиц по теме Закрепление и активизация новой и изученной ранее тематической лексики в коммуникативной деятельности учащихся; Совершенствование навыков аудирования. 2. Развивающие: Развитие памяти и языковой догадки Развитие творческого мышления Расширение кругозора и жизненного опыта Сообщение учащимся практических знаний в сфере деятельности, заявленной в теме 3. Воспитательные : Воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их познавательной активности Формирование картины европейской торговой культуры во всем её многообразии Задачи урока

Слайд 4

Сочетание групповой, индивидуальной и творческой деятельности. Формы обучения:

Слайд 5

По восприятию информации: словесные, наглядные, практические. Стимулирующие: создание ситуации занимательности и успеха. Систематизирующие: обобщение и систематизация знаний. Контроля: индивидуальный и фронтальный опрос. Методы обучения:

Слайд 6

1 . Организационная часть: - постановка цели и задач. - введение в тему урока 2. Изучение нового материала: - стадия вызова, речевая разминка - активизация изученной лексики «Типы магазинов» - ознакомление и запись новых лексических единиц - выполнение заданий для закрепления новой лексики - релаксация –экзотические типы магазинов в Я понии - работа в группах над текстом (технология «зигзаг» для активизации речевой деятельности учащихся ) - обсуждение содержания текста между группами - развитие навыков аудирования ( звукозапись о магазине « Jones' Brothers ») - беседа о подготовке к новому учебному году : куда идем за покупками? 3. Заключительная часть: - подведение итогов урока, информация о теме следующего урока - домашнее задание План урока:

Слайд 7

T: Dear pupils ,nice to see you again . To know the topic of our lesson answer my questions, please : Do you like shopping? How often do you visit shops? What shop do you do you do more often? What types shops do you prefer? Are you sure you know all types of them? How do you think times change shops? Do types of shop modify now days? Let’s speak about shopping…

Слайд 8

Видя картинки и отвечая на вопросы , ученики догадываются о теме урока What is the topic of our lesson?

Слайд 9

Teacher: You are right today we’ll discuss shopping particularly types of stores and shops. We’ll revise well known names of shops Speaking where can you buy our different purchase Learn new list of shops’ types Discussing how change their now days? Types of stores & shops

Слайд 10

Teacher : Discuss similarities and differences between these shops Bookstore Clothes store Record store Grocery Store Bakery Delicatessen/deli Liquor store Drugstore Hardware store Garden center Newsstand Boutique Supermarket Convenience store Department store Chain store Superstore Shopping center Outlet store Warehouse store ? ? ? I II III

Слайд 11

Р: Ученики в процессе чтения и знакомства с новыми лексическими единицами составляют словарь новых слов Затем с опорой на слайды с иллюстрациями они высказывают свое мнение , что за тип магазина им представлен и какие товары в нем можно приобрести , используя такие фразы « If I’d like to buy … I will go to the … » « To buy something I should go to the … » « I often go to the … to buy … » « If I need … I have to visit …. »

Слайд 12

1.Bookstore 2.Clothes store 3.Record store 4.Grocery Store 5. Bakery A store that sells one type of goods : I Want can you buy there? Want can you buy there?

Слайд 13

Some more one type of goods shops… Florist shop Optician Shoe shop Headwear - Shop Children's shop I Why would you go there?

Слайд 14

Supermarket - A large store that sells many different kinds of food and things people need for the house Convenience store - A store where you can buy food, newspapers, etc., that is often open 24 hours each day Department store - A large store that sells many different products, such as clothes, kitchen equipment Chain store - One of a group of stores owned by the same company Superstore - A very big store, especially one that has many different types of products Shopping center - an area in a town where a iot of shops have been build together Stores that sell different types of goods : II

Слайд 15

Stores that sell goods more cheaply : Outlet store: (стоковая распродажа) A store that sells things for less than the usual price. Warehouse store: (склад) A store that sells things in large amounts at lower prices .

Слайд 16

Для закрепления лексики ученики выполняют задания (слайд 1 7 – «Найди соответствие» слайд 1 8 – «Подбери описание»)

Слайд 17

Match the types of shops with their description 6.Delicatessen/deli 7.Liquor store 8.Drugstore 9.Hardware store 10.Garden center 11.Newsstand 12.Boutique a) sells cheese, cooked meat, bread, etc. b) store where alcohol is sold c) sells equipment and tools that you use in your home d) where plants and trees are grown and sold e) a small store that sells fashionable clothes or decorations f) where newspapers and magazines are sold. g) where you can buy medicines, beauty products, etc. I

Слайд 18

FLORIST BOOKMAKER OFF NEWSAGENT BAKERY DRY PHARMACY OPTICIAN RENTAL CHARITY A shop that sells newspapers, cigarettes, drinks and snacks is a ….. A shop that sells second hand clothes to raise money for a good cause is a ….. shop A shop that sells glasses, contact lenses and sunglasses is an …… A shop that sells mostly alcohol and are usually open later at night is a …. licence shop A shop that sells medicine, toiletries and beauty products is a….. A shop that sells rolls, cakes, baguettes and pies is a ….. A shop that lets you borrow DVDs is a video …… store A shop that cleans your clothes, suits and dresses without using water is a …. cleaner A shop that sells you roses, lilies, tulips and other flowers is a…. A shop that lets you gambles on horse racing, football or the lottery is a…..

Слайд 19

For relax: exotic types of shop in …? Kimono Rental Shop Transformation Studios Shop

Слайд 20

T: Divide into four group and read only one 1\4 part of the text. Then you remove in new group where will be students which had known others parts of text. You should change information each other to know all aspect of the text and answer successfully questions of full text you’ll get later. P: Ученики делятся на группы и каждая из групп знакомится только с 1\4 частью текста с полным пониманием его содержания, обсуждая перевод, записывая ключевые слова и новые выражения, готовясь к пересказу своей части текста в другой группе. Задание с его отрывком текста ( на слайдах 21-24) выдается каждому члену группы Now working in groups with the text “Different types of individual street shops and their history”

Слайд 21

1/4 Grocery shops in the past used to sell almost every item, especially rural grocery shops. They were also known as "General Stores". What was sold there? Food, beverages and hardware materials were often sold within the one shop. Women mainly shopped for the groceries. Basic daily food would have been purchased. That is, people didn't buy their shopping in bulk for the week because there were no cars and the groceries would have been too heavy to carry. Different types of individual street shops and their history

Слайд 22

2/4 During the 20th Century a demand grew for a greater variety of foodstuffs and luxuries. Health food awareness increased. Many shopkeepers began importing their products and bought food mainly in bulk. Transport improved and customers began to purchase larger quantities of groceries. Many branches of shops developed, particularly in the cities and large towns. Different types of individual street shops and their history

Слайд 23

3/4 Grocery Shopping Today Modern grocery shops now sell large selections of foods and goods. Many items are sold with a variety of labels and prices. A customer has a far better selection. There has been a huge Increase in Organic Food and in Health Food production and therefore more is on sale in shops. Grocery Shops now sell stationery, kitchen utensils and even newspapers. Many Grocery Stores have grown and expanded into Branch Stores or even Supermarkets. Different types of individual street shops and their history

Слайд 24

4/4 Hardware Shop - This type of shop was also known as an "Ironmonger's" shop. This was an important store in the 19th Century. The label over the door usually consisted of a large key. Many items which were on sale were hung outside the door or near the street. Sold there: sweeping brushes, paint brushes, kettles, crockery and many more such items. There were not many metal tools or objects sold there because they would have been sold in the blacksmith's shop. Modern shops sell almost every item for your house, garden and farm. Different types of individual street shops and their history

Слайд 25

После первого этапа ребята перегруппируются в новые группы, где каждый ученик является «экспертом» по своей части текста. Каждому предстоит кратко изложить содержание своей части и при необходимости ответить на вопросы других участников. Далее ученикам предстоит вернуться в первоначальную группу , где они получают задание ответить на вопросы по всему тексту ( слайд 26 ) и заполнить лист ответов. Стратегия «зигзаг» создает условия для развития речевых умений , т.к. обмен информацией разрешен только на английском языке.

Слайд 26

What types of shops were described about in the text? What type of shop was known as an "Ironmonger's" the 19th Century? How was hardware shop labeled on its door in the past? What goods were sold in "General Stores" in the past? Who mainly worked for the groceries in the past? Could people buy their purchases in bulk for the week? Did many branches of shops developed in the country or in city? What century shopkeepers of grocery shops began importing their products? Why did the groceries’ owner have to buy food mainly in bulk now? Can customer buy Organic and Health Food production in modern grocery shops? How did selections of foods and goods change in modern grocery shops? What types of shop did many Grocery Stores expand into? T: Now you have known the text, answer the following question:

Слайд 27

Перед дискуссией по тексту группы могут запрашивать необходимую информацию , задавая уточняющие вопросы. Листы ответов после заполнения передаются соседней группе и происходит взаимопроверка работ в группах. Далее следует этап перекрестных вопросов, которые каждая группа подготовила для остальных. T: Now the speaker from each group represents their work to other groups. В итоге каждая группа кратко высказывается о том что они сегодня узнали из текста. Все эти этапы создают условия для активной деятельности учащихся по чтению , письму и развитию речи. Discussing the text

Слайд 28

T: Some people really enjoy shopping and can talk for hours about their favorite shops. Jones' Brothers is obviously a very popular place in London. Listen to next speaker as he takes us through the shop on a tour. Task is : Look through the answer sheets and after listening twice you should fill them. Be ready to listen:

Слайд 29

В конце урока проводим этап рефлексии : К ак запомнились новые лексические единицы ? (по слайду 30) Какие типы магазинов ученики не знали раньше? В какие магазины они пойдут , чтобы сделать необходимые покупки к новому учебному году ? (по слайду 31)

Слайд 30

Teacher : do you remember all these sorts of shops? Bookstore Clothes store Record store Grocery Store Bakery Delicatessen/deli Liquor store Drugstore Hardware store Garden center Newsstand Boutique Supermarket Convenience store Department store Chain store Superstore Shopping center Outlet store Warehouse store I II III

Слайд 31

Where will you go to buy things for the next school year ?

Слайд 32

It’s the question for our next lesson… (Это тема следующего урока) Be carefully doing your home task and we would be able to answer it ! ( Тщательно выполненное домашнее задание поможет нам ответить на этот вопрос) Can you buy goods without leaving home? (((- Можно ли делать покупки не выходя из дома ?

Слайд 33

Teacher: I am pleased with your work, thank you for the lesson. Open your diaries and write your home task: Don’t forget new words Write essay : “ P ros and cons of the Internet shop “ Home task :

Слайд 34

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