Методическая разработка открытого урока Тема: Устройство на работу. Getting a job
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему

Хвощева Екатерина Николаевна


Методическая разработка открытого урока

Тема: Устройство на работу. Getting a job



Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Advice for a job interview Dress up for the interview to get across a responsible attitude. Calm down before the interview by having a coffee. Think about the job and write down your strengths and weaknesses. Look things up about the company on the Internet. Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early. Settle down in your chair and look around the room. Take down notes during the interview. Make up information about yourself. Make out you understand something when you don't. Go on about your personal life. Speak up and express yourself clearly. Come up with a couple of questions about the job .

Слайд 3

Advice for a job interview Verbs for paraphrasing put on good clothes, communicate relax make a list find information arrive make yourself comfortable observe everything in a place write invent pretend talk a lot about

Слайд 4

What to do or not to do during the interview? Model: Do ………………………… speak up and express yourself clea rly Don’ t …………go into a lot of detail about your personal life

Слайд 5

Getting a job Think of, talk clearly, invent, relax, arrive, make yourself comfortable, make a list, pretend, communicate, observe everything in a place, talk a lot about, put on good clothes, find information, write.

Слайд 6

Role game Interviewer: Decide on the pay and hours and what kind of person you want to employ. Think of questions to ask about these things: education, languages spoken work experience personal qualities hobbies and interests

Слайд 7

Role game Interviewee: Think of information about yourself or invent information about these things; - education, your school, your best subjects, languages you speak - work experience - personal qualities and skills - hobbies and interests

Слайд 8

Answer the questions: Do many Russian students get Holiday jobs? What sort of jobs? Do they prepare you for interview in your school? Is this a good idea? Why or why not?

Слайд 9

Revision Was it difficult for you to act the interview? Could you say what you wanted to express? What did you find most difficult? What was the most useful thing for you to learn? Was the way of learning interesting?

Слайд 10

Thank you

Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Самарской области

«Новокуйбышевский нефтехимический техникум»

Методическая разработка открытого урока

Тема: Устройство на работу. Getting a job

Разработала: преподаватель

английского языка


Хвощева Екатерина Николаевна


Тема урока: Устройство на работу. Getting a job

Цель: знать и уметь употреблять в монологической и диалогической речи лексику по теме: «Устройство на работу».



  • Развитие умений в монологической и диалогической речи.
  • Активизация фразовых глаголов по теме урока.
  • Развитие понимания иноязычной речи на слух; комментирование прослушанного.
  • Умение систематизировать и обобщать полученные знания.
  • Умение давать совет.


  • Развитие памяти, логического мышления.
  • Формирование умений коллективного речевого взаимодействия.
  • Развитие речевой активности.
  • Формирование межпредметных навыков и умений.


  • Формирование лингвистической и социокультурной компетенции.
  • Умение аргументировать свою точку зрения.
  • Воспитание культуры учащихся средствами иностранного языка, формирование навыка владения речевым этикетом.

Оснащение урока:

  • Компьютер, проектор, магнитофон.
  • Раздаточный материал: скрипт собеседования «прием на работу», ролевые карточки.
  • Презентация в Power Point

Ход урока:

I. Начало урока

Введение в тему.  Преподаватель знакомит обучающихся с темой урока, сообщает цели и задачи урока.

Т: The theme of our lesson is “Getting a job”. Today at the lesson you'll get to know how to behave before or during the job interview and will have a bit of practice in performing it.

II. Основная часть

1. Советы учащимся: «Готовимся к собеседованию при устройстве на работу»

Т: Some years will pass. You'll leave our college. It's quite natural that during your student years or your summer holidays or after college you should apply for a job. Let's learn to make it properly. I suggest starting with some advice for interviewers.

2. Активизация речевых навыков с использованием фразовых глаголов из Приложения 1, «Advice for interviewers» (Slide 2)

2.1. Перефразирование фразовых глаголов. Парная работа

T: As you have noticed a lot of phrasal verbs are used in the Supplement 1 "Advice for interviewers” (Slide 2). Let's try to paraphrase them, in short, express them in another way.

For this purpose math the verbs from the Supplement 1 (Slide 3) with the multi-part verbs (Slide 2).

2.2. Составление памятки учащимися: «Что можно и что нельзя делать во время собеседования»

T: Now read the advice (Slide 2, Slide 3) again. Let’s make a list of things what to do or not to do during the interview using the model (Slide 4).



speak up and express yourself clearly.
go into a lot of detail about your personal life.

2.3. Заполнение текста отчета о прохождении собеседования одним из английских студентов, используя фразовые глаголы из Приложения 2.

T: Complete Steve’s account of an interview” (Supplement 2) with the verbs from the supplement 2, “Verbs for filling in” (Slide 5).

T: Do you think Steve got the job? Why and why not?

3. Работа с текстом «Прием на работу»

3.1. Аудирование с общим пониманием “New Opportunities”.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос: «Получит ли главный герой работу или нет?».

Т: Listen to the interview for a holiday job. Do you think Oliver got the job?

Why or why not?

3.2. Работа с опорными словами, со скриптом собеседования «Прием на работу»

Учащиеся заполняют пропущенные слова в тексте диалога, используя ниже перечисленные словосочетания.

Complete the missing parts of the dialogue using the following word-combinations:

certainly, enjoy, getting in touch, important thing, qualities, take a seat, thank you, work experience.

Cкрипт собеседования «Прием на работу» представлен в Приложении 3.

4. Вторичное восприятие текста

Учащиеся осуществляют самопроверку полученных знаний.

Т: Now listen to the dialogue again and check your answers.

5. Говорение. Деловая игра

Обучающиеся в паре проигрывают собеседование менеджера по персоналу и претендентов на вакантные места в качестве:

  • механика;
  • официанта в кафе;
  • электрика;
  • сварщика.

После проигрывания интервью пары меняются друг с другом ролями.

Т: Work in pairs. Student A is an interview and student B is an interviewer. Read your role in the role cards and prepare for an interview for a job:

  • working as a mechanic;
  • working  as a waiter in a cafe;
  • working as a electrician ;
  • working as a welder.

Five minutes will be at your disposal. The list of useful expressions will be given to you to identify with the role in a better way. Then you should change your roles in pairs, so that each student takes the part of an interviewer and a candidate.

В Приложении 4 и Приложении 5 (Slide 6Slide 7) даны примеры ролевых карточек.

6. Комментирование ответов с опорой на памятку «Что можно и нельзя делать во время собеседования» с аргументацией решения (см. Приложение 1)

Т: These two personals will act out the job interview. The rest will listen to very attentively and will comment on the mates’ answers. In short, give reasons why the candidates got (didn’t get) the job

7. Говорение (Slide 8)

Обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы:

  • Много ли студентов  работают в России во время учебы или во время  летних каникул. Какая это работа?
  • Готовит ли наш техникум  обучающихся к собеседованию. Да или нет и почему?

Т: Do many Russian students get jobs? What sort of jobs?
Do they prepare you for the interview in our college? Is this a good idea?
Why or why not?

8. Рефлексия. Обмен мнениями о разыгранных собеседованиях (Slide 9)

Обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы:

  • Было ли трудно разыграть собеседование?
  • Смогли ли сказать все то, что хотели выразить?
  • Что оказалось самым трудным?
  • Что оказалось полезным для Вас?
  • Был ли процесс получения новой информации интересным?

Т: Let’s exchange opinion about your performing the interview. Will you answer the questions?

  • Was it difficult for you to act the interview?
  • Could you say what you wanted to express?
  • What did you find most difficult?
  • What was the most useful thing for you to learn?
  • Was the way of learning interesting?

III. Подведение итогов. Оценки

IV. Домашнее задание

Т: Imagine that you want to get a holiday job working in a shop. 
Make up an interview taking into account “Advice for interviewers”

Приложение 1

Advice for interviewers

Slide 2

Dress up for the interview to get across a responsible attitude.

Calm down before the interview by having a coffee.

Think about the job and write down your strengths and weaknesses.

Look things up about the company on the Internet.

Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early.

Settle down in your chair and look around the room.

Take down notes during the interview.

Make up information about yourself.

Make out you understand something when you don't.

Go on about your personal life.

Speak up and express yourself clearly.

Come up with a couple of questions about the job.

Slide 3

put on good clothes            communicate           relax           make a list                 find information              arrive         make yourself comfortable                      observe everything in a place     write       invent          pretend talk a lot about

Приложение 2

Steve's account of an interview

“Yesterday, I had an interview for a holyday job at summer camp for children. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much time to (1) ………………. about the organization, but I did (2) ………...... all the things I'm good at, like doing video games! In the morning I woke up late and quickly (3) ……………… some jeans and T-shirt. I (4) ……………… at the office five minutes late, so I walked straight in and (5) …………….. I couldn't (6) ……………. what the interviewer was saying and I had to ask her to (7) ……………. She asked about my experience with children, so I (8) ……………. a lot of detail about my younger brother. Then she asked me to tell her about my work experience and I (9) ……………… a story about some voluntary work with a youth club. She stopped asking questions, so I (10) ……………… and (11) ……………. of the room. I think I’ve got a good chance of getting the job. What do you think?

Verbs for filling in

Think of, talk clearly, invent, relax, arrive, make yourself comfortable, make a list, pretend, communicate, observe everything in a place, talk a lot about, put on good clothes, find information, write.

Приложение 3

Job interview


Good morning,

(1)_____________ .

Why do you want to work

with us at ………..?

What experience do you have?

What are the most important (5) ________ you should have working with ………..?

Are there any questions do you want to ask me?

Yes, (7) ___________ .

I'll be (8) __________ with you next week.

You are welcome.


Good morning,

(2)_____________ .

I’d like to work with …….. and get some (3) ______________.

I (4) ____________ working at……  . I’ve helped the ……………to various places.

The (6) ___________ for this Job – patience and ……….  . Also I have to be careful.

Will I get the answer to my appointment?

Thank you very much.

Expressions for filling in

Certainly, enjoy, getting in touch, important thing qualities, take a seat, thank you, work experience.

Приложение 4

Role game

Role card 1


Decide on the pay and hours and what kind of person you want to employ. Think of questions to ask about these things:

  • education, languages spoken;
  • work experience;
  • personal qualities;
  • hobbies and interests.

Role card 2


Think of information about yourself or invent information about these things:

  • education, your school, your best subjects, languages you speak;
  • work experience;
  • personal qualities and skills;
  • hobbies and interests.

Think of question to ask the interviewer, e. g. about pay hours.

Приложение 5

Working as waiter


  • Polite.
  • Friendly.
  • Tolerant.
  • Well bred (хорошо воспитанный).
  • Smart.
  • In a good physical shape.

Being an interviewer


  • Well – groomed (ухоженный).
  • Ambitious.
  • Calm.
  • Intelligent.
  • Calm.
  • Smart.
  • Confident.
  • Reserved.
  • With likable manners.

Working as tourist guide

1. Be:

  • Sociable (communicative).
  • Friendly.
  • Patient.
  • Friendly.
  • Intelligent (well educated).
  • Organized.
  • Creative.
  • Motivated.

2. Have good command of Russian language if the excursions are conducted in Russian.

3. Knowledge of a foreign language if the excursions are conducted in English.

4. Cultural awareness.

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