Reported Speech
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Алексеева Ольга Витальевна

Reported Speech


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Слайд 1

Reported s peech

Слайд 2

Reported speech is usually used to talk about the past. So we normally change the tense of the words spoken. We use verbs like “ say ”, “ tell ”, “ ask ” and we may use the word “that” to introduce the reported words.

Слайд 3

She said, “I saw him.”- direct speech She said that she had seen him- reported speech “ That ” may be omitted. She told him (that) she was happy.

Слайд 4

“say” and “tell” Use “say” when there is no indirect object: He said that he was tired. Always use “tell” when you say who was being spoken to (with an indirect object): He told me that he was tired.

Слайд 5

d irect speech p resent simple → Brenda said :”I walk to school every day. I live near the school .” p resent continuous → “I’ m going to a party tomorrow.” p ast simple /present perfect/ past perfect → “ We went to Oxford yesterday.” “I haven’t been to Hyde Park yet.” “I hadn’t been here a week when I met an old friend.” r eported speech p ast simple Brenda told me she walked to school every day because she lived near the school . p ast continuous She said she was going to a party the following day. past perfect She said they had been to Oxford the day before. She told me she hadn’t been to Hyde Park yet. She said she hadn’t been there a week when she met an old friend.

Слайд 6

w ill → c an → m ust → s hall → may → would c ould h ad to s hould m ight

Слайд 7

In the transformation form direct speech to reported speech, the following things change : p ersonal pronouns I → he/she y ou → I, we we → they me → him/her you → me, us us → them p ossessive adjectives and pronouns my → his/her your → my, our our → their mine → his/hers yours → mine, ours ours → theirs

Слайд 8

adverbs and expressions of time now → then today → that day tonight → that night/that evening yesterday →the day before, the previous day tomorrow →the following/next day, the day after last Sunday → the previous Sunday next week →the following week

Слайд 9

demonstratives this → that these → those adverbs of place and position here → there

Слайд 10

Thank you for your attention!

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