Children's rights in Great Britain and in Russia
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Голубева Елена Николаевна

Данная презентация ученика 9 класса проводит сравнительный анализ прав ребенка в Великобритании и России 


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Слайд 1

Comparison of children’s rights in Russia and England Project of Narek Isakhanyan

Слайд 2

The introduction Since the birth and becoming a member of society, the child immediately gets a lot of rights. These rights are necessary for survival, development and protection. In order for children to grow up strong, healthy, literate and educated people, the children's rights have to be respected by all countries. Due to lack of life experience, a child may not always exercise his rights or apply to the relevant authorities for protection of his rights and legitimate interests. In our time it is important to know the rights of children not only in your country but also in other countries.

Слайд 3

The AIM The aim of the work is a comparative analysis and a disclosure of the features of the rights of the child in Russia and the UK, to make children to become more attentive to the world around them.

Слайд 4

The hypothesis The hypothesis is if the children's rights in Russia and England are the same or not.

Слайд 5

The subject The subject of the project is the legal status of the child, the concept of the rights of the child, to get acquainted with the rights of the child in Russia and the UK.

Слайд 6

The object The object of the project is the rights of the child in Russia and the UK, the main legislation protecting these rights.

Слайд 7

The tasks In order to achieve the aim, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: To study the rights of the child in Russia and the UK. Study of the Convention on the rights of the child. To make a comparative analysis of the content of the rights of the child in Russia and the UK. Analysis of the survey. Draw conclusions based on the data.

Слайд 8

The rights of the child are the rights and freedoms that every child owns, regardless of race, sex, language, religion, place of birth, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. The state has undertaken a responsibility to protect children, so they have the equal rights as adults.

Слайд 9

The rights of the child are carefully detailed and better articulated in the UK, but some of the challenges to the promotion, realization and protection of children's rights are common to the two countries. Conventionally, the rights of the child can be divided into 6 major groups: the first group includes the rights of the child, such as the right to life, nationality, name, equality in the enjoyment of other rights, etc; the second group includes the right to family well-being; the third group includes the right of the child to the free development of his personality; the fourth group of rights aims to ensure children's health; the fifth group of rights is focused on children's education and cultural development; the sixth group of rights aims to protect children from economic and other exploitation.

Слайд 10

In Russia It should be emphasized that Russian legislation in the field of child protection has been developed and is being developed in accordance with international norms and standards. Some problems of Russian children are not familiar to the British, for instance, thousands of queues in kindergartens, the implementation of the right of children with disabilities to education in schools.

Слайд 11

In England Great Britain is one of the world leaders in the field of social work with children. For example, a child came to school with a bruise or his parents did not take him after school. In this case, the school teacher is obliged to inform the social service for working with children. For this purpose, there is a hotline for children, the phone which is located in the most prominent place in every school. The social service has a Department that is ready to help parents in case their child refuses to go to school; Department dealing with young offenders, which works with criminals under the age of 18 years both before and after the trial.

Слайд 12

The Convention Every right spelled out in the Convention is inherent to the human dignity and harmonious development of every child. The Convention protects children’s rights by setting standards in health care, education and legal, civil and social services. These standards are benchmarks against which progress can be assessed. States that are party to the Convention are obliged to develop and undertake all actions and policies in the light of the best interests of the child.

Слайд 13

The analysis of rights in Russia and in England In comparison with Western models, the Russian system is not totally formed, and therefore it is recognized as less effective. In the UK, the child in action has the right to vote on an equal basis with all family members. The State intervention in the education process in the UK is very large, any complaints of the child's punishment or restrictions may result in serious legal proceedings with the parents. In Russia, the majority of families still have a controlling style of parenting, where strict rules and regulations regulate the process of child development.

Слайд 15

The conclusion Comparing the rights of the child of both countries, it is clear that the basic rights of the child in the UK are similar to the rights of the child in Russia and are common. Some peculiarities in the rights of the child of both countries were studied and a comparative analysis and disclosure of these peculiarities were carried out. According to the survey in the field of knowledge about the rights of the child in our country, we can conclude that the level of interest of children in the field of child rights has increased, many people know their basic rights and consider this topic important

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