Косвенная речь
тренажёр по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

Тренировочные упражнения по теме "Косвенная речь"


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Transform direct speech into indirect speech.
  1. The teacher asks the children: “Give me your test books please!”
  2. Mother insists: “ You should visit the doctor”.
  3. The doctor said to Sam: “Don’t eat meat”.
  4. My friend suggests me: “Let’s go to the pictures!”
  5. My father forbids: “ Don’t come home so late!”
  6. Mother ordered the children: “ Wash your hands!”
  7. My sister demands: “ Help me please”.

I Transform Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. Make necessary changes.

1. They said: “ We are going to the cinema with our classmates”.

2. Ann said: “I will finish this task tomorrow”.

3. Bobby told me: “My friend hasn’t done her homework today”.

4. He told us: “I bought this ticket yesterday”.

5. My brother told me: “Your friend came to see you an hour ago”.

6. Mary said: “I want to help you”.

7. Peter said: “I understand these explanations”.

8. I said to the teacher: “ I don’t write this essay”.

II. Imperative. Questions.

  1. The conductor said to a passenger: “Close the door, please”.
  2. The teacher said to the children: “Don’t make such a noise!”
  3. He wondered: “Who is the next?”
  4. She asked: “Where did they go last week?”
  5. They asked me: “Do you play the piano?”
  6. The teacher wondered: “ Did you study hard for the exam?”
  7. The teacher said: “When will you come, Nick?”

Change the sentences using Indirect Speech. Don’t forget Sequence of Tenses.

  1. She told me “I have written these letters to several of my cousins”.
  2. They said: “We are in the office today”.
  3. Mother told me “Your friend called on you half an hour ago”.
  4. I answered: “I won’t be able to do this task tomorrow”.
  5. Mary said: “I don’t like this play”.
  6. The children shouted: “We didn’t write anything yesterday”.
  7. I said to mother: “I wasn’t sleeping when you came yesterday”.
  8. The teacher asked the children: “Have you done your homework?”
  9. I asked: “Do you like this dinner, nick?”
  10. They asked us: “Will you help us?”
  11. The doctor said to Sam: “Don’t eat meat!”
  12. The customer said to the shop-assistant: “Show me this sweater, please!”
  13. Dr. Dobson asked Dr. Britt: “How many patients do you have today?”
  14. Mother asked me: “What are you going to do?”
  15. Mary asked: “Why don’t you want to swim in the pool, Sam?”

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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