Reported speech Starlight 6
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Штумпф Анна Юрьевна

Это упражнение отлично поможет для тренировки навыка владения косвенной речью или же для контроля усвоения материала. Подойдет для использования в 6 классе ("Звездный английский для 6 класса").


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. She asks: “Open the door, please”.
  2. Kate says to me: “Don’t speak loudly, Ann. Granny is sleeping.”
  3. Mum says: “Don’t come late, Polly!”
  4. Ann says: “Help me, mummy”.
  5. Kate asks John: “Don’t take my things, please.”
  6. Phil says to Jane: “Don’t go alone. Wait for me.”
  7. Julie says to Mary:”Please, take this paper and put it on the table.”
  8. Susan asks Fred: “Be careful on the road. Don’t drive so fast.”
  9. Jake says: “I feel bad. Please, let me go, Mrs. Smith”.
  10. Henry says to his father: “Take me to the Zoo on Sunday. I want to see animals.”
  11. Sam says: “I like to go to Maths lessons, but I dislike English”.
  12. Janet says: “My Granny doesn’t work because she is on pension.”
  13. Irene says: “My mother is at home now, so we can go and ask her about it.”
  14. Nancy says to John: “You are very careless, so I won’t give you my books.”
  15. Helena says: “Our friends will arrive in Moscow tomorrow.”
  16. Jacob says to me: “I am not afraid of dogs, but I don’t like them.”
  17. Freddie says to me: “I was at school yesterday, but today I am at home all day.”
  18. Jerome says: “Kate, you are so beautiful today.”
  19. Angelina says to Inessa: “You are my best friend. I can trust you all my secrets.”
  20. Gregory says: “We live in the UK, but we call it just Britain.”
  21. Annie says to me: “Are you a student?”
  22. Katie asks me: “Will you go to the cinema with me?”
  23. Harry says to Johnny: “Is your father at work now?”
  24. Don asks: “Have you been to Moscow, Tom?”
  25. Fanny asks Nadine: “Did you write a test yesterday?”
  26. Bridget asks: “Do you eat oranges, Sammy?”
  27. Samuel says to Kitty: “Do you go to music school every day?”
  28. Francis says: “Were you sleeping at 5 yesterday, Kenny?”
  29. Samantha says to me: “Were you at home yesterday?”
  30. Alice asks Andrew: “Did you learn the poem?”
  31. Winnie asks Ellie: “When will you join us?”
  32. Alison asks: “Mummy, with what have you cooked pancakes?”
  33. Juliet asks: “Daddy, why did you buy this coat last week?”
  34. Donna asks Lily: “Where are you going?”
  35. Susie asks me: “Who helped you to do lessons?”
  36. Leila asks: “Vicky, how do you like your coffee?”
  37. Bobby says to me: “How much is this bag?”
  38. Lena says: “Cathy, what do you do in the morning?”
  39. Sintia asks: “Why are you so sad, Diana?”
  40. Barbie asks me: “When did you visit the UK?”
  41. She asks me: “Please, go and turn the radio off”.
  42. He says to me: “I don’t swim in the morning.”
  43. Billy says: “Granny, water the flowers in the garden.”
  44. Sam says to me: “My mother is a doctor.”
  45. Kitty says: “Don’t help me. I can do it myself.”
  46. Bonnie says: “Andy, take off your shoes!”
  47. Dick says to Greg: “Don’t go away.”
  48. Willy says to me: “You are my best friend.”

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