поступление в 9 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Гречаная Анжела Анатольевна

тест по окончании 8 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Вступительный тест в 9 класс

Task 1

Match the headings to the texts. Fulfill the results into the table.

There is only one heading extra.

A. Sports and money.

B. The riskiest sports.

C. Sports at school

D. Young, sporting and rich.

E. The fastest-growing sports.

F. Sports to stay healthy.

1. According to recent statistics, the sport that causes most injuries is rugby, and football is a close second. Despite the popularity of these games, and although we teach school children to play them, they injure more people per 1,000 than motor-racing, skiing, or scuba-diving. Of course, people do get hurt in 'adventure sports' and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year.

2. Britain does not often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world sporting championships, but it has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games. Golf was first played in Scotland in the fifteenth century. Cricket was first played in England in the sixteenth century. Nineteenth-century team sports, such as football, rugby and hockey, were first played in British public schools.

3. Sport today means big business for both players and sponsors. Sporting events like the World Cup, which has a TV audience of 35 billion people, make huge amounts of money. Companies like Coca Cola and Adidas have paid more than $20 million to sponsor a sports event. They know that people all over the world will see their names and logos at the sports stadiums and on participants' clothes.

4. Children are encouraged to participate in sports at an early age. There are children's baseball, football, and basketball teams in almost every community. The rivalry between high schools and colleges in sporting events goes right through the school year from football in September to track and field in June. Cheerleaders and bands lead the supporters in rooting for their home team.

5. Many top stars make a fortune during their sporting careers. Tiger Woods, the professional golfer, is only 23 years old. He has already earned more than $5 million. He has won eight tournaments in his career so far, including the US Masters which he won in 1997. He reached the position of the world's top player in the shortest time ever - just 42 weeks. He is sponsored by Nike, the sportswear company.

6. The majority of people live in towns and cities, where space for team sports is limited. Most people take part in individual sports. They usually go walking, swimming, cycling, or do aerobics. Taking part in all these sports is informal and casual. Most people just want to relax. If they do aerobics or go swimming, they usually go to the sports centre, but not many people join a sports club.

7. Britain's national sport is football. During the football season most professional footballers play two matches every week. Many people say this is too many because the players cannot devote enough time and energy to international games. The 22 best English teams play in the Premier League, run by the Football Association. Liverpool is the most successful team and have won the most games in tournaments.






Points – 2×5 / 10

Task 2.

Choose the correct word. Only one letter is correct.

1.If we (be) free today, we could go to the country.

a) were b) are с) been

2. If I (see) him yesterday, I should have invited him.

a) have seen b) saw c) had seen

3. The boy was trembling as if he (frighten).

a) frightened b) was frightened b) were frightened

4. If he had translated the article, he (show) it to me.

a) would have shown b) had showed c) will have shown.

5. The exam is over. I … my best.

a) made b) do c) did

6. I’ll go and … some coffee for us.

a) make b) will make c) do

7. First he will … his homework and then he will … some housework

a) do b) make c) would make

8.Say this word …

a) correct b) correctly c) incorrectly

9.She always looks …

a) wonderful b) not wonderful c) wonderfully

10. My mother looked at me …

a) cold b) coldly c) colder

11. Planes can fly … than birds.

a) higher b) highest c) the highest

12. My brother has a … voice.

a) loud b) loudly c) the loudest

13. We know you have the key, so hand it ...... .

a) down c) out d) over

14. Our car broke … about five kilometers out of the city and we had to walk home.

a) down b) out c) away

15. The garage has been broken … three times this year.

a) out b) into c) down

16. The golden ring was handed … though centuries

a) in b) out c) down

17. She washed … hands and face.

a) his b) her c) herself

18. We invited Liz to stay with … in the house.

a) her b) us c) our

19. Do you know that man? - Yes, I know ….

a) he b) him c) himself

20. This is his book. Give … to him.

a) him b) her c) it

Points: 20×1

Task 3.

Open the brackets and complete the sentences.

It happened when Mr. and Mrs. Harris (1) ________ (to cycle) through Holland. Mrs. Harris always sat behind Mr. Harris on the tandem. Mr. Harris often (2) ______ (to tell) his wife (3) _____ (to sit) tight because the roads were not good and the tandem often (4) _____ (to jump).

Once heard him (5) ______ (to say) “Jump down!” and so she did. But in fact he (6) _____ (to say) that. So he went on thinking that she (7) _____ (to sit) behind him.

First, she thought he wanted (8) ____ (to show) the skill. She was sure that he (9) _____ (to return). But when he (10) ______ (to disappear) in the distance she started (11) _____ (to cry) as she had no money and couldn’t speak Dutch.

Meanwhile, her husband (12) ____ (to cycle) happily. Soon he felt that something (13) ______ (to go) wrong. He turned back and (14) _______ (to see) nobody. He stopped at the nearer house and (15) _______ (to tell) to go to the police. There he (16) _____ (to ask) when and where he (17) ______ (to lose) his wife.

Finally, Mr. and Mrs. Harris (18) ______ (to meet) again and their meeting couldn’t (19) ______ (to call) a pleasant one. “I (20) ______ (never, to be) so furious I my life,” Mrs. Harris said again and again.

Points 20 ×3

 Task 4

Choose have/has to/ must/ should/ought to/ to complete these sentences.

  1. A person … eat in order to live.
  2. You … walk to and from school instead of taking the bus if you want to get more exercises.
  3. Rice … have water in order to grow.
  4. Your back hurts and the box is heavy. You … not carry it.
  5. You … watch this film! It’s really great.
  6. My father … to travel a lot on business: he is a sales manager for a big company.
  7. Listen to my advice! You … not eat too much!
  8. He … work hard because his parents are not rich.
  9. Alice … improve her English if she wants to enter the university.

10.Every morning I … leave home at 6 because my work starts at 7.

Points 10 ×1

Task 5

Вы получили письмо от вашего ровесника из Великобритании, который хочет стать вашим другом по переписке.

Dear friend,

My name is Steven and I am 15. I want to have a friend from Russia. Could you answer my questions? Where do you live? Have you got a lot of friends? How do you spend your free time? What is your favourite place in your town/ village?

Best wishes,


Напишите ответ. Начните с фразы:

Dear Steven,

Thank you for your letter. …

Предварительный просмотр:

Вступительный тест 8 класс


Action Sports Camps


Аction Sports Camps provide activity holidays for children aged over five and adults. We offer training in over twenty sports at ten different centres throughout the UK. All the centres are open from April until October, and some open during the winter for weekend courses. The sports offered differ from one centre to another, so if you want to do something in particular, you should check our colour brochure.

The camps are not just limited to outdoor sports - we cover a wide range of indoor activities as well. So if the rain comes, the camps continue, although you may have to take off your football boots and pick up a squash racket instead. With the experience we've gained over the years, we put together the right mix of sport and activities providing sport for all, not just for those who are brilliant at athletics.

We work in small groups, children working with others of their own age, but we do all come together for social activities and meals. So different members of a family can make their own individual choices, but they get a chance to exchange their experiences later on.

Our centres offer first-class accommodation, food and facilities - and the staff are first-class too. Qualified teachers or professionals receive training from us, and many work with us year after year. We always employ qualified staff for activities such as swimming, trampolining and gymnastics, but some of the assistants organising the children's games are students, many of whom came to the camp themselves when they, were younger.

At most of our centres, accommodation is in a hostel or tents. It is not possible for us to arrange other accommodation, but we can send you a list of what is available in the area. Most of the places are recommended to us, but not all, so we are not responsible for the quality of the accommodation on this list. Luxury accommodation is not available near our camps.

To book a place at a sports camp, complete the form and send it with a cheque for the deposit to the address below. The rest of the fee can be paid at any time, but we must receive it at least one month before your camp. Please note, to keep costs down, you are charged 2.5% extra by us if you pay with your credit card. You will receive a letter of confirmation within ten days of sending your form. Cancellations made up to a month before the camp are refunded in full apart from a 5% administration fee. Fifty per cent of the fee is refunded if a cancellation is made up to two weeks before the date of the camp. After that, no refunds can be given.

  1. Some centres are open all winter.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

2. The activities available depend on the weather.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

3.Action Sports Camps courses are unsuitable for people who are excellent at sport.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

4.You need to have your own sports equipment.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

5. Children and adults spend some time together each day.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

6. Some of the staff are unqualified.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

7. Action Sports Camps only recommend accommodation of a high quality.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

8. You have to pay the total fee one month after you book.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

9. Action Sports Camps charge you more if you pay with your credit card.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

10. If you cancel three weeks before your camp, you will get half your money back.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

№ 2. The English Language

Прочитайте текст. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста1-5. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

A. What’s the most common letter in English?

B. How many words are there in English?

C. What’s the longest word in  English?

D. What language do the most tourists use in Russia?

E. How many people speak English?

F. Why do people learn English?

  [     ]1.  English is the main language in 30 countries, and there about  350 million people who speak it as their first language. It is also used as an official language in more than 70 other countries such as India, Pakistan, Malaysia, and is the second language for about 350 million people. One in two Europeans can speak English quite well and can have a proper conversation. All in all, there are about 1 billion people who can’t speak English, but they are learning it!                                                  

 [     ]2. It’s the top language for travel and tourism, and is used in business and science. At the moment.80 per cent of the world’s Internet sites are in English, but this will fall when more countries start their own language. Today English is a truly global language, because it belongs to everyone.        

    [     ]  3. There are 300000 entries in the Oxford English Dictionary. However, there are many scientific and technical words that are not in dictionary, for example, the types of insects and flowers. An educated English speaker only uses about 30000 words. International communication has also created specialized English of different professions. New words are added to the language when they are needed.   

    [     ]4. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it is the name for a lung disease caused by breathing in dangerous dust and is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. Of course we don’t use it in ordinary life.                                                                                                                                 [     ] 5. The letter  ‘e’  is used more than any other. Ernest Wright was very interested in this fact, and wanted to see if it is possible to communicate without using this letter at all. He wasn’t able to write very much. He wrote a 200-page novel, but it was not a great success.


№ 3 Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами ВЗ-В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.


If I were you, I……..attend all lessons at school.



He always ….part in English competitions.



We enjoy…friends with foreign students.



The book “The Lord of the Rings”….by R.R.Tolkien in 1965



The Volga is the……river in Russia.



Whose computer is it? It’s…



I expect her….her luck in the International Championship.



I …a letter to you tomorrow by all means.



The boy got up …than his sister.



Where is Steve? He  ….in his room now.


№ 4   Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13-В22 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


They study French and ….at school.



The National Gallery is visited by lots of…



He is a …..business.



Her dance made a great ….on my friends.



The girl could … sleep at night.



Lines, detention and report are kinds of …



D.Mendeleev was a famous Russian ….



She was awarded a prize for the best…of the poem.



It is ….to swim here, the river is full of crocodiles.



The … has already begun.



You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Ben.

...I’ve found that almost everyone in my class does sports. I’ve never done any sport at all and now I feel that it’s time to start. What sports are most popular with your friends? What sports do people in your country do in winter? What do you do in PE classes at school?...

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions (!!!).

Write 80 - 100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Предварительный просмотр:

Вступительные экзамены 6 класс

1.Fill in the missing words and phrases. Use them from the list given below:

takes out, tired of, older, elder, fond of, worth, join, go by

     1. My best friend is … collecting stamps.

2. I am … boring lessons.

3. I and my friends like to … bikes in summer.

4. My sister’s husband is three years … than her.

5. Do you want to … the Zoological Society of London?

6. My … brother gets along with our parents very well.

7. “Harry Potter” is … reading.

8. My father … the rubbish.

2. Fill in Reflexive Pronouns.(используйте возвратные местоимения)

1. She looked at … in the mirror

2.My little nephew fell down and hurt … .

3. We took these pictures … .

4. They shook hands and introduced … .

5. You call … a gentleman.

6. Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers … .

7. The party was great. We enjoyed … very much.

3.Correct the mistakes.

1. My brother doesn’t never travel by train.

2. Were you ever been to the United Kingdom?

3. I have clean my room. We can go for a walk now.

4. There were three wolfs in the Wild Animal’s Park.

5. Why do these girls crying now?

6. There is a new table in the room, isn’t it?

7. Mr.Smith’s brothers are policeman.

8. My sister want to be librarian.

4. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

James and the Giant Peach is a popular children’s novel written in 1961 by the British author Roald Dahl. The plot centers on a young English orphan boy who enters a gigantic, magical peach, and has a cross-world adventure with the six insects he meets. The boy lived happily with his parents until rhinoceros escaped from the London zoo and ate his parents. James stayed with his two evil aunts, Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge. They made the boy work long hours chopping wood and cleaning. They did not allow him to come out of the house and locked him in the basement to sleep on the cold floor. He didn’t go to school or play with other children. They didn’t give him enough food. The evil aunts wished that he would die.

One day James meets an old wizard who gives him a small bag of magic green crystals. These crystals have the power to help James with his problems. James falls and drops them into the roots of a peach tree. Soon a peach appears on the tree and the aunts sell tickets to view it as it becomes the size of a house. Later, six insects invite James inside the peach. The insects ate some of his magic green crystals and grew to become as large as James. Together, they roll away in the giant peach - leaving his aunts behind them. They have many adventures on their way to New York City across the Atlantic Ocean. The book is enjoyable!

  1. Roald Dahl is a famous English writer._____________________________________
  2. The book is about the boy’s adventures while travelling inside the peach all over the world.___________________________________________________________________
  3. James’s aunts loved him and took care of him. ________________________________
  4. James was a very clever and friendly boy._____________________________________
  5. James was one of the best students at school.___________________________________
  6. The boy had to work hard to get some food.________________________________
  7. James was happy when he played with his friends. ______________________________
  8. The wizard liked James and wanted to help him. ________________________________
  9. The wizard turned the aunts into big peaches._______________________________
  10. James found new friends inside the huge peach.____________________________

5. Choose the correct verb form.

1. I ……. learn the French language.

a. am not b. don’t c. isn’t

2. People in Italy …. a lot of pasta.

a. don’t eat b. are eating c. eat

3. I …. this sandwich. I’m not hungry.

a. don’t want b. am not wanting c. doesn’t want

4. Jack …. alone as usual.

a. is living b. live c. lives

5. …. you …..in this hotel now?

a. Do …stay b. Are…..staying c. Have…..stay

6. Turn the TV off. They …. watching it.

a. don’t b. doesn’t c. aren’t

7. Where …you….now?

a. are….going b. is… going c. do going

8. Many children …. a computer at home.

a. have b. has c. are having

9. Put on your jacket. It … cold.

a. gets b. get c. is getting

10. What … your favourite film?

a. does b. is c. do

11. While I ______about my life, somebody knocked.

a. thought b. was thinking

12. Something very strange ________to me on my way home.

a. happened b. was happening

13. When I got up this morning the sun ______brightly.

a. shone b. was shining

14. Somebody stole the money from Dad’s pocket while he ________.

a. slept b. was sleeping

15. It was getting dark when we ________ the native city.

a. reached b. were reaching

16. Have you got any money? Yes, I ________my salary already.

a. receive b. have received c. received

17. I know this place. I ________ there many times.

a. have been b. was c. were

18. John is reading a book. He ______about 50 pages.

a. read b. has read c. have read

19. He broke his leg while he ________football.

a. played b. plays c. was playing

20. Tom and Alice ____married last week.

a. got b. have got c. were getting

21. ___you ever ________Chinese food?

a. Have___ eaten b. Were____ eating c. Had____eaten

22. What ___you___ last night?

a. have___ done b. did____do c. were doing

23. I can’t open the door. I ____ my key.

a. lost b. have lost c. had lost

24. Tom ____down the road when he fell.

a. walked b. was walking c. had walked

6. Choose the correct form of adjective.

25. Ann is (young) child in her family.

a. the youngest b. the younger c. young

26. Henry is not (tall) his elder brother.

a. taller b. so tall as c. tallest

27. Where is (near) post office?

a. the nearest b. the next c. nearer

7. Choose the correct verb form in Passive Voice.

28. I ________an interesting job yesterday.

a. is offered b. was offered c. will be offered

29. Smoking ___________here.

a. is not allowed b. was not allowed c. will be allowed

30. The luggage________soon.

a. is brought b. was brought c. will be brought

31. The project __________only tomorrow.

a. is finished b. was finished c. will be finished

8.Write 100 - 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend who writes

...We moved to a new house a few weeks ago and I changed school. At first I was a bit afraid but I made new friends sooner than I expected. The teachers are nice and everything seems to be working out well. And what about you? Have you made any friends in your new school? Do you enjoy studying there? Have you got any new subjects this year?

I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my music lesson. Drop me a line when you can.

Lots of love,


Write a letter to Emily.

In your letter

• answer her questions and tell her about your new school

• ask 3 questions about her preferences in music

Предварительный просмотр:

Вступительные экзамены 5 класс


Прочитай текст.  Установите соответствие утверждений 1-7 содержанию текста. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True - T), какие не соответствуют (False - F) или о чём в тексте не говорится (NS –Not Stated). 

Занесите свои ответы в бланк ответов.

        Big cats live all around the world, but people don’t see them very often. They have sharp claws and teeth. They can be dangerous to people but people are even more dangerous to them. Many people hunt big cats. They hunt spotted cats for their fur. They hunt tigers for their bones. They use the bones in Chinese medicine. Some people even hunt big cats just for fun. Here are some of the most famous big cats.

       The lion is the loudest of all the big cats. You can hear a lion roar from about 8 kilometers away. Lions live in families called prides. A pride of lions can have between 3 and 40 lions in it, but there are usually around 15 lions in one pride. The female lions do most of the hunting. They usually hunt late in the evening or early in the morning. They kill antelopes, gazelles, buffalos and zebras. You can find lions in Africa and Asia. You can find their cousin, the mountain lion, in America.

        The biggest of the big cats is the tiger. They are known around the world for their power and strength. Tigers can weigh up to 220 kilograms. Most tigers come from India. They are very good climbers and are good swimmers too. They can eat up to 30 kilograms of meat in one night. 100 years ago, there were over 100,000 tigers in the wild. Now there are only 2,500. Many of them live in conservation parks.

1. Big cats live only in Africa. _____

2. Chinese doctors use tigers’ bones in medicine. _____

3. The lion’s voice is very loud. _____

4. Male lions get most of their food. _____

5. Lions usually hunt in hot weather. _____

6. The tiger is bigger than the lion. _____

7. Tigers live in big families. _____


Прочитайте предложения 1-7.  Выберите правильный вариант ответа для каждого пропуска (a, b, c).

Занесите свои ответы в бланк ответов.

  1. My mother _____ the washing up every evening.
  1. do      b)   does     c)   is doing

  1. The pupils ______ poems two weeks ago.
  1. translated        b)   translate      c) will translate

  1. We ______ homework now.
  1. do       b)   does       c) are doing

  1. The ______ often play at the stadium near here.

a) childs       b) childrens     c) children

  1. There ______30 pupils in our class last year.
  1. were              b) was                 c) are

  1. ______ family is very nice. 
  1. You      b)  Your      c)   Yours

  1. There isn’t ______ meat in the fridge. 
  1. any      b)   some      c)   no


В предложениях 1-7 выберите правильную ответную реплику из двух предложенных (a,b).

Занесите свои ответы в бланк ответов.

1. A: What’s your new flat like?

    B: a) On the second floor.         b) It’s big and light.

2. A: Has your new house got any furniture?

    B: a) Yes, there is.           b) Yes, it has.

3. A: How many rooms are there in your flat?

    B: a) There’re flowers in the garden.         b) Five.

4. A: Is there a mirror on the wall of your bedroom?

    B: a) No, there isn’t.              b) Yes, there are.

5. A: Excuse me. How much are these T-shirts?

    B: a) £25.         b) Green and red.

6. A: We can have a snack in the cafe.

B: a) Yes, I can.          b) Good idea.

7. A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the Art Gallery is?

    B: a) Thanks a lot.      b) Yes, sure. It’s next to the park, over there.

               4. Поставьте правильные формы в пропуски: do/does/don’t /doesn’t

a).……..I need my book?

b). …… a lion eat leaves?

c) .……. Helen take the bus?

d) She ………..like to sing.

5. Вычеркните лишнее слово из логического ряда:

a) Maths, Science, Thursday, Physical Education, Technology

b) sharpener, notebook,  pencil case, umbrella, ruler

c) bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, furniture

d) budgie, tortoise, cat, goat, guinea pig

6. Образуйте множественное число существительных:










 7.Выберите правильное местоимение:

a) This is my brother. Look at …..(he/him)

b) Susan is my best friend. I can tell …..all my secrets. (she/her)

c) ….. grandpa is very funny.(my/me)

8. Выберите правильную временную форму:

a) Lara always ….at 7 o’clock. (get up, gets up, got up)

b) Look! He ….a car. (repairs, repair, is repairing)

c) Dolphins ….with one eye open. (sleeps/sleep/is sleeping)

d) I often …..for a walk. (go/goes/am going)

e) Bill ….TV every evening. (watch/watches/is watching)

f) What …..she doing? (does/is/ can)

g) Dennis can sing but he…..draw. (isn’t/can’t/ can)

h) There’s a sofa in my room but there …..any chairs. (isn’t/aren’t/ are)

i) How often … they swim? (have/do/are)

j) Linn usually ….up at 7 o’ clock. (wakes/wake/ woke)

9. Образуйте время Present Continious

a) He …………..a newspaper now. (read)

b) They ……………….flowers in the garden.(plant)

c) I ……………..to music at the moment. (listen)

10. You are on holiday. Write a postcard  to your friend . Include:

  • the place you are in;
  • how you like it
  • what the weather is like
  • what you are doing

Dear Mary,

How are you? I am having a great time here in _____________________________


See you soon!


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