Косвенная речь
материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Самостоятельная работа по теме "Косвенная речь. Утверждения. Общие и специальные вопросы".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

Report the following statements and questions.

  1. James said, “I read a book per month”.
  2. Maria said, “Teachers don’t like noise”.
  3. John said, “Mandy is at home”.
  4. Max told me, “Frank often reads books”.  
  5. She told me, “I went out last night”.
  6. He said, “I won’t see you tomorrow”.
  7. She said, “I can stay at home”.
  8. Samantha said, “This place is absolutely fabulous”.
  9. Sarah said, “I’ve cleaned my room”.
  10. She asked, “Do you like to sing?”
  11. I asked, “Have you seen my dog?”
  12. Kate asked, “Where do you live?”
  13. We asked, “What has he seen?”
  14. He asked, “Will you arrive at 6?”
  15. Father asked me, “Where were my glasses?”  

< 7  - оценка “2”

8 – 10  - оценка “3”

11 – 13  - оценка “4”

14 – 15 – оценка  “5”

Variant 2

Report the following statements and questions.

  1. They said, “We are very calm”.
  2. Charles said, “I don’t like horror films”.
  3. Brenda said, “I buy this magazine every week”.
  4. Carl said, “Today is my birthday”.
  5. I said, “Tim was in the hospital”.
  6. Tom said to him, “I phoned you”.
  7. He said, “I’ve lost my key”.
  8. I said, “I will go to the party”.
  9. Peggy said, “I’m watching a film”.
  10. She asked him, “Are you crazy?”
  11. Mother asked me, “Did you see that car?”
  12. We asked, “Why was he absent?”
  13. I asked, “Why didn’t you come?”
  14. He asked, “”What’s the time?
  15. Teacher asked me, “Can you give me an example?”

< 7  - оценка “2”

8 – 10  - оценка “3”

11 – 13  - оценка “4”

14 – 15 – оценка  “5”

Variant 3

Report the following statements and questions.

  1. Liz said, “Kate took my book”.
  2. Ben said, “The train leaves at 5”.
  3. Barbara said, “This is my favourite film”.
  4. The children said, “We don’t want to watch TV”.
  5. Jean said, “My mother will be 50”.
  6. She said, “It’s very quiet here”.
  7. He told me, “I visited my parents last weekend”.
  8. He said, “I can help you tomorrow”.
  9. They said, “We have been to London”.
  10. He asked her, “Can you swim?”
  11. He asked, “Why are you crying?”
  12. They asked, “Does she ski well?”
  13. She asked me, “How do you know that?”
  14. Dan asked me, “Will it rain tomorrow?”
  15. I asked, “Was your trip OK?”

< 7  - оценка “2”

8 – 10  - оценка “3”

11 – 13  - оценка “4”

14 – 15 – оценка  “5”

Variant 3

Report the following statements and questions.

  1. Liz said, “Kate took my book”.
  2. Ben said, “The train leaves at 5”.
  3. Barbara said, “This is my favourite film”.
  4. The children said, “We don’t want to watch TV”.
  5. Jean said, “My mother will be 50”.
  6. She said, “It’s very quiet here”.
  7. He told me, “I visited my parents last weekend”.
  8. He said, “I can help you tomorrow”.
  9. They said, “We have been to London”.
  10. He asked her, “Can you swim?”
  11. He asked, “Why are you crying?”
  12. They asked, “Does she ski well?”
  13. She asked me, “How do you know that?”
  14. Dan asked me, “Will it rain tomorrow?”
  15. I asked, “Was your trip OK?”

< 7  - оценка “2”

8 – 10  - оценка “3”

11 – 13  - оценка “4”

14 – 15 – оценка  “5”

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