Конспект урока по теме "Здоровье. Стресс"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему

Мирная Галина Александровна

Конспект урока составлен, опираясь на учебник Кузовлева В.П, но может быть проведен вне зависимости от УМК в 10 или 11 классах. Многие задания находятся непосредственно после плана. Они могут быть заменены, прерставлены, адаптированы в зависимости от уровня обученности детей и целей урока


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок по календарно-тематическому планированию, составленному на основе государственной программы основного общего образования по иностранным языкам, под редакцией Миролюбова А.А., 5-11 классов, Кузовлев В.П, Москва, Астрель, 2007

Учитель: Мирная Галина Александровна

Учащиеся: 10 класс

Учебник: Кузовлев В.П, 10-11 классы

План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе.

Раздел: Здоровье.

Тема: Стресс в жизни современного человека

Цели и задачи:

Подготовка учеников к ЕГЭ через:

- развитие навыков аудирования;

- развитие навыков анализа, систематизации, обобщения;

- развитие навыков монологического и диалогического высказывания;

- воспитание культуры общения через работу в группах;

- воспитание ответственности через работу в группах и в парах;

- обучение новой лексике по теме;

- повторение и закрепление правил словообразования в английском языке.

Методы: работа в группах (Jigsaw), по парам; индивидуальная работа; фронтальный опрос; аудирование; выполнение тестовых заданий, упражнений и т.д.

Средства: раздаточный материал, наглядные пособия, диски

Оборудование: аудио аппаратура, компьютер, проектор, экран

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

(Слайд № 1, звуковая дорожка)

Good morning, students! Sit down, please. I’m very glad to see you and I hope that you are ready to work hard!

  1. Речевая разминка.

The hottest topic nowadays is a diet and different kinds of diets. Vegetarianism is observed as a kind of a great variety of diets. I offer you to speak about vegetarians. What do you think

- Who are vegetarians? (ответы учеников)– it’s really so.

- Do you know any famous vegetarians? (ответы учеников) – are you sure?

- How do you think what is better: to be a fruit-eating or a meat-eating man? (ответы учеников) – thank you very much!

  1. Проверка домашнего задания.

So, we continue speaking about health and now let’s check your homework. You had to read the text “The immune system” and reveal the most important information. What interesting thoughts have you found there? (ответы учеников по тексту № 1 – см. приложение)

Thank you very much. Your task was also to find proverbs and quotations about health. Who did it? (ученики называют пословицы, но не переводят их; слайд № 2, появляется после озвучивания соответствующих паремий).

How did you understand these words? (учащиеся объясняют значение пословицы, желающие оспаривают его мнение, затем все подбирают русский эквивалент)

Thanks great!

  1. Введение новой темы. Аудирование.

We worked a lot with your books during our last lesson and today we’ll work with some additional material.

So, today we’ll learn some new information on the topic health, stress and its effects on human’s body. We’ll get acquainted with the new words and phrases, do the tasks to the text and listen to the new story. Now, please be ready to listen to the story and to ask the question: “What are the most effective ways of keeping body in good condition?”(слайд № 3)

Первое прослушивание, ответ на вопрос (выслушиваем несколько мнений), второе прослушивание.

Now, listen to the story for the second time and be ready to do the tasks on your desks (на партах лежат карточки с заданиями: более сложное задание  для более сильных детей; см. приложение) 

Now, let’s check your work (ответы детей, обсуждение со всеми)

  1. Знакомство с текстом.

Thank you! Now let’s work with the texts. Before reading the text look at the board and try to find Russian equivalents to the words. They’ll help you to understand the story (слайд № 4, 5 учащиеся читают по цепочке слова и пытаются подобрать эквиваленты, остальные при необходимости помогают)

That’s all right. You are sitting in groups and now you’ll work in groups. Each of the members has two texts; your task is to read them, understand the contents and tell your partners the most important information. At last each of you should know the contents of each story (дети работают по методике Jigsaw: читают свои тексты и делятся друг с другом полученной информацией; на партах детей лежат карточки-словарики с дефинициями к сложным словам из текстов; см. приложение).

  1. Работа с текстом.
  1. O.K. now you are ready. Your first task is to find the headings for 8 stories (слайд № 6, тихая звуковая дорожка на все время выполнения задания - учащиеся подбирают из 9 предложенных 8 подходящих названий к каждому тексту – работа в группах)

As you can see these headings mean the kinds of stresses and their causes. Use them during our next task.

7.                  Break (рабочая пауза) 

Now look at the board, you’ll see several extracts from the films and cartoons. Your task is to define what kinds and effects of stress are observed (видеоролик №1, учащиеся просматривают отрывки и определяют вид стресса и его причины, опираясь на заголовки прочитанных текстов)

8.               Работа с текстом, продолжение.

b) The new task is to answer the questions (ученики на скорость отвечают на вопросы по карточкам; см. приложение)

c) Work in pairs (учащиеся делятся по парам внутри своих групп и выполняют задания, ответы озвучиваются и сравниваются; см. приложение)

d) Reserving task (резервное задание выполняется, если остается много времени до конца урока; см. приложение)

e) The task for everyone: find the sentence number 3 and translate it. Here is a phrasal verb here. Let’s remember its variants and meanings…(учащиеся находят предложение, называют фразовый глагол, кто быстрее и подбирают другие фразовые варианты к нему)

9.              Отработка диалогической речи (с использованием новой лексики)

Now I suggest you to act out a polylogue “A visit to a doctor”.

One member of each group takes part in the polylogue while other members are thinking and making a plan to the stress-story taking out the most important information (пока представители от каждой команды готовят полилог, остальные составляют план к прочитанным отрывкам; затем все смотрят театрализованный полилог и 2-3 ученика озвучивают свои планы).

Now we know, what means to be in stress and I guess everyone knows what means to feel life after recovery (слайд №7)

10.            Подведение итогов. 

Тhank you for your work. We’ve learnt some important and interesting information today, new words and word combinations. We’ve repeated word composition and did a lot of tasks. Your marks for today are:…….

Your hometask is to write a letter to your pen-friend, telling about a recent stress situation in your life. Not less than 140 words. Thanks a lot, the lesson is over, good luck! (слайд №8)



        Текст домашнего задания

The immune system is your frontline of defence against diseases ranging from the common cold to cancer and it won’t look after itself. If you find you suffer from repeated infections, then may be it’s time to give your immune system a bit more muscles.

The environment in which we live is seething with a host of viruses, bacteria and parasites, all eager to colonise the human body.  

Why do people suffer from repeated diseases?  what must they do?)

Stress (for example, students during exam time have weaker immune system than that in long summer break).

Mood (angry, self-centered people get worse cold than people who are cheerful and positive).

Diets. Not all the kinds of diets are good for our health. We must think not only about our weight, but also about minerals and vitamins.

Environmental problems. Different kinds of pollution (air, water, soil pollution) are great harm to our health. Of all forms of pollution, the most aggressive is the constant noise in the street and even inside a building (factory, office, shop, school).  

What must people do to deal with stress?

- Exercises and relaxation are very good ways to deal with diseases.

- Sport.

- Good mood (positive emotions).

- The most powerful weapon in strengthening immunity is nutrition (food full of vitamins: C, E, zinc and iron).


         Each man is a creator of a temple called the human body

(Текст для аудирования)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about the food they eat, about the air they breathe and the way they look and feel. They begin to comprehend that staying active as you get older gives you more energy and helps to stave off illness. Nowadays we are offered a wide range of sport facilities to achieve general fitness.

From my own experience I can say that some of my friends are simply hooked on aerobics, shaping, stretching and bodybuilding. I must admit that a professional sportsman is always a pleasure to look at: he doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol, he keeps to a healthy diet avoiding junk food and always takes regular hours.

Absolute beginners should start with some basic mobility exercises to get them moving. All sports should be made a part of a weekly routine. Regularity and moderation are two basic rules. However, we shouldn’t forget that it might be appropriate to get the doctor’s approval before. In fact everybody chooses an activity that appeals more to him.

From my point of view, swimming is an excellent exercise. It doesn’t strain the muscles as the water supports the body weight. It also helps flexibility, stamina, and heart and lung capability. Cycling is wonderful for balance. In fact you can practice it both indoors and outdoors on a stationary bike.

        Yoga is also an ideal option. It’s mostly due to the fact that both your body and your mind benefit from yoga classes, as it tones the muscles and relieves tension.


Задания к аудированию

Fill in the gaps:

  1. I must admit that a professional sportsman is always a pleasure (……………)
  2. Absolute (………………) should start with some basic mobility exercises.
  3. In fact everybody (………….) an activity that appeals more to him.
  4. Yoga is also an ideal (………….).

Circle the right answer:

  1. Nowadays people
  1. eat much food than before;
  2. do not concern about what they eat or drink at all;
  3. are very fond of junk food;
  4. are anxious to eat healthy food;

2. I can say:

 a) people do not practice sports nowadays;

 b) a professional sportsman always keeps to a healthy diet;

 c) people are hooked on risky sports;

 d) I’m a real sportsman.

  1. Absolute beginners should:
  1. jog twice a day;
  2. choose swimming at first;
  3. hire a coach;
  4. start with some basic exercises.

  1. From my point of view:
  1. sport doesn’t give one health and strength;
  2. sport brings disappointment
  3. swimming is an excellent exercise;
  4. everybody should do skiing in winter and swimming in summer.


                                  Vocabulary (на столах у каждого)      

To be linked – to be connected;

Defence – protection;

To release – to liberate, to deliver;

To trigger – (to trig) – to stop, to restrain;

To relieve – to ease;

To increase – to intensify, to strengthen;

Ulcer – a stomach disease;

The supply – a provision;

To reduce – to lower;

Mucus – phlegm;

To expose – to display, to exhibit;

Available – accessible;

Inflammation – a process of the parts of the body which signalized that some disease or virus invades them.

To heal – to cure, to recover;

Injury – wound.


  Тексты для чтения


The symptoms of stress are probably linked to our primitive defence mechanisms, in face of danger, animals (like primitive man) need to be prepared for foght or flight. Hormones are automatically released to mobilize energy for action.


The lifestyle of modern man presents many situations (working under pressure, driving, arguing etc) which trigger the release of hormones. The resulting stress is usually prolonged, since there is no call for the action that would relieve it (and for which it now inappropriately prepares).


The hormone adrenaline (from the adrenal gland) was first found during a 1911th  experiment on a cat frightened by a dog. Its most important effect is to increase the energy available to the muscles.


One effect of stress is to increase the blood supply to the muscles and decrease the blood supply to the stomach. This reduces appetite and gastric juices. In the recovery from stress the gastric juices flood back exposing the stomach wall (normally protected by mucus) to the gastric acids and causing stomach ulcers.


One effect of stress is to increase the blood supply to the muscles by increasing blood pressure, when prolonged, this overworks the heart and kidneys.


Sugars and fatty acids are released into the blood in times of stress (to increase available energy). The prolonged or repeated effect of these is to form deposits of fat on the walls of the blood vessels. This ‘hardening’ of the arteries increases the risk of heart trouble.


People under stress have reduced resistance to infection. One group of chemicals released into the blood under stress are the glucocorticoids, which decrease inflammation and immune responses (even cuts take longer to heal).


Under stress the body release natural opiates, similar to morphine. These reduce pain, allowing action immediately after an injury. Pain starts later – it is one of the body’s defences, discouraging movement to aid healing.


   Задания к текстам

  1. Say the words with the same roots and translate them:

Danger, action, to prolong, to reduce, to expose, resistance, to discourage, inflammation.

  1. Make the nouns from the verbs and translate them:

 To aid, to risk, to flood, to supply, to effect,

to release, to face, to result, to deposit.

  1. Match the appropriate prefixes and suffixes with the roots and translate the results:

–y,   ---  ,   -ment,    -en,   over- ,   -ion,   -ure,

To move, to injure, hard, fat, to work, to protect,

to recover, to press, to cause, fright

  1. Find in the text the appropriate nouns and verbs to the following words:

To defend, present, relief, increase, decrease,

to respond.

  1. Say true or false:

  1. In face of danger hormones are released.
  2. The modern stress isn’t usually prolonged.
  3. Driving is not a cause of stress.
  4. Adrenaline is a hormone of both animals and men.
  5. During stress the blood supply to the stomach decreases.
  6. The blood supply to the muscles increases blood pressure.
  7. Sugar is the cause of the heart trouble.
  8. Decreasing inflammation we don’t decrease the immune responses.
  9. When injured pain starts later.

  1. Answer the questions:
  1. What is the result of decreasing the blood supply to the stomach?
  2. Where does the hormone adrenaline come from?
  3. What is modern stress?
  4. What hardens the arteries?
  5. Glucocorticoids are: hormones, chemicals, blood vessels.

  1. Finish the sentences:
  1. Hormones are automatically released to mobilize…
  2. Its most important effect is to increase…
  3. People under stress have reduced…
  4. Under stress the body releases natural opiates, similar to morphine, these…


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