Презентация "Past Tenses" 10 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Смирнова Елена Алексеевна

Презентация для 10 класса к учебнику Spotlight


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Слайд 1

Past Tenses Автор : Смирнова Елена Алексеевна Учитель английского языка МАОУ «Лицей № 36» Нижний Новгород

Слайд 2

Past Simple We use the past simple for: actions completed in the past. f.e . John called Ann yesterday morning. actions which happened at a specific time in the past. f.e . She went to the gym at 7 o c’lock . past habits. f.e . We often travelled to Paris when we were students.

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past actions which happened one immediately after the other f.e . She woke up, put some clothes on and ran out of the house. completed past actions not connected to the present with a stated or implied time reference. f.e . Henry James wrote many novels.

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Time expressions: yesterday yesterday morning/evening last year/month/week/night two weeks ago/ a month ago the day before yesterday

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Form: A regular past form ends in – ed . Some verbs have an irregular past form . The past simple is the same in all persons. The only exception is the past tense of “be”.

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Слайд 7

+ + V 2 / V ed He went to school yesterday. / He watched TV yesterday. - didn’t V 1 He didn’t go to school yesterday. / He didn’t watch TV. ? Did V 1 ? Did he go to school yesterday? / Did he watch TV yesterday?

Слайд 8

What When Where Why What did he do yesterday? When did he go to school? Where did he go ? wh ? did V 1 ? who? Who V 2 / V ed ? Who went to school yesterday?

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Past Continuous We use the past continuous: for an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We do not know when the action started or finished. f.e . At 7 o’clock yesterday morning, we were driving to the airport. for a past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. We use the past continuous for the action in progress (longer action) and the past simple for the action which interrupted it . (shorter action) f.e . He was listening to music when the doorbell rang.

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for two or more actions which were happening at the same time in the past. f.e . I was tidying up while Tom was ironing . to give background information in a story. f. e. The wind was blowing and the dark clouds were gathering in the sky. Jack was standing….

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Time expressions: while when as all day / night / morning at 5 o’clock yesterday

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Form: Past form of the verb to be ( was / were ) + main verb + - ing to be was were

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was were + V ing . Mike was watch ing TV when his mother came home. - wasn’t weren’t V ing . Mike wasn’t watch ing TV when his mother came home. ? Was W ere V ing ? Was Mike watch ing TV when his mother came home?

Слайд 14

Past Perfect The Past Perfect is used: for an action which happened before another past action or before a stated time in the past. f.e . Tom had tired up all the rooms before the children returned from school. for an action which finished in the past and whose result was visible in the past. f.e . He had won first prize, so he felt ecstatic. NOTE: The past perfect is the past equivalent of the present perfect. He had missed his plane, so he was very upset. He has missed his plane, so he is very upset.

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NOTE: We can use the past perfect or the past simple with before or after without any difference in meaning. f.e . She went out with her friends after she (had) returned from school. She (had) returned from school before she went out with her friends.

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Time expressions: before after already for since just till / until when by by the time never

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Form: had + past participle of the main verb + had V 3 / V ed . She had done her homework before mother came home. - hadn’t V 3 / V ed . ? H ad V 3 / V ed ?

Слайд 18

Past Perfect Continuous The Past Perfect Continuous is used: to put emphasis on the duration of an action which started and finished in the past before another past action or a stated time in the past, usually with since or for . f.e . She had been waiting for days before he called her. for an action which lasted for some time in the past and whose result was visible in the past. f.e . She had been working hard for hours, so she was very tired.

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NOTE: The past perfect continuous is the past equivalent of the present perfect continuous. She had been resting for hours, so she felt very relaxed. She has been resting for hours, so she feels very relaxed.

Слайд 20

Time expressions: for since how long before until

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Form: had + been + main verb + - ing . + had been V ing . They had been work ing hard that day, so she was tired.

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Слайд 27

Используемые источники Великобритания http://irecommend.ru/sites/default/files/imagecache/copyright1/user-images/168052/london_otshityy_ves_0.jpg Флаг Великобритании http://www.onlinecasinorussia.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/britaniya.png

Слайд 28

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