Учебные материалы к урокам по УМК "Spotlight"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5, 6, 9 класс)

Камагина Светлана Валерьевна

Данные учебные материалы содержат конспекты уроков и итоговое тестирование для проверки знаний, умений и навыков по УМК "Spotlight" в 5,6 и 9 классах


Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока “A magic animal planet”



Тип урока

Урок обобщения и систематизации предметных знаний.






«Волшебная планета животных».


Образовательная программа, автор

УМК New Opportunities-Russian Edition: Beginner, для общеобраз. учрежд. / Michael Harris, David Mower. Изд. Longman,  2007


Определение места урока в изучаемой теме, разделе, курсе

Module 10. Завершающий урок по теме «Wildlife».




Самоопределение, формирование основ гражданской личности, формирование основ бережного отношения к природе.


Постановка учебной задачи на основе соотнесения иллюстраций, музыки и английской речи, записанной на кассету, определение последовательности действий


Развитие умения извлекать необходимую информацию из прослушанного текста;

развитие умения находить ответы на вопросы, используя  текст  произведения

развитие умения проводить наблюдения и делать самостоятельные выводы;
развитие умения систематизировать знания

Поиск информации об особенностях климата, природы и животного мира стран разных континентов (Россия, Африка, Америка, джунгли, леса).

Смысловое чтение, развитие навыков беглого и детального прочтения текста, анализ текстов с целью выделения особенностей климата, фауны различных стран мира, поисковых навыков и умений дополнять отсутствующую информацию.


Развитие аналогов монологической и диалогической речи, умение точно выражать свои мысли, учет позиции других людей, развитие навыков произношения.


Определение ценностных основ, цели и задач урока

Постановка целей и задач урока.

Цели урока

Расширение знаний учащихся о дикой природе.
Расширение кругозора учащихся по теме.

Развитие внимания, мышления, восприятия, памяти. Развитие творческого мышления, побуждение к выражению собственного мнения.                            
Развитие умений сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать и делать выводы.
Развивать учебно-познавательную компетенцию через развитие способов учебной деятельности (работа со словарем, использование магнитофона и аудиокассет, видео  в освоении навыков аудирования и письма);

Воспитательные: Привлечение внимания к проблемам, связанным с охраной животных.                                      Воспитывать уважение и любовь к животным и природе.

Практические задачи:
Совершенствование навыков аудирования.                                            Развитие навыков чтения.                                           Развитие навыков устной монологической речи.                                        
Активизация лексики по теме.                                         Развитие умений и навыков употребления изученного лексического и грамматического материала в устных высказываниях по теме.
Отработка лексики в упражнениях и использование приобретённых знаний в практической деятельности – при аудировании, говорении, чтении, письме.

Оснащение урока:
Проекты учащихся.
Фотографии животных дикой природы.                               Аудиотекст.                            
Раздаточный материал



Обоснование выбора содержания учебного материала, методов, форм работы на уроке сопоставимыми психолого-педагогической характеристики класса

Основной дидактический метод: репродуктивный, продуктивный, практический, объяснительно-иллюстративный, словесный, практический метод.

Частные методы и приемы: беседа, поисковый, наглядный, практический, метод стимулирования и мотивации учебно-познавательной деятельности, демонстрация слайдов, метод формирования умений и навыков по применению знаний на практике, методы контроля и самоконтроля за эффективностью учебно-познавательной деятельности, методы приобретения новых знаний, методы формирования умений и навыков по применению знаний на практике, методы закрепления, методы проверки и оценки знаний, умений и навыков, опрос учащихся по материалу специальных предметов и прошлых уроков, организация проведения и руководство упражнений учащихся в выполнении трудовых процессов. Развитие творческих способностей, техники мышления, самостоятельности, культуры труда, частично-поисковый метод. демонстрация плакатов, проектных работ обучающихся; использование технических средств; рассказ; демонстрация; упражнения; работа с книгой;

1.   Подготовка   учащихся   к   учебной деятельности на английском языке Организационный момент.

      Hello, boys and girls! Sit down, please. I’ll just mark the register. Who is absent today? So, I’m waiting to start. Please, be quiet! Ученики приветствуют учителя и садятся. Затем они называют фамилии тех, кто отсутствует.

Приветствие, беседа с дежурным по классу и заполнение журнала - 1 мин.

2. Актуализация знаний.

Постановка цели - мотивация - 1 мин.

Звучит запись с голосами животных.

3. Речевая зарядка.
Т: What do you hear? 

    Ps: We hear voices of animals.
T: That’s right. Now look at the blackboard. What can you see here?

    Ps: We can see photos of animals.

    T: Well done! Strange sounds, beautiful photos… What do you think the topic of our     lesson is?         What will we speak about?  

    Ps: We will speak about wild animals.
T: Yes, you are right. We are going to speak about wild life, wild animals, so let’s call our lesson

         “A magic animal planet” (вместе с учениками перевести название урока).

Ребята, сегодня на уроке мы будем повторять слова по теме «Животные», выполнять различные задания на основе просмотренного фильма
и прослушанного текста о животных, и в конце урока мы попытаемся ответить на следующий вопрос:

На доске: Why do people speak so much about animals?

4. Обобщение и систематизация знаний.  

Подготовка учащихся к обобщенной деятельности


Активизация лексики. (Включить аудиозапись с голосами животных).

T: There are 2 groups of animals. What are they?

Ps: They are domestic and wild animals

T: What wild animals do you know?

Ps: I know…

T: What domestic animals do you know?

Ps: Domestic animals are…

T: Well, I see, you know different animals. And now let’s revise the words that help us describe the animals.
    Look at the board. Your task is to go to the board, turn the card, read
and translate the word.

huge                             interesting                                        head                                  eyes
funny                           small                                                tail                                    foot (feet)
dangerous                    rare                                                  neck                                  wings

horrible                        intelligent                                        legs                                   body

lovely                           strange                                            ears

friendly                        great

После выполнения задания отчитать слова хором.

T: Ребята, а как можно озаглавить слова первой группы? (Ajectives) Второй группы? (Parts of the body)
And now answer my questions.

What animals can be dangerous? Huge? Funny?
What is your favourite animal?
Why do you like animals?
What animals can swim?

Развитие навыка монологической речи.
T: Now I see you are ready to guess the riddles. Let’s listen to the riddles which your classmates have prepared. Try to guess the answer.

Ps: 5-6 riddles.

     В ходе данного этапа урока добавить монологические высказывания учащихся о животных

 (защита проектов).
T: for ex. It is brown and big, it likes honey, it lives in the forest. Who can give us more information about a bear?

    (Монологическая речь о медведе)

     Who would like to tell us about tigers?

     После каждого монологического высказывания задать ученикам по одному-два вопроса на проверку понимания прослушанного, например:

     How long do tigers live?

     What colour are they?

     What do they eat?

     Where do they live? И т.д.

     Thank you very much for your active work.
Работа с видеофильмом. Воспроизведение на новом уровне (переформулированные вопросы).

T: We’ve spoken about animals and their personalities, we’ve learned what they eat, what they look like and where they are from.

I’d like to know: If you want to watch animals, where will you go?
Where can we see animals?

Ps: We can watch animals in zoos, forests, wildlife parks.

T: You are right. That’s why, our next point is travelling to the zoo.

     Get ready for an exciting wildlife journey to the world-famous San-Diego Zoo. You’ll see Wildlife Wonders.

Before watching the film, let’s take the new words: (Слова выписаны
на доске)

exciting – волнующий, восхитительный

world-famous – всемирно известный
San-Diego – Сан-Диего (it’s a city in the USA near Los-Angeles)

gentle – благородный

rainforests – тропики

jungles - джунгли

Please, be attentive. While watching the film, you must do some tasks.

(Объяснить на русском языке задание):
Task I.У вас на столах карточки, где на английском языке выписаны названия различных животных.

       Отметьте, о каких животных в фильме не говорилось.

Task II. Match the animal and the country it is from:

Panda                                 Australia

Koalas                               Africa

Giraffes                             China

Polar bears                        frozen Norway

Проверка выполнения заданий (задания продублированы на доске).

Развитие навыков аудирования. Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации

T: I’m sure you liked the film very much. Animals are fantastic! But you know, a lot of animals are in danger nowadays. Why is it so?

We’ll listen to the text about animals which are in danger.

We need some new words for it:

to disappear – исчезать

domestic animals – домашние животные

cows and sheep – коровы и овцы

people are afraid of – люди боятся

to save – спасти, сохранить

to sell – продавать

to get money – получить деньги
skin – кожа

prices are high – высокие цены

Отработка новой лексики. Translate sentences from Russian into English:
    Коровы и овцы – это домашние животные.

     Люди боятся крокодилов.

     Люди продают кожу животных и получают большие деньги за нее.

After listening to the text, please, answer the following questions: (вопросы написаны на доске)
What animals are in danger?
Why are they disappearing?

Listening: “Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing nowadays. Many of them are in danger. Indian tigers and African elephants are among them. People have hunted and killed many tigers in India and a lot of elephants in Africa. Why?

     Tigers and elephants are often dangerous animals. Tigers can kill cows, sheep, other domestic animals and sometimes they can also kill men. Some people are afraid of tigers and kill them to save their domestic animals and their lives.

But some people have often hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They can easily sell the skin and get a lot of money as the prices are high”.

     Контроль усвоения, обсуждение допущенных ошибок и их коррекция.

После прослушивания текста – контроль понимания. Учащиеся отвечают на заданные вопросы.

T: Do you think, only tigers are in danger?

Ps: No, of course, not.
Развитие навыка чтения. Работа над текстом «Elephants are in danger»

T: We are going to read the text about African elephants. Open your books

on page ___ and find the text.
    African elephants are wonderful animals. They can help men. But nowadays there are not many of them in African parks. They are disappearing. Modern life

is bad for them. They don’t have good things to eat and space to live. People kill them. Many of them are old, sick animals. You can find their names in the Red Book.

     People must take special care of them!

     После чтения текста – контроль понимания. Выполнение заданий.

T: Say if my sentences are True or False:
   1. Elephants are strange animals.

    2. There are many of them in African parks.

    3. They are disappearing.

    4. Many elephants are old and sick.

T: As you see, many animals are in danger nowadays because modern life

is bad for them. The air is not fresh. The water is not clean. People can kill them.

Анализ и содержание итогов работы, формирование выводов по изученному материалу

Обратиться к вопросу на доске:

What MUST people do to save animals? How can we help them and our nature?

Ps: We must take care of animals.

      We must feed and help sick animals.

      We mustn’t kill and hunt animals.      We mustn’t POLLUTE the air and water.

На доске: We must save wild animals. We must save our planet!

T: Ребята, я думаю, вы не случайно использовали в своих предложениях модальный глагол MUST. Каково значение этого глагола?

Ps: Значение глагола MUST – должен, обязан.

T: Я думаю, все согласятся со мной, что мы, люди, должны, обязаны помочь животным и сохранить планету, на которой мы живем.

T: And now let’s go back to our first questions. (Показать на вопрос
на доске, который были поставлен в начале урока):

Why do people speak so much about animals?

7. Завершающий этап урока.

Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия)

T: Сегодня мы с вами постарались достичь всех целей и задач нашего урока: мы ответиди на главный вопрос урока.  

I am very pleased with your work today. Thank you very much.

 Выставление оценок.

Домашнее задание. (Ученики получают задание на каточках.  Нужно расставить слова в нужном порядке)

T: For your homework you have special cards. Your task is to put the words in the sentences in the correct order. Do the task in your exercise-books.

Организованное завершение урока.

We have to stop here. The lesson is over. You can put your things away and go. Goodbye, boys and girls!

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 8A. Food and shopping.

  1. Оргмомент. Приветствие.

Hello. I’m very glad to see you. Sit down, please.

What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?

How are you, …? And you, …? Are you happy, ….? Are you lucky, … ? Are you great, …? I wish you to be happy, to be lucky, to be great today! I hope, everything will be easy for you today!

Now, let’s say hello to each other. (Здороваемся руками друг с другом. Каждый пальчик – слово-приветствие: happy, lucky, great, easy as a piece of cake!) Hello! Say hello to your neighbour.

2. Today I’m going to begin our lesson with a riddle. If you guess it, you will know the topic of our lesson. Listen to me and think it over. So, what’s this?
1. We do it in a special place.
2. We do it very often.
3. Usually women like to do it, it’s their favourite hobby.

4. We can’t do it without money or credit card.

5. We do it because we need something to eat, something to wear and something to relax.

6. Usually two or more people take part in this process.

T: What’s this? – Ss:

  1. Do you often go shopping? Where can you do the shopping? (Ss: We can do the shopping at different shops). The next task for you is to name all the shops you know. Say the words one by one. The last student to say is the winner. Don’t name the words twice, please. Let’s start. (ученики называют типы магазинов по очереди, последний участник - победитель) (baker’s, butcher’s, fishmonger’s, grocer’s, greengrocer’s, dairy shop, supermarket, market, bazaar, confectioner’s, shopping centre, flea market, car boot sale, clothes shop, toy shop, chemist’s, optician’s, jeweller’s, florist’s, pet shop, shoe shop, souveniers, bookshop, department store, record shop )
  2. Now Guess where you can hear the following phrases (Учитель зачитывает предложения-фразы, которые можно услышать в различных магазинах. Задача учеников – назвать магазин, где прозвучала эта фраза.

  1. Do you prefer gold or silver?                                     (jeweller’s)
  2. Just a wash and a blow-dry, please.                           (hair dresser’s)
  3. Do you have this in a smaller size?                            (clothes shop)
  4. Are you long or short-sighted?                                   (optician’s)
  5. A kilo of steak, please.                                                (butcher’s)
  6. I’ve come to pick up my prescription.                        (chemist’s)
  7. I need to send this first class.                                      (post office)
  8. A dozen of those purple ones, please.                         (florist’s)
  9. They were caught fresh this morning.                         (fishmonger’s)  
  10. Is this the December issue?                                         (newsagent’s)
  11. You can find a second-hand table there.                     (flea market)
  12. What sort do you prefer: dark, milk, white or bitter? (confectioner’s)
  13. These are fresh from the oven.                                    (bakery)

  1. As you see, we have different kinds of shops in Russia. Britain has also got different shops.

Read  the short texts about shops in the UK and say if my statements are TRUE / FALSE.

The corner shop


Mark & Spencer


The Body shop

1) The Body Shop sells perfumes, soap, shampoo, skin-care products for men and women.

2)The Corner Shop is a small shop on or near a street corner. They usually sell food.

3)Harrods is a department store. It has 230 departments. It has a library and a bank. It is a very expensive shop. 

4) Mark & Spencer is a chain store (сетевой магазин). It is a number of department stores which sell men’s and women’s clothing, home furniture, plants and food. The company has over 700 stores over the world. 

5)Sainsbury’s is the biggest of the supermarket chains (сеть супермаркетов). It suggests good food, wine,

do it yourself goods.


  1. Sainsbury’s is one of the biggest supermarkets. (T)
  2. We can buy expensive clothes at The Body Shop. (F)
  3. Harrods has got about 200 departments. (F)
  4. Mark & Spencer is a chain store all over the world. (T)
  5. The Corner Shop is a small shop where they sell food. (T)


  1. Физкультминутка. Look up (down, left, back, right, twist your head, look in front, both sides)


  1. We have known a lot about shops. Now I invite you to do some shopping. Would you like to do it? I think, yes. We are going to watch a short video from the corner shop and do the tasks.

First, let’s learn the new words.

  • sazan [‘səzæn] – сазан (карп)
  • humpback – (горбуша)
  • Lasagna [ləˈsɒnɪə] – (лазанья)
  • roubles
  • recommend
  • change

Задания по группам.

Work in groups.

You have got shits of paper on the desks. It is the same dialogue but some words are missing there. You have to complete the dialogue. (Просмотр видео)

Card 1. (для сильных уч-ся)

At the Corner’s

– Good morning. How are you? 
– ………………………….…..   . Fine and you? 
– ………………………………………. , thanks. Can I help you? 
– ………………….. Have you got ……………………………………….. ? 
– ………………….. How much would you like? 
– One tin, I think. 
– What about ……………………………………………………………… ? 
– No, thanks. I’m on................................. I prefer............................. and ............................... 
– Anything else? 
– Maybe some............................................................................. .
– I strongly .................................... you to buy....................................... 
– OK. Give me one …………………………………… How much does it cost? 
– ……………..………. Oh, just a minute. Do you like......................................................................... ? 
– Oh, it’s not bad. But I don’t like ...................................................... food. Here are 150……………...
– Thank you. Your………….. is 17 roubles. You are always welcome.

Card 2. (для слабых уч-ся)

Complete the dialogue with the following words:

Italian,     vegetables,    133 roubles,     recommend,     fine,    yes,    pineapples,    certainly,    fruit,     Lasagne,    roubles,          a diet,         f ish:sazan or humpback,          change,      fresh biscuits,     humpback,    fish,     morning    


- Good morning!

- Morning!

- How are you?

- Fine. And you?

- Fine, thanks. Can I help you?

- Have you got pineapples?

- Certainly. How much would you like?

- A tin of pineapples, I think.

- OK. Here you are.

- What about fresh biscuits?

- Oh, thank you, I’m on a diet! I prefer fruit and vegetables.

- Anything else?

- May be some fish… sazan or humpback?

- I strongly recommend you to buy humpback.

- OK, give me one fish.

- How much does it cost?

- 133 roubles.  Oh, just a minute! Do you like lasagna (лазанья)?

- Oh, it’s not bad but I don’t like Italian food. Here is 150 roubles.

- Thank you.  Your change is 17 roubles. You are always welcome!

- Good bye!

- Bye!

Let’s check up your work. (Проверка выполнения задания)


Now try to read the dialogue aloud.

Oh, we’ve got some problems. We have no sound. Try to sound-trek the dialogue.

Now it’s high time to make up your own dialogues. Use the words:

  • Сan I help you?
  • Have you got ……..?
  • How much/many……..?
  • How much must I pay?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Eggs
  • Sweets
  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Sausages

  1. Контроль знаний и умений, приобретенных на уроке (выполнение тестового задания, взаимопроверка, выставление отметок). You have 3 minutes to do the test.


1. Lasagne  [ləˈsɒnɪə] is....................... food.

a) Russian
b) English
c) Italian 
d) Chinese

2. People don't eat................. when they are on a diet.

a) fruit and vegetables 
b) Italian food 
c) humpback and sazan 
d) biscuits

3. Usually shops are different in.........................

a) sizes 
b) kinds 
c) colours 
d) owners

4. You can't buy a............... of sugar.

a) pound 
b) kilo 
c) packet
d) bottle

5. Englishmen use.................. in the shops.

a) pounds and pence 
b) roubles and kopecks 
c) dollars and cents

6. Humpback is a.................

a) fish
b) meat 
c) sweet 
d) cake

7. We can buy fish at the...................

a) baker's
b) grocer's 
c) fishmonger 
d) greengrocer's

8. If you want to make a cake you need.................

a) eggs, sugar, flour
b) ham, sugar, eggs 
c) chips, sugar, flour

– Exchange your works. Check them up (the answers are on the screen). Put down the marks.

  1. Подведение итогов.
  2. Домашнее задание. (1. составить диалог «В продуктовом магазине» 2. Cоставить краткое описание самых крупных магазинов нашего города.)

  1. Оргмомент. Приветствие.

Hello. I’m very glad to see you. Sit down, please.

What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?

How are you, …? And you, …? Are you happy, ….? Are you lucky, … ? Are you great, …? I wish you to be happy, to be lucky, to be great today! I hope, everything will be easy for you today!

Now, let’s say hello to each other. (Здороваемся руками друг с другом. Каждый пальчик – слово-приветствие: happy, lucky, great, easy as a piece of cake!) Hello! Say hello to your neighbour.

2. Today I’m going to begin our lesson with a riddle. If you guess it, you will know the topic of our lesson. Listen to me and think it over. So, what’s this?
1. We do it in a special place.
2. We do it very often.
3. Usually women like to do it, it’s their favourite hobby.

4. We can’t do it without money or credit card.

5. We do it because we need something to eat, something to wear and something to relax.

6. Usually two or more people take part in this process.

T: What’s this? – Ss:

  1. Do you often go shopping? Where can you do the shopping? (Ss: We can do the shopping at different shops). The next task for you is to name all the shops you know. Say the words one by one. The last student to say is the winner. Don’t name the words twice, please. Let’s start. (ученики называют типы магазинов по очереди, последний участник - победитель)

(baker’s, butcher’s, fishmonger’s, grocer’s, greengrocer’s, dairy shop, supermarket, market, bazaar, confectioner’s, shopping centre, flea market, car boot sale, clothes shop, toy shop, chemist’s, optician’s, jeweller’s, florist’s, pet shop, shoe shop, souveniers, bookshop, department store, record shop )

  1. Now Guess where you can hear the following phrases (Учитель зачитывает предложения-фразы, которые можно услышать в различных магазинах. Задача учеников – назвать магазин, где прозвучала эта фраза.

  1. Do you prefer gold or silver?                                     (jeweller’s)
  2. Just a wash and a blow-dry, please.                           (hair dresser’s)
  3. Do you have this in a smaller size?                            (clothes shop)
  4. Are you long or short-sighted?                                   (optician’s)
  5. A kilo of steak, please.                                                (butcher’s)
  6. I’ve come to pick up my prescription.                        (chemist’s)
  7. I need to send this first class.                                      (post office)
  8. A dozen of those purple ones, please.                         (florist’s)
  9. They were caught fresh this morning.                         (fishmonger’s)  
  10. Is this the December issue?                                         (newsagent’s)
  11. You can find a second-hand table there.                     (flea market)
  12. What sort do you prefer: dark, milk, white or bitter? (confectioner’s)
  13. These are fresh from the oven.                                    (bakery)

  1. As you see, we have different kinds of shops in Russia. Britain has also got different shops.

Read  the short texts about shops in the UK and say if my statements are TRUE / FALSE.

The corner shop


Mark & Spencer


The Body shop

1) The Body Shop sells perfumes, soap, shampoo, skin-care products for men and women.

2)The Corner Shop is a small shop on or near a street corner. They usually sell food.

3)Harrods is a department store. It has 230 departments. It has a library and a bank. It is a very expensive shop. 

4) Mark & Spencer is a chain store (сетевой магазин). It is a number of department stores which sell men’s and women’s clothing, home furniture, plants and food. The company has over 700 stores over the world. 

5)Sainsbury’s is the biggest of the supermarket chains (сеть супермаркетов). It suggests good food, wine, do it yourself goods.


  1. Sainsbury’s is one of the biggest supermarkets. (T)
  2. We can buy expensive clothes at The Body Shop. (F)
  3. Harrods has got about 200 departments. (F)
  4. Mark & Spencer is a chain store all over the world. (T)
  5. The Corner Shop is a small shop where they sell food. (T)

  1. Физкультминутка. Look up (down, left, back, right, twist your head, look in front, both sides)
  1. We have known a lot about shops. Now I invite you to do some shopping. Would you like to do it? I think, yes. We are going to watch a short video from the corner shop and do the tasks.

First, let’s learn the new words.

  • sazan [‘səzæn] – сазан (карп)
  • humpback – (горбуша)
  • Lasagna [ləˈsɒnɪə] – (лазанья)
  • roubles
  • recommend
  • change

Задания по группам.

Work in groups.

You have got shits of paper on the desks. It is the same dialogue but some words are missing there. You have to complete the dialogue. (Просмотр видео)

  1. Now try to read the dialogue aloud.

  1. Now it’s high time to make up your own dialogues.

  1. Контроль знаний и умений, приобретенных на уроке (выполнение тестового задания, взаимопроверка, выставление отметок). You have 3 minutes to do the test.


  1. Домашнее задание. (1. составить диалог «В продуктовом магазине» 2. Cоставить краткое описание самых крупных магазинов нашего города.)

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-6. Module 1. Test 1.

  1. Write the nationalities.
  1. Brazil –  …………..
  2. Japan –  …………..
  3. Spain –  ……………
  4. The USA –  ……….
  1. Italy –  …………..
  2. Britain –  ……….
  3. Poland –  ……….
  4. Russia –  ………..

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

driving     nationality     twins     deserts     capital     credit     wavy     north     slim      middle      late     rivers

  1. Russia is a beautiful country with lots of seas, ………. and lakes.
  2. In Africa there are a lot of ……….  .
  3. What ………. is he? –  He’s  French.
  4. My grandparents are in their ………. sixties.
  5. Has Dan got a ……… licence?
  6. Laura has two brothers. They are ……….  .
  7. Helen is tall and ………. with short dark hair.
  8. London is the ………. of Britain.
  9. Her mother is a ……….-aged woman.
  10. Milan is in the ………. of  Italy.
  11. Kate’s hair is long and ……….  .
  12. Kim has got two ………. cards.

  1. Choose the correct item.
  1. This camera isn’t my/mine.
  2. What is her/hers address?
  3. This school isn’t ours/our.
  4. That black car over there is theirs/their.
  5. What’s your/hers telephone number?
  6. Is this skateboard her/his?
  7. Tony gas got a new flat. His/her flat is great!
  8. Olga and Mike are my/mine friends.
  9. Their/theirs house is very modern.
  10. I live in Canada. Your/my nationality is Canadian.
  11. Is Rita yours/your sister?
  12. Are these books ours/our?
  13. This is Dima and this is he/his brother Vova.
  14. Fiona and Ann are sisters. Our/their surname is Harris.
  15. You can have this book. It’s yours/your.

  1. Choose the correct item.
  1. Is this Roses’/Rose’s card?
  2. Whose camera is this? – It’s Sveta’s/Svetas’.
  3. The toys are in the childrens’/children’s room.
  4. These are Emily’s/Emilys friends.
  5. This football isn’t mine. It’s my cousins/cousin’s.
  6. Steve and Beth are Annas’/Anna’s parents.
  7. This is my parent’s/parents’ room. They like it very much.
  8. Mike is Peter’s and Sue’s/ Peter and Sue’s son.
  1. Fill in the gaps with have/has/am/is/are.
  1. What ….. your mother’s name?
  2. My brothers ….. tall with dark hair.
  3. Nick ….. got a lot of photos in his room.
  4. What ….. your sister’s phone number?
  5. What ….. you got in your room?
  6. Hi! I ….. Pam and I ….. from Brazil.
  7. My friend and I ….. twelve years old.

  1. Complete the pairs.
  1. sister – b……...
  2. father – m…….
  3. son – d………..
  4. uncle – a……...
  5. wife - ………….

  1. Choose the correct response.
  1. How are you?                                                  A. Well, I’m from Spain.
  2. Here’s your new card.                                     B. It’s 57EW49.
  3. How can I help you?                                       C. Pleased to meet you.
  4. I’d like to introduce you to William.              D. That’s fine. What’s your name?
  5. How do you spell your name?                        E. Oh, hi! How are you?
  6. Hi there, Max.                                                 F. Not bad, thank you.
  7. What’s your postcode?                                   G. Thank you very much. Goodbye.
  8. I’d like to join the sports club, please.            H. It’s 5207533320.
  9. What’s your telephone number?                     I. It’s H-E-L-E-N.
  10. Where are you from?                                      J. I’d like to join the video club, please.

  1. Reading.
    Read the text and choose the correct word.

                                                                                                                                    the UK


Dear friend,
    Hi! How are you? This is my family. My parents’ names are Emily and Peter. My dad is tall with short straight hair. He’s in his mid forties. My mum is tall and slim. Her hair is short and curly. She’s in her late thirties. My sister Karen is eight years old. She has got long dark hair and a small nose. My brother Mark is nine years old. He has got short fair hair, big green eyes and a big nose.

     Well, that’s all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send me a picture if you can.

Best wishes,


  1. Karen is 8/9 years old.
  2. Peter/Mark is Daniel’s dad.
  3. Peter is about 40/more than 40.
  4. Emily is Daniel’s mum/sister.
  5. Mark has short/long fair hair.
  6. Daniel’s mum is tall and slim/fat.
  7. There are four/five people in Daniel’s family.
  8. Mark has big green/blue eyes.
  9. Mark is younger/elder Karen’s brother.
  10. Emily is more than 30/40 years old.

  1. Write a letter to Daniel. Answer his questions. Write 50-60 words.

  1. Listening. Listen and choose the correct answer.


Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight - 6.Test 2 (модуль 2)


I Translate into English

1 гардероб (шкаф для одежды)                        

2 раковина в кухне                                            

3 картины                                                          

4 ванна                                                                    

5 ковер

6 плита

7 диван

8 холодильник

9 камин

10 шкаф для посуды                                                                                     (10х1=10)

II Make up 5 sentences with the words in bold.  Write the correct room. Use There is / There are.

e.g. There is a wardrobe in the bedroom.                                                       (5x1=5)

III Write the words as in the example.

e.g. 2nd – second          8:20 – twenty past eight

1 1st                              6 10:45

2 19th                            7 5:15

3 5th                              8 12:00

4 20th                            9 1:30                                                                          

5 2nd                                           10 13:58                                                                      (10x1=10)

VI Complete the sentences with at, on or in.

1 They go to bed … 9:30 pm.

2 Sam and Tony play basketball … Mondays.

3 I see my family … the weekend.

4 Sally's birthday is … December.

5 Dad wakes up at 8 o'clock … the morning.

6 It was … 2005.

7 I usually use a computer … night.

8 We live … the 21st century.

9 I always have a party … my birthday.

10 The weather is hot … summer.                                                                    (10x1=10)


V Choose the correct item.

1 There's an/a  armchair opposite the coffee table.

2 There aren't some/any paintings on the wall.

3 There are any/some cushions on the sofa.

4 Are there some/any chairs in the dining room?

5 There is a/an  fridge in the kitchen.  

6 Can I have any / some tea, please?

7 There isn’t a / any bread on the table.

8 Would you like any/ some cakes,please?

9 Is there a / any computer on the desk?

10 There are a / some flowers in the vase.                                                        (10x1=10)

VI Choose the correct item.

1 Our house is … the bank and the toy shop.              A under      B between

2 Julie sits … Kate in class. They are good friends.    A next to    B on

3 Where's the dog? - He's … the table.                        A under      B between

4 Mike sits … the computer all day.                             A behind    B in front of

5 I put the flowers … a vase.                                        A in            B on                    (5x1=5)

Everyday English

VII Match the questions to the responses.

1 How old are you?                                              A a quarter past one.

2 When's your birthday?                                      B Saturday!

3 What's the date today?                                      C It's 19th October.

4 What's your favourite day of the week?           D It's on 21st March.

5 Where do you want the lamp?                          E I'm thirteen.

6 What's the time, please?                                    F On the coffee table, please.       (6x1=6)                      


VIII Read the email and mark the sentences  1-6 T (true) or F (false).

Dear Diana,

Hi! How are you? My new neighbourhood is great. There are lots of shops and cafes around here.

There's a toy shop right opposite my house! My Mum is very happy because there is a supermarket and a chemist's on our street. There is also a library next to the supermarket. I go there to read books every weekend.

It's really nice here. Why don't you come and stay with me during the school holidays?

Best wishes,


e.g. The email is about Emma's new neighbourhood.           T

1 The email is from Diana.                                                    ...

2 Emma likes her new neighbourhood.                                 ...

3 There are not many shops.                                                   ...

4 There is a sports shop near her house.                                 ...

5 There's a library in the neighbourhood.                                ...

6 Diana can stay at Emma's house.                                        …                                 (6x1=6)

                                                                                                       Total: 62 points

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-6. Module 3. Test

Task 1. Listening.      (Score - 6)

Listen to two people talking about the town where they live and circle the correct answer A, B, or C.

  1. Bill’s flat is on the
    A   3
    rd floor
    B   4
    th floor
    C   5
    th floor
  2. Martha knows the location of the
    A   bank
    B   supermarket
    C   post office
  3. The supermarket is on
    A   Maple Avenue
    B   Beech Drive
    C   Birch Drive
  4. Martha has got
    A   three children
    B   four little girls
    C   two little boys
  5. The town has got
    A   one park
    B   two parks
    C   four parks
  6. It is
    A   morning
    B   afternoon
    C   night

Task 2. Match the words from two columns. (Score - 8)

e.g.   traffic     H

A     warden

1   parking     …..

B     driver  

2   traffic        …..

C     belt

3   yellow       …..

D     lanes

4   zebra         …..

E     crossing

5   racing        …..

F     lines

6   seat           …..

G     zone

7   bike           …..

H     signs

8   door          …..

I      handles

Task 3. Fill in the correct word.     (Score - 10)

park     kerb     watch     left     bike     road     lights     car     plane     boat

  1. Stand on the pavement, near the …..   .
  2. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a …..   .
  3. Can your father sail a …..   ?
  4. That man is a pilot. He can fly a …..   .
  5. Turn ….. into Green Street.
  6. Always stop at the traffic ….. when they’re red.
  7. My little sister can’t ride a …..   .
  8. Don’t run from the pavement onto the …..   .
  9. There’s a car coming.   …..   out!
  10. You can’t  …..   your car here!

Task 4. Complete the sentences with the correct verb:  
wave, push, look, wear, lean, talk, walk. Give the instructions.     (Score - 6)

                                                             Road safety instructions.
e.g.   When you enter the bus,
don’t push others.

  1. When you ride your bike, …..  a bicycle helmet.
  2. When in the car, ….. out of the window.
  3. When going to school, ….. on the pavement.
  4. When on the bus,  …..   from the window.
  5. When on the bus,  …..   to the driver.
  6. When on the street, …..   both ways before crossing.

Task 5. Choose the correct preposition.     (Score - 7)

  1. It isn’t dangerous to travel ….. plane.
    A   by     B   on     C   in
  2. Be careful when you cross the street ….. foot.
    A   on     B   by     C   in
  3. The supermarket isn’t far so I go ….. bike.
    A   in     B   by     C   on
  4. When you travel ….. a bus, don’t annoy (раздражать) others.
    A   from     B   on     C   at
  5. Never carry a second person ….. your bike.
    A   in     B   on     C   by
  6. It’s safe to travel ….. train.
    A   on     B   by     C   in
  7. Always wear a seat belt when you travel ….. a car.
    A   at     B   on     C   in

Task 6. Complete the sentences with can or can’t.     (Score - 10)

  1. Katie is only four years old but she ….. write her name perfectly.
  2. Mr Smith is seventy years old. He ….. see very well so he wears glasses.
  3. You ….. talk to the driver when you’re on a bus.
  4. Ann is from the USA. She ….. speak English.
  5. You ….. visit the museum on Sunday. It is closed.
  6. My sister is too little. She ….. cook.
  7. You ….. cross the road when the light is green.
  8. Helen and Bill love music. They both ….. play the piano.
  9. Tom is only ten. He ….. fly a plane.
  10. Tony ….. swim very well. He always comes first in the races.

Task 7. Match the responses from two columns.     (Score - 6)

  1. Is there a bank near here?
  1. No, you turn right.
  1. Thank you very much.
  1. Yes, there’s one on the corner.
  1. Do you know where the hotel is?
  1. Don’t mention it.
  1. Is it far?
  1. Well, turn left and go straight on.
  1. Do I turn left at the traffic lights?
  1. Yes, it’s next to the restaurant “Grand”.
  1. Excuse me, how can I get to the theatre?
  1. Not really.

Task 8. Reading. Read the text and answer the questions.     (Score - 7)

My name is John and I’m eleven years old. My best friend is Stan and he’s thirteen years old. Stan is very smart and can do a lot of things. Stan can play the electric guitar and the piano. He is very good at sports. He can play football very well and he can sail a boat. I can’t play football very well and I can’t sail a boat. Stan cooks lunch for himself and his little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There’s one thing that Stan and I can’t do. We can’t fly a plane!

  1. Who is eleven years old, Stan or John?
  2. What can Stan play?
  3. What sport can’t John do?
  4. How old is John’s best friend?
  5. Who cooks lunch every day?
  6. What can’t Stan and John do?
  7. Why (почему) can’t John cook?

Total score: 60

Extra task. Put the words in the correct order.

  1. pavement / walk / on / the
  2. parked / cross / between / don’t / cars
  3. bicycle / always / wear / helmet / a
  4. both / cross / ways / look / before / you / road / the
  5. window / don’t / out / lean / of / the

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight – 9. Test 4a. Technology.

Task 1. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

  1. Robots can …..    .
  2. Robots can’t …..   .
  3. Robots possess …..   .
  4. Robots don’t possess …..   .

Task 2. Match the words in two columns.

  1. Vacuum
  2. Mow
  3. Cater
  4. Perform
  5. Become
  6. Overcome
  7. Household
  8. Figurative
  9. Emotional
  10. Artificial
  11. Be divided
  12. Nuclear
  13. Study
  14. give
  15. robot
  1. for all our needs
  2. a single task
  3. as to the problem
  4. the human brain
  5. speech
  6. power
  7. the lawn
  8. ability
  9. brain
  10. the carpets
  11. robots
  12. responses
  13. a reality
  14. the problem
  15. assistants

Task 3. Translate into English:

  1. понимать образную речь
  2. изучать человеческий мозг
  3. создавать искусственный мозг
  4. жесты, идиомы и эмоции
  5. выполнять одну задачу
  6. наделить роботов способностью думать


Spotlight – 9. Test 4a. Technology.

Task 1. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

  1. Robots can …..    .
  2. Robots can’t …..   .
  3. Robots possess …..   .
  4. Robots don’t possess …..   .

Task 2. Match the words in two columns.

  1. Vacuum
  2. Mow
  3. Cater
  4. Perform
  5. Become
  6. Overcome
  7. Household
  8. Figurative
  9. Emotional
  10. Artificial
  11. Be divided
  12. Nuclear
  13. Study
  14. give
  15. robot
  1. for all our needs
  2. a single task
  3. as to the problem
  4. the human brain
  5. speech
  6. power
  7. the lawn
  8. ability
  9. brain
  10. the carpets
  11. robots
  12. responses
  13. a reality
  14. the problem
  15. assistants

Task 3. Translate into English:

  1. понимать образную речь
  2. изучать человеческий мозг
  3. создавать искусственный мозг
  4. жесты, идиомы и эмоции
  5. выполнять одну задачу
  6. наделить роботов способностью думать

Предварительный просмотр:

Test –1. Module 1 (9 Form)

Task 1. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple,  Present Continuous,  Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. – What Jane ….. 1(do ) at the moment?
    - She …..2 (write) a letter to a magazine. She …..3 (not finish) it yet.
    - How long ….. she 4 (write) it?
    - I ….. 5 (not / know) exactly (точно) but I …..6  (think) she ….. 7 (write) it for 3 hours already.
    - ….. she 8 (often / write) letters to magazines?
    - Not very often. She ….. 9 (write) them only once or twice a year. She ….. 10 (understand) that it is really difficult to write letters to a magazine.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with for or since. Then translate them.

  1. I have been here ….. 20 minutes.
  2. I have been here ….. 9 o’clock.
  3. John hasn't phoned ….. 6 months.
  4. John hasn't phoned ….. February.
  5. He has worked in New York ….. he left school.
  6. He has worked in New York ….. a long time.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the participles (ending in –ed / ing).

  1. As a travel writer, I’ve been to some of the most (amaze) places on Earth.
  2. I’ve also attended some very (interest) local events.
  3. “Aren’t you (bore) with going to all these celebrations?”, - my friends often ask me.
  4. No! Every time I visit a new festival I feel (excite)!
  5. Of course, celebrating is not (relax).
  6. However, no matter (не важно) how (exhaust) I am after a day or days of celebrating.
  7. I’m always (please) than I had the chance to experience the local culture of a place.
  8. I’m really (interest) in different cultures.
  9. I find local events quite (surprise)!
  10. I’m never (tire) and I always feel (satisfy) to do new things and make new friends!

Task 4. Use who / which / when / where / whose to complete the sentences.

  1. Marina, ….. lives next door, invited me to the party.
  2. This is the place ….. parades take place.
  3. Lucy, ….. son is my classmate, is a famous journalist.
  4. 1st January, ….. people celebrate New Year, is my Birthday.
  5. Alex always dresses up in costumes ….. are funny and original.

Task 5. Choose  the correct word.

  1. I met Janet by chance / opportunity / luck at the cinema.
  2. Do your parents allow / make / let you stay out late on weekdays?
  3. Biting (кусать) your nails is a very bad custom / habit / tradition.
  4. Every time the footballer passed by, the audience / spectators / crowd cheered him excitedly.
  5. War veterans march in the parade, smartly / enthusiastically / proudly displaying their medals.

Task 6. Fill in for, of, to, with or in. Then translate into Russian.

  1. Are you pleased ….. the decorations we have chosen?
  2. Bill is tired ….. doing his homework.
  3. We are looking forward ….. seeing you.
  4. The reason ….. this meeting is to talk about the school’s music festival.
  5. My little brother is afraid ….. the loud noise that fireworks make.

Task 7. Use the idioms in the correct form to complete the sentences:

the icing on the cake, be a piece of cake, have sb’s cake and eat it, sell like hot cakes

  1. Don’t worry about organizing your Birthday party; it ….. for  you!
  2. The town festival was fool of activities but the appearance of a famous pop singer was …..  .
  3. Her new detective …..  .
  4. Martha wants to go away for her birthday but she also wants to have a big party with her friends. It sounds like she wants to …..  .

                                                                                                                                            Total score: 45 points

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