Мастер класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)

Малофеева Юлия Аркадиевна

План конспект фрагмента урока английского языка в рамках мастер-класса на тему: "День Святого Валентина"


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План – конспект фрагмента урока  английского языка

в рамках мастер-класса в 7 классе на тему:

«День Святого Валентина»

Цель урока: развитие интереса к изучению английского языка, активизация познавательной деятельности.



  • Развитие навыков аудирования;
  • Расширить словарный запас по данной теме;
  • Закрепить лексические навыки по теме «St. Valentine’s Day»;


  • Способствовать развитию мышления, догадки учащихся;
  • Способствовать развитию умений спонтанного говорения;
  • Развитие творческих способностей учащихся;


  • Способствовать повышению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;
  • Способствовать воспитанию у учащихся внимательности;
  • Способствовать созданию условий для коммуникации и работы в команде.

Форма проведения:  урок-праздник.


  • доска,
  • украшение кабинета к празднику воздушными шарами, сердечками,
  • проектор,
  • экран,
  • презентация,
  • колонки,
  • ноутбук,
  • раздаточный материал:

- тексты о празднике для каждой команды,

- жетоны-сердца,

- кроссворд для каждой команды,

- песня для каждого,

- альбомные листы, фломастеры, ножницы, клей, цветная бумага.

Ход мероприятия

1.Организационный момент

T.: Good morning, everybody! I am very glad to see you. How are you? Let’s start our lesson!

T.: Look at the screen and fill in each gap with words below, remember that poem must rhyme, will you? (Slide 1)

Roses are …

Violets are…

Sugar is …

And so are …

(you, blue, red, sweet)

T.: Who is ready? Read the poem, please.

T.: Well done, thank you.

2.Тема урока:

T.: Do you like holidays? What English holidays do you know? What holiday is the poem and the symbols about? (Обучающиеся высказывают свои предположения). Yes, you are right; it is about St. Valentine’s Day. Love! Happiness! Beauty! There are not so many days in a year, when we pronounce these pleasant words.

Today we'll have a competition by theme St. Valentine's Day. We'll know many interesting things about this holiday and have a good time. We have 2 teams. You will get small valentines for your right answers and at the end of our lesson we'll count them. Which team will have more valentines will be the winners.

  At our lesson we'll learn about:

the history of this holiday,

its symbols,

remember spelling of some words,

sing song about love,

and play a little.

3. Фонетическая зарядка и повторение лексики:

T: Let’s revise the words, connected with this holiday. (Slides  )Listen and repeat:

(читают и повторяют за учителем, чтение по цепочке)

  love любовь

 a flower- цветок

sweets- сладости

a rose- роза

sweetheart- возлюбленный

Cupid Купидон

February 14

 a valentine- валентинка

wishes- пожелания

presents- подарки

a kiss- поцелуй

a gift- подарок

a heart- сердце

 a party- вечеринка

 a holiday- праздник

 a vase- ваза

a smile- улыбка

a friend- друг

a poem- стихотворение

friendship- дружба

     an arrow- стрела

     forever- навсегда

Работа с лексикой:

- collect candy hearts  (Приложение1)

(KEY): kiss/ red/love/heart/rose/flower/cupid/saint/chocolate/card

- Crosswords (слайд)

-cards with parts of the sentences to connect the right halves (Приложение3)


A part of your body is……………………………………….a heart.

A heart-shaped card is………………………………………a valentine

A man who cared for people is………………………………St.Valentine.

 A boy who shoots Arrows is ……………………………….Cupid

A kind of flower is ……… …………………………………..a rose.

A bunch of flowers is………………………………………..a bouquet.

A friendly look is ……………………………………………a smile.

Used with a bow……………………………………………..an arrow.

A kind of candy (конфеты)  is……………………………….chocolates.

4.Аудирование  с использованием лингафонного оборудования

(смотрят видео фрагмент об истории праздника) ссылка


Do you know anything about St. Valentine’s Day? Let’s watch and listen the story about its history. I give the lists of unknown words and expressions for you. Here are some headphones on the desks, please put them on and watch the video.

Упражнения для обучения восприятия  монологической речи:

-подготовительный этап:

Words and expressions:

the third century AD- третий век до нашей эры

a patron saint- святой покровитель

a priest- священник

ancient Rome- Древний Рим

Roman Empire- Римская империя

 а prison- тюрьма

to fall in love- влюбиться

a God of love- Бог любви

Jesus Christ- Иисус Христос

to kill- убивать

to marry- жениться

a couple- пара

sweethearts - возлюбленные

после текстовый этап:

answer the questions:

 The texts on desk will help to find the right answer. The student from the first team asks the question to the second one and so on.

1. Who was Valentine by one of the legends? (Valentine was Christian priest)

2. Where was he put into? (He was put into prison.)

3. Why was he put into prison? (For his teaching)

4. What did he do? (He did a miracle)

5. Did Valentine help jailer's daughter or son? (He helped the jailer's   daughter)

6. What could she do? (She could see)

7. What did Valentine write her? (He wrote her letter)

8. How did he write down his letter? (Wrote down "From you Valentine")

9. What is St. Valentine's Day now? (Now St. Valentine's Day is the day of sweet-hearts)

10. What do people give each other? (People give sweets, flowers, valentines and presents to those whom they love)

11. Where do people take their valentines? (People buy valentines or make them themselves)

Match the sentences:

  1. St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends.
  1. Истоки Дня всех влюбленных берутся из нескольких легенд
  1. Cupid, the Roman god of love, is one of the earliest popular symbols of the day.
  1. Он жил 300 лет спустя после смерти Иисуса Христа в Римской империи
  1. Valentine was a Christian priest.
  1. Он проводил обряд венчания вопреки Законам Римской империи
  1. He lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ* in the Roman Empire.
  1. Валентин был христианским священником
  1. On February 14 Valentine was killed because he was a Christian.
  1. День Св Валентина теперь День Всех Влюбленных
  1. He married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire.
  1. Большая часть людей посылает "валентинки", сентиментальные и чувственные открытки
  1. St. Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts.
  1. Купидон, бог любви у римлян - один из самых популярных символов любви
  1. Most people send "valentines", sentimental and heartfelt greeting cards.
  1. Валентинки могут иметь форму сердца или с изображением сердец
  1. Valentines can be heart-shaped or can have hearts on them.
  1. 14/02 Валентин был казнен, т.к. был Христианином

Put these sentences in logical order and retell the texts:


1. St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends.

2. He lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ  in the Roman Empire.

3. Valentine was a Christian priest.

4. He married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire.

5. On February 14 Valentine was killed because he was a Christian.

6. Cupid, the Roman god of love, is one of the earliest popular symbols of the day.

7. St. Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts.

8. Valentines can be heart-shaped or can have hearts on them.

9. Most people send "valentines", sentimental and heartfelt greeting cards.

8. Физминутка видео («Head and shoulders»)


9.Закрепление новой лексики:

Look at the board and find words devoted to «love».














Listen to the wellknown poem «My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose» by Robert Burns
0, my luve is like a red, red rose,
that's newly sprung in June.
0, my love is like a melodie,
that's sweetly play'd in tune.
As fair thou art, my bonnie lass,
so deep in luve am I,
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
till a' the seas gang dry.
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
and the rocks melt wi' the sun!
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
while the sands of life shall run.
And fare the weel, my only luve!
And fare the well awhile!
And I will come again, my love.
Tho it were ten thousand mile!
Put the right phrases in the gaps.  Read the poem and translate it.

Do you any poems about love? Look on the screen I prepare some poems for you but the some words are missing. Please, fill in the right word combination

Team №1

as hard as                                       My heart is … a boiling kettle (as hot as )                                       

as hot as                                         Your heart is … a diamond(as hard as)                                       

as bright as                                    Your lips are … roses(as red as)                                        

as red as                                         Your eyes are … stars(as bright as)                                   

as endless as                                   My love is … the Universe(as endless as)                                   

Team № 2

as cold as                                    My heart is … fire,( as hot as )                                    

as deep as                                   Your heart is … ice,( as cold as)                                   

as hot as                                      Your lips are … honey,( as sweet as )                                

as sweet as                                  Your eyes are … an ocean,( as deep as)                                   

as wide as                                    My love is … the sky.( as wide as)                                   

Find well-known pairs:

 We know a lot of pairs from films, books and cartoons. I want to check you. Do you know them?

10.Заключительный этап:

Today we have learnt a lot about St. Valentine’s Day and collect hearts. Let’s count it. And the last task will be made postcards for your friend from our hearts and markers. I give you 7 minutes.

Our lesson is over. You have worked well; you know a lot of about this nice holiday. We have made wonderful valentines. In conclusion, let’s sing the song about St. Valentine’s Day. My love»)


(Все вместе поем песню.)

Учитель оглашает итоги урока.

Thank you for lesson! You are free! Goodbye!


I want to learn more on this topic

I`ve learned new a lot  

I need time to remember the lesson


heartkiss                                                                                    heartflower

   heartred                                                                                      heartcupid

heartlove                                                                              heartsaint

heartheart                                                                                   heartchocolate   

heartrose                                                  heartcard        


Task is to connect the right halves.

A part of your body is………………………………………

A heart-shaped card is………………………………………

A man who cared for people is………………………………

 A boy who shoots Arrows is ……………………………….

A kind of flower is ……… …………………………………..

A bunch of flowers is………………………………………..

A friendly look is ……………………………………………

Used with a bow……………………………………………..

A kind of candy (конфеты) is……………………………….

chocolates    a heart     a valentine    chocolates  

 a smile   St. Valentine   a rose  a bouquet   an arrow


the third century AD- третий век до нашей эры

a patron saint- святой покровитель

a priest- священник

ancient Rome- Древний Рим

Roman Empire- Римская империя

 а prison- тюрьма

to fall in love- влюбиться

a God of love- Бог любви

Jesus Christ- Иисус Христос

to kill- убивать

to marry- жениться

a couple- пара

sweethearts - возлюбленные

St. Valentine's Day

There are some legends about St. Valentine's Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was Christian priest. He was put into prison for his teaching. He did a miracle. He helped the jailer's   daughter and she could see. He wrote her letter and wrote down "From you Valentine".

Now St. Valentine's Day is the day of sweet-hearts (влюбленные). People give sweets, flowers, valentines and presents to those whom they love. People buy valentines or make them themselves.

Answer the questions:

1. Who was Valentine by one of the legends?

2. Where was he put into?

3. Why was he put into prison?

4. What did he do?

5. Did Valentine help jailer's daughter or son?

6. What could she do?

7. What did Valentine write her?

8. How did he write down his letter?

9. What is St. Valentine's Day now?

10. What do people give each other?

11. Where do people take their valentines?

Match the sentences:

  1. St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends.
  1. Истоки Дня всех влюбленных берутся из нескольких легенд
  1. Cupid, the Roman god of love, is one of the earliest popular symbols of the day.
  1. Он жил 300 лет спустя после смерти Иисуса Христа в Римской империи
  1. Valentine was a Christian priest.
  1. Он проводил обряд венчания вопреки Законам Римской империи
  1. He lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ* in the Roman Empire.
  1. Валентин был христианским священником
  1. On February 14 Valentine was killed because he was a Christian.
  1. День Св Валентина теперь День Всех Влюбленных
  1. He married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire.
  1. Большая часть людей посылает "валентинки", сентиментальные и чувственные открытки
  1. St. Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts.
  1. Купидон, бог любви у римлян - один из самых популярных символов любви
  1. Most people send "valentines", sentimental and heartfelt greeting cards.
  1. Валентинки могут иметь форму сердца или с изображением сердец
  1. Valentines can be heart-shaped or can have hearts on them.
  1. 14/02 Валентин был казнен, т.к. был Христианином

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