Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Из опыта работы.
статья по английскому языку (11 класс)

Данный материал содержит краткую характеристику основных форм и методов для подготовки к экзаменам.


Предварительный просмотр:

— Nowadays, knowledge of at least one foreign language is a must. But knowing a foreign language  does not mean to know the rules of grammar, reading, or writing. Language is necessary in order to communicate it in the way you speak  your  mother tongue. So today we are going to speak about some methods which will help us to develop communicative abilities of our students.

-The goal of every   teacher is a 100% English of course.  Very often it seems unrealistic for us. But why is it so difficult to make the  students  speak English?

-The greatest problems are: students’ shyness, little vocabulary and  lack of English language around them. One of the problems is that while speaking students always try to translate from their native language. Instead , they must try  to think  in English. We will solve these problems if we will follow some tips.

Tip 1:  (and the most important one).  A teacher must speak English all the time .

Tip 2: Arrange the classroom so that students are sitting in rows facing each other.

-The advantage of such sitting is that  direct eye contact  improves communication in English and  it is a very easy  way to change partners.

Tip  3: Give the students confidence, when they are speaking. Don’t interrupt them to correct their grammar mistakes. As  when it comes to speaking confidence is the key.

Tip 4: We must choose topics for speaking, interesting for students. For example , if we need to speak about famous people, take Steve Jobs instead of Agatha Christie . Be sure that they will speak about him with pleasure. Now let me know your opinion. What topics are interesting for students ?

-I have questioned my students on the topic what they would like to speak about. And the opinion poll showed that the most interesting topics are:

  1. Computers and telephones (33%)
  2. Films and famous actors (24%)
  3. Modern music (21%)
  4. Sport (19%)
  5. Tourist countries (3%)

— And now let me show you  what exercises  I use to make my students speak at the lesson. I’ll use music topic, as it is one of the most popular topics.

-Very often I combine speaking and listening  items. I will give you some papers. There are the words of a famous English song. But there are some missing words . You are to listen to the song and to fill in the blanks.

There comes a time when we ____________________________
When the world must come together as one

There are _____________________________
And it’s time to lend a hand to life
There greatest gift of all

We can’t go on pretending _________________________
That someone somewhere will soon make a change

We are all a part of God’s great big ______________
And the truth, you know,________________________ we need

— Did you like this song?

-what is this song about?

-What do the singers call on?

— In your opinion what must people do to make the world happier and brighter?

— What do you do to make the world better?

Now I would like you to listen to different kinds of music and express your emotions caused by music.

1. Rammstein

2. Moon Sonnet

3. Despasito

(You may use worksheets, if you like)

2. There are two photos in front of you. Please compare and contrast them.

C:\Users\777\Desktop\Римма Ив\20180430_003915.png

C:\Users\777\Desktop\Римма Ив\Valeriy-Gergiev-i-ego-zhena-foto.jpg

Примерный план ответа

Вступление. Тема


I’d like to say a few words about the two photos in front of




внимание на


At the beginning (To begin with) I can mention that

подсказку: в пункте 4 задания

similar situations can cause different emotions.

обозначена общая тема


These two photos prove that. /These two photos can be a

good example of that.


Both photos describe…(someone doing…/ways of…) or:

These two pictures depict different learning/travelling/…

styles (ways of life/kinds of hobbies…).



On the one hand (At first sight), they’re (quite) similar


сходные черты на

because there are (you can see) …in both of them. (Общая

обоих фото и опишите их

характеристика внешности, действия и пр.)


In the first picture I’d like to draw your attention to…  .

(Далее – краткое описание)


The second picture also shows/depicts …


The most obvious similarity is that we can see … in both



Another similarity is that these pictures show …



However, these photos have certain differences.


, в чем конкретно вы


The first photo shows… while/but the second photo

видите различия, опишите




Another difference is that … (разное ДЕЙСТВИЕ :

Present Continuous, ФОН: In the foreground…, In the

background…, ПРЕДНАЗНАЧЕНИЕ и т.п.)


Besides/Also, I can add that …


But the main difference I think is that…


In that way, it’s quite difficult to compare them.

Моё предпочтение


If I had to choose, I’d prefer the … (словосочетание из

задания: concert, way of life



presented in picture 1

Внимательно прочитайте

формулировку пункта 4 в


задании и используйте её в


I usually prefer… /I hardly ever choose… .

предложении о предпочтении.


Personally I think that/ From my point of view/ In my

Помните, что вы не просто

opinion, … .

выбираете понравившуюся

картинку, а отвечаете на

конкретный вопрос.

Объяснение выбора.


The matter/ reason is …



I hate/enjoy/adore…


To sum it up I’d like to say …/For these reasons (that

reason) …


That’s where I’d like to end. / That’s all I’ve got to say.

Thank you for listening.

In conclusion, I want to say “Tell me and I’ll forget it, show me and I’ll remember it, let me act myself and I’ll understand it”. So let ‘s help  our students act themselves and achieve great  results in English. Thank you for your attention!

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Некоторые приемы подготовки учащихся к сдаче устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку (из опыта работы)

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