план урока
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Дугарова Любовь Шагдуровна

конспект урока "Инструкции к лекарствам"


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Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему «Инструкции к лекарственным препаратам»

Основные цели занятия:


- Организовать учебную деятельность по изучению новой лексики в результате, которого, по окончании учебного занятия, обучающиеся будут знать: лексику по теме  «Инструкции к лекарственным препаратам»; 

- Создать условия для отработки навыков и умений в употреблении новой лексики


- Содействовать развитию следующих способностей:

-  Организовывать собственную деятельность;

- Осуществлять поиск и использование информации


- Содействовать развитию речевых навыков;

- Содействовать развитию умения анализировать и сравнивать

Вид занятия: урок, продолжительность 90 минут

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, инструкции к лекарствам

Ход урока

T: - Good afternoon, girls! At our previous lesson we had a talk about drugs and its forms. Today we’ll continue our work devoted to Medicine. Now let’s review what medicine forms do you know?

S: powder, tablet, ointment, solution, tincture, globule, decoction, infusion, capsule

T: That’s right.  You’re future nurses, I want you imagine the situation – you’re going to give drugs to patients. How will you do it? What will you tell the patient? One of you is a nurse and the other is a patient. Write down your instructions which you will give to the patients.

S1 –S2 (students work in pairs)

T: That’s good. Now let’s do the next task:  put the words into correct word order and make sentences.

Students work on the task and then read aloud one by one.

T: Tell me please what these sentences look like. Yes, you’re right. We have rules of working with drugs for nurses. Try to remember them. Now, when you know the rules, it’s time to speak about the drug itself. What must we do before taking medicine? I’m sure you know. Yes, it’s true; any medicine has directions for the administration which consist of some special points.  (Show them boxes with medicines and some directions)

Of course, patients must read them before taking drugs. Can you tell me what are these special points?

Students try to name them. They are indications, contra-indications, dosage, side effects, important notes, precautions. (The words are written on the board).

T: You’re quite right. And the topic of our today’s lesson, as you have understood, is “Directions for the administration”. Now we’ll take new words and phrases that are helpful while reading and working with instructions.

Students read and translate words and word-combinations.

T: Now, girls let’s read some drugs’ directions for the administration. ( Give them instructions)

Students read and translate.

T: Answer my questions, please. What is Plaquenil prescribed for? Any there any contra-indications? Is it possible to reduce the dosage of the drug? What are the side-effects of Plaquenil? What are they? What can you say about precautions?

What about Atromid-S? What is it prescribed for? Are there any cautions? What are they?

T: So now, you’ve got acquainted with the instructions and I want you to make your own ones, that is translate directions from Russian into English. Use the words and phrases we have just taken.

Students work and having done the task read aloud their translation.

T: Well done, girls. Now answer my question please. Is it important to read the directions for administration? Why? Or Why not? Please motivate your answer.

Students give their answers, trying to explain.

T: That’s fine. I fully agree with you that it is very important for patients to read the directions for the administration in order to be sure in indications, contra-indications, dosage, special notes and cautions.

T: Finishing up our lesson, I’d like to say that all of you worked today well enough and I give you the following marks …

At home I suggest you to prepare one more instruction, take any medicine you like.

The lesson is over. Thank you for the cooperation. You may be free.


Tasks to be distributed

  1. Put the words into the correct order and make sentences

  1. hands, your, wash
  2. carefully, instructions, read, the doctor’s
  3. sure, the drug of,  be, time, dose, giving, of, method
  4. drug, one, substitute, don’t, for another
  5. patients, not to be, address, mistaken, by name
  6. at once, if you, the doctor, a mistake, tell, made

2. Напишите и запомните следующие выражения:

  1. …. is prescribed for treatment of (bronchial asthma) ….
  2. Regular dosage is important – do not stop the treatment suddenly and do not exceed the prescribed dosage without the doctor’s permission.
  3. …. capsules must be kept in a cool, dry, dark place.
  4. The daily dosage must be divided into two or more doses and taken after food.
  5. Take not more than 6-8 capsules a day.
  6. Treatment of patients with renal dysfunction requires caution.
  7. Do not give ….. to pregnant women.
  8. ….. is used for intravenous and intramuscular injections.
  9. An initial adult dose (2-3 tablets) is daily taken at meal times. If the patient feels well, the dose can be reduced to 1-2 tablets.
  10.  Side effects include: nausea, diarrhea, dermatitis, epigastric pain, heartbeat, vomiting, edema, fluid retention, weakness, muscle pain, itching, tachycardia, bradycardia, insomnia, severe allergic reactions, shortness of breath, swelling of legs, low urine output, unusual thirst, high blood pressure.
  11.  Patients with severe gastro-intestinal, neurological, haematological disorders should take this drug with precautions.
  12.  …. is taken for acute cardiovascular insufficiency.
  13.  Take the tablets after meals without chewing.
  14.  Contra-indication: first trimester of pregnancy.
  15. Adults: 2 tablets 3 times daily; 30 drops 3 times daily.         Children: 10 to 40 drops daily, depending on age
  16. Adults and children over 3 years of age: dissolve 1 lozenge in the mouth every 2 hours. Children under 12 years of age: do not exceed 6 lozenges per day.

to exceed                -                 превышать        

permission                -                разрешение

to divide                -                делить

renal dysfunction        -                почечная дисфункция

pregnant                -                беременная

to reduce                -                уменьшить

indigestion                -                расстройство желудка

heartbeat                -                сердцебиение

constipation                -                запор                

edema                -                отек

insomnia                -                бессонница

shortness of breath-                одышка

thirst                        -                жажда

disorder                -                расстройство

acute                        -                острый

insufficiency        -                недостаточность

without chewing        -                не разжевывая

depending on age        -                в зависимости от возраста

to dissolve                -                растворить        

lozenge                -                пастилка

3. Read some drugs’ directions for the administration



 Indications: Rheumatoid arthritis.

Contra-indications: Psoriasis.

Dosage: An initial adult dose (2-3 tablets) is daily taken at meal times. If the patient feels well, the dose can be reduced to 1-2 tablets.

Important note: in chronic rheumatic disorders ocular examination should be made before therapy with Plaquenil is started and regular examination of the eye must be at three monthly intervals.

Side effects: Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, dermatitis. These symptoms disappear immediately when the dosage is reduced or the drug stopped.

Precautions: Patients with severe gastro-intestinal, neurological, haematoligical disorders should take with precations.


        Indications: Atromid-S is prescribed for the treatment of atherosclerosis, particularly coronary heart disease.

Dosage: The daily dosage must be divided into two or more doses and taken after food.

Precautions: Take not more than 6-8 capsules. Treatment of patients with renal dysfunction requires caution. Do not give Atromid-S to pregnant patients

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