Методическая разработка по теме "Косвенная речь"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Шапилова Екатерина Юрьевна

Методическая разработка по теме "Косвенная речь", 8 класс, Spotlight-8. Материал содержит правила преобразования сказуемого, наречий времени и места при переходе из прямой речи в косвенную. Также имеются упражнения на отработку данного правила.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Сказуемое в прямой речи


Сказуемое в косвенной речи


Present Simple


Past Simple


Past Simple

Present Perfect


have(has) V3

Past Perfect

had V3

Future Simple

will V

Future-in-the-Past Simple

would V

Present Progressive

is/are Ving

Past Progressive

was/were Ving

Past Progressive

was/were Ving

Past Perfect Progressive

had been Ving

Future Perfect

will have V3

Future-in-the-Past Perfect

would have V3

Present Perfect Progressive

have(has)been Ving

Past Perfect Progressive

had been Ving

Future Perfect Progressive

will have been Ving

Future-in-the- Past Perfect Progressive

would have been Ving

Наречия времени и места также изменяются в косвенной речи следующим образом:

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь




Two days ago

Last week

Next week

Three years ago

That day

The day before

The following day

Two day before

The week before

The following week

Three years before

Сказуемое в прямой речи


Сказуемое в косвенной речи


Present Simple


Past Simple


Past Simple

Present Perfect


have(has) V3

Past Perfect

had V3

Future Simple

will V

Future-in-the-Past Simple

would V

Present Progressive

is/are Ving

Past Progressive

was/were Ving

Past Progressive

was/were Ving

Past Perfect Progressive

had been Ving

Future Perfect

will have V3

Future-in-the-Past Perfect

would have V3

Present Perfect Progressive

have(has)been Ving

Past Perfect Progressive

had been Ving

Future Perfect Progressive

will have been Ving

Future-in-the- Past Perfect Progressive

would have been Ving

Наречия времени и места также изменяются в косвенной речи следующим образом:

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь




Two days ago

Last week

Next week

Three years ago

That day

The day before

The following day

Two day before

The week before

The following week

Three years before

Задание: Напиши в косвенной речи. Подчеркни сказуемое. Обратите внимание на наречия времени.

  1. Tom said: "I watch TV very often"
  2. Kate said to her friend: "I listened to this musical yesterday"
  3. Ann said: "I visited many museums last summer"
  4. Olga said to her mother: "I was fond of watching soap operas 5 years ago"
  5. My sister said: "I enjoyed comedies"
  6. Sasha said to me: "I am playing computer this evening"
  7. They said: "We will have seen all new films by February"
  8. Mary said to him: "I usually discuss new films with my friends"
  9. Tanya said: "My favourite comedy is shown today on Channel 2 at 4"

10.        They said to me: "It is interesting to know about your favourite TV programmes'

Побудительные предложения в прямой речи передаются инфинитивом с частицей to в косвенной речи.

Пример: My friend said, "Watch this film." My friend said to watch that film. Отрицательная частица при этом ставится перед частицей to. Пример: My friend said not to watch that film.

Задание: Напиши в косвенной речи.

  1. My friend said, "I like lo watch TV programmes for teenagers and adults."
  2. Tanya said, "I have listened to poems by Robert Burns on the radio."
  3. Sasha said, "I have never heard about Capital Radio before "
  4. Pete said, "I am fond of wildlife programmes.'"
  5. Our teacher said, "I advise you to listen to the educational programme on the radio at 5 o'clock."
  6. The director said, "A reporter came to our school to interview our pupils for one of the    programmes for teenagers."
  7. John said to his father, "I want to be a radio announcer."
  8. Olga said, "I have read an article about our computer club in the newspaper yesterday."
  9. "I went to see my friend yesterday," said Ann. "She is seriously ill.”
  10. My sister said, "I enjoyed the performance two days ago."
  11. My friend said, "Watch this film."
  12. Sasha said. "Tune in to the radio at 7 o'clock tomorrow."
  13. The doctor advised Nick, "Don't eat fat food one month."
  14. The librarian said to Tanya, "Listen to this story on the radio."
  15. My elder sister said tome, "Don't go to that concert.
  16. Kate said to her friend, "Watch the programme about computers.”
  17. "Don't open your books," said the teacher.
  18. The teacher advised her pupils, "See "Hamlet" in this theatre "
  19. Не said, "I watched the quiz on TV  last  week"
  20. "My favourite comedy will be shown on Channel 1 tomorrow," said Sasha.
  21. "We have discussed many articles on this problem," said my friend.
  22. Ann said to me, "I visited many museums last summer.”
  23. My uncle said, "I travelled to Great Britain with my parents ten years ago."

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