Школьная олимпиада для учащихся 7-8 классов (2016)
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (7, 8 класс)

Гузилова Наталья Васильевна

Школьный этап Всероссийской предметной олимпиады по английскому языку


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Предварительный просмотр:

Task 1

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений А1-А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1-True), какие не соответствуют (2-False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3- Not stated).


Each nation has names which are most frequently used and which are often associated with particular nationalities, like Jean for Frenchmen, Ivan for Russians or John for Americans. There is also a tradition in almost each culture, that dictates the rules of using the name and surname, and often it is very important to put them in the right order.

In most European countries there is a given name and a family name. A given name or a forename usually comes before the family name. One person can have a few  forenames,  of them used more often than others (which are often called middle names). In formal situations surnames are used, while given names are for friendly and informal manner.

As for the East, in China, for example, names usually consist of three syllables-a monosyllabic family name and a disyllabic given name. Unlike European tradition in China the family name comes first and then the family name . While addressing each other, the Chinese often use full names even in informal conversations.

In Russia, as well as in some other countries, along with a given name and a surname a patronymic is used .It is a part of the official name used in formal conversations and documents. Russian patronyms are based on one,s father,s given name.

Patronyms are also used in Ukraine and in nordic countries, for example, in Iceland, where the usage of patronymics is compulsory by law.

Besides, there is also a female equivalent of a patronymic, called matronimic. It was usually given to those children whose mothers were much more powerful or well-known then their fathers, or to those born of unwed women. Matronimics are still in use nowadays in some countries mostly in Asia.    

A1 Some names are associated with particular nationalities

  1. True                         2) False                            3) Not stated      

A2 One person can have only one forename.         

  1. True                          2) False                            3)Not stated

A3 In China people address each other only by surnames

  1. True                           2) False                           3) Not stated

A4 Matronimics are often used in Europe

  1. True                              2) False                               3) Not stated                    

A5 Name Jean is usually associated with Englishmen

  1. True                               2)False                                3) Not stated

A6 In Russia they use a given name, a surname and a patronymic

  1. True                                2) False                                3) Not stated        

A7 The most popular female name in the USA is Rose

1)True                                  2)False                                 3) Not stated

A8 In China names usually consist of three syllables

  1. True                                2) False                                3) Not stated

Task 2

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную грамматическую форму.

The moment Jane 1___(turn) the corner, she  2___(notice) that the front door 3___(be) open. She definitely  4___(shut) it when she 5___(go)out, and her flat-mate , Ann , 6___(not say ) that she  7___(come) this evening. Jane  8___(slacken)her pace, 9___(think) what she  10___(can ) do .If she 11___(ask ) her neighbours  12___(accompany)  her  and it 13__(turn out)  that  there 14___(be) no one there, then she 15___(look) a fool. On the other hand, if she 16__(_enter )  the  flat alone, and 17___ (find) an intruder there, it 18__(can) end very badly.

           « This 19___never ___(happen) to me before,» Jane 20___(think), «I 21___(hope) it    

           22___never ___(happen)  again.»  



Task 3

          Преобразуйте слова так. чтобы они соответствовали  содержанию текста.

Many girls dream of a career as an ice___ .                                            skate

The costumes  and  ___ movements make it                                           grace

seem a very ___ thing to do. What is more,                                            romance

ice skating attracts huge numbers of fans.

Carolina  Kostner  is one of the champions.

She spends hours practicing complicated routines.

Carolina is ___ slim, but she has to watch her                                        natural

diet and make sure  she eats right food.

Carolina is usually in bed by 9 p. m. She travels

with her family so she doesn’t  feel___.                                                 lone

For Carolina ice skating is lots of fun.



Task 4

Выберите одно из слов, подходящее по смыслу.

The tiger can live in almost 1___  natural  environment  from  hot , steamy jungles to snowfields with zero temperatures. A female tiger has her first cubs when she is less

2___four  years old. About half usually die before they 3___a year old. They kill their first small animals when they are about one and leave their mother a year 4____.

Tigers are good swimmers, they can climb trees 5____ , eat 23 kilos of meat in a night.

They can jump nearly nine metres, 6____is about the length of a double-decker bus.

A tiger depends 7 ___ its sharp eyes and keen ears .It waits in cover and rushes at the animals it hunts, jumping on 8___. If it fails it often 9___  up  because it gets tired very easily. It can go for more than a week 10____catching anything.

  1. any, some, other, another

2. more,  than , then, over

 3. become, reach ,find ,get

 4. earlier, later, soon, next

 5. and, but, if, in case

 6. what, where, when, which

 7. over, on, in, under  

 8. them, their, us, it

 9. gets, takes, gives, sends

 10. with, without, by, in

Task 5

Измените предложения. сохраняя первоначальный  смысл.

  1. I was not allowed to go on a holiday with my friends last year.

My parents __________________________.

  1. You have a car that is cheaper than mine.

My car______________________________.

  1. I prefer swimming to football.

For me, football_______________________.

  1. You have  not done your homework.

You should __________________________.

  1. Usually I get bored when I go to the country

Usually I find_______________________.


Task 1.

A1-1,  A2-2 ,A3-2 ,A4-3,  A5-2 , A6-1,  A7-3,  A8-1

Task 2.

  1. Turned                            11. asked                           21. hope                
  2. Noticed                           12. to accompany             22. will never happen
  3. Was                                 13. turned out                      
  4. Had shut                          14. was      
  5. Went                                15. would look  
  6. Had not said                    16. entered      
  7. Would come                    17. found
  8. Slackened                        18. could    
  9. Thinking                          19. has never happened
  10.  Could                              20. thought              

Task 3.

Skater, graceful, romantic, naturally, lonely.

Task 4.

  1. Any  2.than  3.become  4.later  5.and   6.what   7.on   8.them  9.gives   10.without

Task 5.

  1. My parents did not let me to go on a holiday with my friends last summer.
  2. My car is more expensive than yours.
  3. For me football is less interesting than swimming.
  4. You should do your homework.
  5. Usually I find it boring to go to the country.

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