Методическая разработка урока по теме "We Want to Be Famous Too" ( 6 класс)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Андронова Татьяна Леонидовна

Методическая разработка урока по теме "We Want to Be Famous Too" ( 6 класс)


Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Сланцевская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1»

Открытый урок

по теме «Мы тоже хотим быть знаменитыми»

(“We Want to Be Famous Too”) 

в 6 «Б» классе

Методическая разработка

Андроновой Т. Л.,

учителя английского языка

Дата  проведения урока:

21 ноября 2012 г.

г. Сланцы 2012 г.

План-конспект урока в 6 « Б» классе

Тема: «Мы тоже хотим быть знаменитыми» (“We Want to Be Famous Too”)

Цель урока: научить обучающихся составлять краткое изложение текста

Задачи урока:

  • Активизировать лексические единицы в речи;
  • Научиться читать текст с извлечением информации;
  • Активизировать навыки говорения (монологическая речь).

Тип урока: урок совершенствования речевых умений и навыков

Оснащение: Student’s Book (учебник), Activity Sheets, ПК, мультимедийная установка.

План урока:

Time allotted: 45 minutes



Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity




Greeting (involving pupils into the lesson)

2 min.

-Good morning! Glad to see you! Sit down, please. I hope you are fine and you are ready for the lesson. So, let’s begin our work.

Today we continue our topic “We Want to Be Famous Too” (СЛАЙД 1). And at the lesson we’ll learn more information about one of the most famous British people. I will keep the name of this person secret for a while.

-Good morning! Glad to see you!



-to introduce the topic; - to motivate pupils for further activities

7 min.

-Now I would like you to open your exercise-books and write down the date. Today is the 21st of November. (Classwork). Ready?

-In the middle write down the word “famous”.

Think over and tell me, please, what the word “famous” means. What are your associations, ideas when you hear the word “famous”?  Give me the synonyms of this word. Translate them.

-Thank you for your ideas.

  1. Would you like to be famous? (full answer) Why/why not?
  2. What famous British people do you know?
  3. What is J. Lennon famous for? (СЛАЙД 2)
  4. What is D. Defoe famous for? (СЛАЙД 3)
  5. What is A. Christie famous for? (СЛАЙД 4)
  6. What is J. Turner famous for? (СЛАЙД 5)

-I see that you know some British people and what they are famous for.

Legendary, well-known, popular, outstanding, star, world-famous.

Yes, I would. (It’s pleasant. People respect and love you.) No, I wouldn’t. (It’s unpleasant. People gossip about famous people.)

D. Defoe, J. Tolkien, J. Lennon, M. Thatcher, C. Chaplin.

The whole class


Practising vocabulary

12 min.

-To speak about them we should revise the names of the jobs. We have 3 groups today. I’ll give you Activity Sheets. Here you can see 3 exercises. They are different but the words in them are the same. (СЛАЙД 6).  The 1st group, your task is to complete the sentences. Clear?

1st group: Complete the sentences.

1) A person who teaches at school is a…

2) A person who knows about social problems and learns a lot of laws is a…

3) A person who dances in ballet is a…

4) A person who writes books is a …

5) A man who acts on the stage, on TV or in films is an …

(СЛАЙД 7):

The 2nd group - Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters.

  1. ['tiːʧə] -
  2. ['lɔːjə] -

  3. ['bæleɪ] ['dɑːnsə] –

  4. ['raɪtə] -

  5. ['æktə] –

(СЛАЙД 8):

The 3rd group: Match the words and their Russian equivalents.

1) Teacher

a) писатель

2) Lawyer

b) балерина

3) Ballet dancer

c) юрист

4) Writer


5) Actor

e) учитель

  1.         2)            3)           4)            5)    

You have 3 minutes. When you finish doing your exercise begin doing exercises of other groups. Any questions? You may start working.

-Your time is up. Let’s check. N, come to the blackboard and write down the words (someone from the 2nd group). Read the word (from the 1st group) and translate it (3rd group). Excellent! Take your seats.

- What do you want to be?

-When we think about our future profession we should take into consideration our character, traits of character. I’ll give you Activity Sheets №2. Sign them. Look at the tasks. Doing your exercise you will get a key word. (СЛАЙД 9)

1st group: Do the crossword.  Match the words in the box and descriptions.







































































athletic    brave    sociable     responsible     naughty      polite      creative    talkative      friendly

  1. having new and original ideas -
  2. not doing what you ask him / her to do –
  3. being unafraid –
  4.  If you are … with someone, you are their friend -  
  5. A person who likes to talk a lot is … -
  6. fond of being with other people, friendly –
  7. having or showing good manners –
  8. being sporty -  
  9. having the duty (обязанность) of looking after someone or something -

The key word is _______________________.

(СЛАЙД 10)

2nd group: Make up words. You will get a word out of the underlined letters.

  1. evtciear –
  2. gaytunh –
  3. revab –
  4. edflyrin –
  5. tavlekita –
  6. asebolic –
  7. oelpit –
  8. hietcatl –
  9. nelobesrisp –

The key word is __________________.

(СЛАЙД 11)

3rd group: What are the traits of character? Fill in the missing letters. Make up the word out of the bold letters.

  1. C_ea_i_e
  2. N_u _ h_y
  3. B_ a _ e
  4. _ rie_ _ ly
  5. T _l_a_i_e
  6. S_c_ _b_e
  7. P_l_t_
  8. A_ _ le _i_
  9. Res_ _n_i_ _e

The key word is _________________.

You have 6 minutes. Is everything clear?

-Your time is up. Hand in your activity sheets № 2. I’ll check them and give you marks next time.

- What are you like?

 I see that all of you are sociable, friendly and athletic.



Ballet dancer



I want to be a / an … .

The key word is character.


2) naughty

3) brave

4) friendly

5) talkative

6) sociable

7) polite

8) athletic

9) responsible

Polite, friendly, etc.


Time of relaxing

2 min.

- It’s time to have a rest now. Will you stand up? Let’s remember our poem about London and do exercises. 

Up, down, up, down,

(Поднимаем руки вверх и вниз.)

Which is the way

(Разводим руки в стороны.)

to London town?

Where? Where?

(Поворачиваемся в стороны.)

Up in the air,

(Смотрим по сторонам.)

Close your eyes –

(Закрываем глаза.)

And you are there!

(Открываем глаза.)

Students do exercises.



(for gist and specific information)

12 min.

- What traits of character should a writer have? What is a writer like?

-It’s time to read the text about one of the most famous British people. (СЛАЙД 12) The story is about Rudyard Kipling.

1) What do you know about him? What is he famous for? Is he a writer or a singer? He is a writer. (СЛАЙД 13 - 14)

Before reading let’s pronounce some proper names (given before the text).

  • Joseph Rudyard Kipling - /ˈrʌdjəd ˈkɪplɪŋ/
  • The Jungle Book - ['ʤʌŋgl]
  • Mowgli’s Brothers;
  • Tiger! Tiger!
  • Baloo;
  • Bagheera (the Black Panther) - ['pænθə]
  • Shere Khan.

  • Let’s read the text.

     Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865- 1936) is one of the most famous British writers and poets. He was born in India which was a colony of Great Britain at that time. He was clever, creative and responsible. He wrote his books for children and for adults. Many people from all over the world like his funny stories about animals. We can read them in his book which is called Just so stories. For example, The Elephant’s Child or The Cat that Walked by Himself. But his most famous work is The Jungle Book which consists of short stories. They are Mowgli’s Brothers, Tiger! Tiger!, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and others. Mowgli’s Brothers is about a small boy who has lost in the jungle. He grows up with the help of Baloo the bear, Bagheera the Black Panther and then fights with the tiger, Shere Khan.

     In 1907, J. R. Kipling won the Nobel Prize for Literature, and he was the first English writer who got this prize.

  • Let’s do some exercises to check your understanding. (СЛАЙД 15)
  1. Say whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentence.
  1. J. R. Kipling was born in Great Britain.
  2. J. R. Kipling only wrote his books for  children.
  3. J. R. Kipling’s most famous work is

The Jungle Book.

  1. In 1907, J. R. Kipling won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  2. J. R. Kipling was the last English writer who got the Nobel Prize.

(СЛАЙД 16)

  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. J. R. Kipling is one of the most famous British _______ and ________.
  2.  He was born in ______.
  3. He wrote his books for ________ and _______.
  4. Many people from all over the world like his funny stories about __________.
  5. His most famous work is ________.
  6. Mowgli’s Brothers is about ________.
  7. J. R. Kipling won _______ for Literature.
  8. He was ________ English writer who got this prize.

(СЛАЙД 17)

  • Be more active! Raise your hands.
  1.  Answer the questions.

1) Who is Rudyard Kipling?

2) Where and when was R. Kipling born?

3) For what categories of people did he write his books?

4) What did Rudyard Kipling write about?

5) What is Kipling’s famous work?

6) What is Mowgli’s Brothers about?

7) What did he win for his works?

8) Was he the first English writer who got this prize?

9) Would you like to read any of Kipling’s books? Why? Why not?

Students’ answers



ing  (talking about a person, his life and biography)

8 min

-What have you learnt about Joseph Rudyard Kipling? Try to retell the story. 3 pupils from each group.

- I’m very optimistic about your answer.

- Good work!

- Try to do your best.

- Thanks for good answers.



1 min

- Thank you for your work. Great job! I hope you knew lots of interesting things.

- Did you enjoy the lesson?  

- Have you learnt anything particularly interesting?

Thank you for your answers. Your marks for the lessons: ….

(СЛАЙД 18)

Your home task for the next lesson is to prepare a summary of the text. Look at the smart board. If you want to get a three/ a four/ a five, make up … sentences:

“3”- 4 – 5 sentences;

“4” – 6 – 7 sentences;

“5” – 8 – 9 sentences.

Our lesson is over. Thank you and good-bye.

(СЛАЙД 19)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

We Want to Be Famous Too

Слайд 2

John Lennon (1940 – 1980)

Слайд 3

Daniel Defoe (1660 – 1731)

Слайд 4

Agatha Christie (1890 – 1976)

Слайд 5

Joseph Turner (1775 – 1851)

Слайд 6

Complete the sentences. 1) A person who teaches at school is a… 2) A person who knows about social problems and learns a lot of laws is a… 3) A person who dances in ballet is a… 4) A person who writes books is a … 5) A man who acts on the stage, on TV or in films is an … The task for the 1 st group

Слайд 7

Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. 1) [' tiːʧə ] - 2) [' lɔːjə ] - 3) [' bæleɪ ] [' dɑːnsə ] – 4) [' raɪtə ] - 5) [' æktə ] – The task for the 2 nd group

Слайд 8

The task for the 3 rd group 1) … 2) … 3)… 4) … 5) … 1)Teacher 2)Lawyer 3)Ballet dancer 4) Writer 5) Actor a) писатель b) балерина, артист балета c) юрист d) актер e) учитель

Слайд 9

The task for the 1 st group: match the words in the box and descriptions. Do the crossword. The key word is _______________. 1) having new and original ideas - 2) not doing what you ask him / her to do – 3) being unafraid – 4) If you are … with someone, you are their friend - 5) A person who likes to talk a lot is … - 6) fond of being with other people, friendly – 7) having or showing good manners – 8) being sporty - 9) having the duty ( обязанность ) of looking after someone or something - The key word is _______________. athletic brave sociable responsible naughty polite creative talkative friendly

Слайд 10

Make up words. You will get a word out of the underlined letters. 1) evt c iear – 2) gytuna h – 3) brev a – 4) f r edlyin – 5) t a vlekita – 6) asoebl c i – 7) poeli t – 8) ahi e tctl – 9) elbes r ispon – The key word is __________________. The task for the 2 nd group

Слайд 11

What are the traits of character? Fill in the missing letters. Make up the word out of the bold letters. 1) C _ea_i_e 2) N_u _ h _y 3) B_ a _ e 4) _ r ie _ _ ly 5) T _ l_ a _i_e 6) S_ c _ _ b_e 7) P_l_ t _ 8) A_ _ l e _ i _ 9) R es_ _ n_i _ _e The key word is _________________. The task for the 3 rd group

Слайд 12

Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865 – 1936)

Слайд 13

Joseph Rudyard Kipling

Слайд 14

Joseph Rudyard Kipling

Слайд 15

1) J. R. Kipling was born in Great Britain. 2) J. R. Kipling only wrote his books for children. 3) J. R. Kipling’s most famous work is The Jungle Book. 4) In 1907, J. R. Kipling won the Nobel Prize for Literature. 5) J. R. Kipling was the last English writer who got the Nobel Prize. Say whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentence.

Слайд 16

1) J. R. Kipling is one of the most famous British _______ and ________. 2) He was born in ______. 3) He wrote his books for ________ and _______. 4) Many people from all over the world like his funny stories about __________. 5) His most famous work is ________. 6) Mowgli’s Brothers is about ________. 7) J. R. Kipling won _______ for Literature. 8) He was ________ English writer who got this prize. Complete the sentences.

Слайд 17

1) Who is Rudyard Kipling? 2) Where and when was R. Kipling born? 3) For what categories of people did he write his books? 4) What did Rudyard Kipling write about? 5) What is Kipling’s famous work? 6) What is Mowgli’s Brothers about? 7) What did he win for his works? 8) Was he the first English writer who got this prize? 9) Would you like to read any of Kipling’s books? Why? Why not? Questions:

Слайд 18

Prepare a summary of the text (retell the story): “ 3 ”- 4 – 5 sentences; “ 4 ” – 6 – 7 sentences; “ 5 ” – 8 – 9 sentences. Homework

Слайд 19

Thank you for your work and attention!

Предварительный просмотр:

Activity Sheet № 1

Practising vocabulary

I.  Complete the sentences.

1) A person who teaches at school is a…

2) A person who knows about social problems and learns a lot of laws is a…

3) A person who dances in ballet is a…

4) A person who writes books is a …

5) A man who acts on the stage, on TV or in films is an …

II. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters.

  1. ['tiːʧə] -
  2. ['lɔːjə] -

  3. ['bæleɪ] ['dɑːnsə] –

  4. ['raɪtə] -

  5. ['æktə] –

III. Match the words and their Russian equivalents.

1) Teacher

a) писатель

2) Lawyer

b) балерина

3) Ballet dancer

c) юрист

4) Writer


5) Actor

e) учитель

  1.         2)           3)           4)            5)    

Activity Sheet № 2

Practising vocabulary

  1. Do the crossword.  Match the descriptions and words in the box.

athletic    brave    sociable     responsible     naughty      polite      creative    talkative    friendly

  1. having new and original ideas -
  2. not doing what you ask him / her to do –
  3. being unafraid –
  4.  If you are … with someone, you are their friend -  
  5. A person who likes to talk a lot is … -
  6. fond of being with other people, friendly –
  7. having or showing good manners –
  8. being sporty -  
  9. having the duty (обязанность) of looking after someone or something -

The key word is _______________________.

  1. Make up words. You will get a word out of the underlined letters.
  1. evtciear –
  2. gaytunh –
  3. revab –
  4. edflyrin –
  5. tavlekita –
  6. asebolic –
  7. oelpit –
  8. hietcatl –
  9. nelobesrisp –

                     The key word is __________________.

  1. What are the traits of character? Fill in the missing letters. Make up the word out of the bold letters.
  1. C_ea_i_e
  2. N_u _ h_y
  3. B_ a _ e
  4. _ rie_ _ ly
  5. T _l_a_i_e
  6. S_c_ _b_e
  7. P_l_t_
  8. A_ _ le _i_
  9. Res_ _n_i_ _e

                                         The key word is _________________.


Joseph Rudyard Kipling

  • Joseph Rudyard Kipling - /ˈrʌdjəd ˈkɪplɪŋ/
  • The Jungle Book - ['ʤʌŋgl]
  • Mowgli’s Brothers;
  • Tiger! Tiger!
  • Baloo;
  • Bagheera (the Black Panther) - ['pænθə]
  • Shere Khan.

     Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865- 1936) is one of the most famous British writers and poets. He was born in India which was a colony of Great Britain at that time. He was clever, creative and responsible. He wrote his books for children and for adults. Many people from all over the world like his funny stories about animals. We can read them in his book which is called Just so stories. For example, The Elephant’s Child or The Cat that Walked by Himself. But his most famous work is The Jungle Book which consists of short stories. They are Mowgli’s Brothers, Tiger! Tiger!, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and others. Mowgli’s Brothers is about a small boy who has lost in the jungle. He grows up with the help of Baloo the bear, Bagheera the Black Panther and then fights with the tiger, Shere Khan.

     In 1907, J. R. Kipling won the Nobel Prize for Literature, and he was the first English writer who got this prize.

  1. Say whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentence.
  1. J. R. Kipling was born in Great Britain.
  2. J. R. Kipling only wrote his books for children.
  3. J. R. Kipling’s most famous work is

The Jungle Book.

  1. In 1907, J. R. Kipling won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  2. J. R. Kipling was the last English writer who got the Nobel Prize.
  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. J. R. Kipling is one of the most famous British _______ and ________.
  2.  He was born in ______.
  3. He wrote his books for ________ and _______.
  4. Many people from all over the world like his funny stories about __________.
  5. His most famous work is ________.
  6. Mowgli’s Brothers is about ________.
  7. J. R. Kipling won _______ for Literature.
  8. He was ________ English writer who got this prize.
  1. Answer the questions.

1) Who is Rudyard Kipling?

2) Where and when was R. Kipling born?

3) For what categories of people did he write his books?

4) What did Rudyard Kipling write about?

5) What is Kipling’s famous work?

6) What is Mowgli’s Brothers about?

7) What did he win for his works?

8) Was he the first English writer who got this prize?

                  9) Would you like to read any of Kipling’s books? Why? Why not?

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