Внеклассное мероприятие для старшеклассников "Календарь"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Антошкина Альбина Сергеевна

Вашему вниманию предлагается статья об истории создания календаря и происхождения названий месяцев. Она может быть полезна учителям иностранного языка на уроках и во внеурочной деятельности, студентам и учащимся.
Цель: ознакомление с историей создания календаря и происхождения названий месяцев посредством иностранного языка.
1)познакомить с краткой историей создания календаря;
2) ознакомить с историей происхождения названий месяцев;
3) сформировать гражданскую позицию;
4) научить характеризовать историю происхождения календаря для представителей других стран;
5) помочь понять сходства и отличия, существующие между культурами;
6) сформировать межкультурную компетенцию;
7) заинтересовать и развивать творческую исследовательскую активность у учащихся;
8) развивать мышление и догадку.
Возраст: учащиеся старших классов.
Оснащение: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран.



Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для старшеклассников с презентацией на тему: Календарь

Краткая история создания календаря и происхождения названий месяцев

Автор: Антошкиа Альбина Сергеевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Темниковская СОШ №1».
Описание материала: Вашему вниманию предлагается статья об истории создания календаря и происхождения названий месяцев. Она может быть полезна учителям иностранного языка на уроках и во внеурочной деятельности, студентам и учащимся.
Цель: ознакомление с историей создания календаря и происхождения названий месяцев посредством иностранного языка.
1)познакомить с краткой историей создания календаря;
2) ознакомить с историей происхождения названий месяцев;
3) сформировать гражданскую позицию;
4) научить характеризовать историю происхождения календаря для представителей других стран;
5) помочь понять сходства и отличия, существующие между культурами;
6) сформировать межкультурную компетенцию;
7) заинтересовать и развивать творческую исследовательскую активность у учащихся;
8) развивать мышление и догадку.
Возраст: учащиеся старших классов.
Оснащение: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран.

На экран проецируется 2 слайд.

The Calendar

A Short History of the Calendar.

The origin of the word “calendar” is Latin “calendarium”. We can translate this word as “book debt”.
There have been different calendars in the world. According to a recent estimate, there are about forty calendars used in the world.
На экран проецируется 3 слайд.
Historical calendars are often grouped into larger categories by cultural sphere or historical period. In Classical Antiquity, the Hellenic calendars inspired the Roman calendar, including the solar Julian calendar introduced in 45 BC. Many modern modifications of the Julian calendar /from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia/. Julius Caesar introduced the reforms of calendar. Julius Caesar was Roman emperor. Julius Caesar instituted the Julian calendar in 45 BC.
Russia used different calendars too. For example, the one that started with the so-called Creation of the World. People believed that the world was created more than 6 000 years ago. They started the New Year on September 1.

На экран проецируется 4 слайд.
Peter the Great opened the window on the West in 1700. He ignored the old tradition and introduced the Julian calendar that started with the approximate date of birth of Jesus Christ. Peter ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1.
That calendar was not perfect and exact. By the start of the 20th century the Julian calendar was 13 days behind the European (or Gregorian) one.
На экран проецируется 5 слайд.

Russia accepted the Gregorian calendar in 1917 and still observes it now. In the Gregorian calendar, years are counted from the birth of Christ.
All human societies have developed ways to determine the length of the year, when the year should begin, and how to divide the year into manageable units of time, such as months, weeks and days. The year consists of 12 months. They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November, December.
На экран проецируется 6 слайд.

The Origins of the Names of the Months


The name came from Janus, an old Roman god with two faces, one looking forward and the other back. He was the god of beginnings and endings. On New Year’s Day, which was in Roman times the god’s festival, people usually gave to each other copper coins which on one side had Janus’s double head and on the other side a ship.
На экран проецируется 7 слайд.


The name comes from the Roman word “februo”, which means “to purify by March
The name comes from Mars, the god of War in ancient Rome. Mars is the son of Zeus and Hera. Symbols for ares are a flaming torch, a vulture and a spear. The Roman people always connected Mars with thunder and lightning above his head.
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The origin of the word April is not known exactly. Perhaps the word comes from the Latin “aperire” which means to open or from Aphrodite.


The name comes from the Roman goddess Maia, who was the goddess of the fields, of fertility and abundance.
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The name comes from the Roman goddess Juno (Юнона). She was the wife of Jupiter (Юпитер).
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It is named after Julius Caesar. Before his time this month in Rome was called Quintilis (5th month) as the Roman year began in March, not in January. Julius Caesar changed this. He made a new calendar and gave the name of July to the month in which he was born, the seventh month of the new calendar.
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Its name comes from Augustus Caesar, who was Julius Caesar’s nephew. He was given the title of Augustus, which meant “noble”, and the Romans named this month in his honour.
На экран проецируется 12 слайд.


The name comes from Latin word “septem” which means seven. In today’s calendar, September is the ninth month. But in the old Roman calendar, before Julius Caesar, it was seventh month.


The name comes from Latin word “octo” which means eight. In the old Roman calendar, it was eighth month.


The name comes from Latin word “novem” which means nine. In today’s calendar, November is the ninth month. In the old Roman calendar, before Julius Caesar, it was ninth month.


The name comes from Latin word “decem” which means “ten”. In our calendar today, December is the twelfth month of the year. In the old Roman calendar before Caesar, it was the tenth month. It is a month in which people look forward to the new year. People also look back to the old year.

In new calendars, we have Abbreviations of month of the year.
1. January – Jan.
2. February – Feb.
3. March – Mar.
4. April –Apr.
5. May – May.
6. June – Jun.
7. July – Jul.
8. August – Aug.
9. September – Sep. or Sept.
10. October – Oct.
11. November – Nov.
12. December – Dec.
На экран проецируется 13 слайд.

Calendar Riddles

1. What is he?
Fat and gay, on winter’s day.
He came here with us to stay.
When he grew both sad and thin,
We brought his brother in.
People meet the guest with cheer,
For he brings another year.
2. Which month of the year is the shortest?
3. He came to us before New Year
A healthy, merry fellow.
But every day he loses weight,
And in a year he’ll fade away.
4. Why is snow like New Year’s Day?
5. It takes off a piece of its clothing each day,
By the end of the year it has nothing left to wear.
6. A little old man with twelve children:
some short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is it?

7. There are twelve brothers,
Who march in single file,
But can never overtake one another.
8. Which is the strongest day of the week?
9. Can your name five days of the week without mentioning Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday?
10. What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday?
11. What is it that never was, never will be and yet is?
12. What is it that everybody has seen, but can never see again?
13. Nature requires five,
Custom gives seven,
Laziness takes nine,
And sloth takes eleven.

Answers to Riddles

1. A calendar.
2. May.
3. A calendar.
4. Because it can fall on any day of the week.
5. A calendar.
6. A year.
7. 12 months.
8. Sunday, because the rest are weekdays. Play of words: week – weak.
9. Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.
10. Today.
11. Today.
12. Yesterday.
13. Hours of sleep.

На экран проецируется 14 слайд.
Luck in New Year!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

A Short History of the Calendar . The Origins of the Names of the Months. Учитель: Антошкина альбина сергеевна МБОУ « темниковская сош №1» г. темников

Слайд 3

Historical calendars

Слайд 4

Peter the Great

Слайд 7


Слайд 9

the Roman goddess Maia

Слайд 10

the Roman goddess Juno

Слайд 11

Julius Caesar

Слайд 12

Augustus Caesar

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