Технологическая карта урока
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Комалеева Марина Михайловна



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Предварительный просмотр:


Цель этапа

Содержание урока

Методы, приемы, формы

Средства обучения


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учеников

1.Introduction -2 минуты

Для разделения на команды обучающимся предлагается выбрать листок, где написаны слова. Задача учеников –найти принцип, по которому эти слова можно собрать сначала в пары, а потом в группы. Следуя этому принципу, передвигаясь по кабинету, ученики находят пару себе, а затем объединяются в группы.

Подготовить обучающихся к работе на уроке

Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you today! How are you? Sit down, please. Have you heard the bell? It’s time to begin the lesson. Today we have much to do.

What is the first thing to be done on the lesson?

Thank you for your answers.

Today I want you to play a game. Would you like to

play it? I’d like you to be divided into 3 groups (up to four persons). Take these lists with the words written. Think over and find the persons to work with. (Appendix 1)

Do your best and you’ll get any scores. The winners take it all!! In some minutes we’ll have a game. But first let us remember some information. You have lists to make controlling other groups. Write down your opponents’ results. Be very attentive because these results will be your mark at the end of the lesson. Try to follow the rules of group work: if you are ready to answer put your hands up. Don’t speak up. You will have a red paper sign for correct answers. Collect them as more as you can – you’ll have a good mark for the most of them. Then you’ll be a winner.

 -We should ask the date and write it into our copybooks.

 -What date is it today? – The tenth of September.

 -What season is it today? – It’s autumn.

 -What day of week is it today? – It’s Friday? It’s my favourite one.

 -What’s the weather like today? – It’s warm and sunny and a little bit windy.

 -Who is away? – (Lutik)

фронтальная работа, парная работа, метод организации учебно-познавательной деятельности, репродуктивный метод

Информация на слайде

II. Setting up the aim – 2 минуты

Этап актуализации субъектного опыта обучающихся. Постановка цели урока. Определение темы урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности обучающихся.

Используя АМО, учитель предлагает символы Ханты, Манси прилепить магнитом на доску в ту область диаграммы, которая подходит по личным интересам. В диаграмме отмечены целевые направления. Анализирует результаты, сводя к тому, что они все собрались для единой цели – учить английский.(Слайд 2)

Обеспечение мотивации учебной деятельности

1.T – Ps: I have seen one interesting advertisement in our local newspaper “Varta”. Would you like to look it through?  What is it about? And this video will help you to realize the information.

2.T – Ps: Do you want to visit it to get more information about Khanty and Mansy living?

3.T – Ps: What do you think you have come to have English lesson today for? What are you going to do today?

4.T – Ps: Everybody has Khanty’s symbols on the desks, take them and write down the wish you want to become true with by the end of the lesson.

5.T – Ps: Now go to the board and stick your symbols on it. Look, we have the same wishes: to speak, to listen, to communicate and get to know more information about Khanty and Mansy. So our aim today is to get to know more information and communicate with each other. (Slide 2)

1.        The ad’s about inviting to Festival in Khanty - Mansiysk and video has helped us to find the information in the newspaper.

2.        Yes, of course.

3.        Students’ answers.

4.        Students take symbols such as a fish, a boat, an axe, a deer, a sleigh; write down the wish they want to become true by the end of the lesson.

5.        Students go to the board and stick their symbols on it.

Парная работа

Эвристический метод

Метод стимулирования

Фронтальная работа

Газета «Варта», новостное видео с Открытого Фестиваля в Ханты-Мансийске,

Карточки–символы народов Севера,


III. Warming up activities – 6,5 минут

Этап подготовки к изучению основного материала. Создание мотива для речевой деятельности в рамках активизации вопросно-ответного взаимодействия.

1) Обеспечение мотивации учебной деятельности

2) Обогащение лексического запаса

3) Формирование навыков говорения

4)Совершенствование произносительных навыков

1.T – Ps: Look at the board. You can watch the presentation to illustrate some of the words. Let’s read them. (Slide 3)

2.T – Ps: Now our game is on!! The first game - answer the questions. Don’t break the group work rules. Follow the instruction. Put your hands up when ready.

-What languages do Khanty usually speak nowadays?

-How can you call the people who live in the North of Siberia?

-What do the Khanty look like?

-What are their trades to live?

-Do the Khanty live in villages, towns or in settlements? Why?

-What is the climate like in the region where the Khanty live?

The teacher makes a summary, tells the results.

1. Students read the words. Ask for meaning if they do not know it.

2. Students answer the questions:

    1. They can speak Khanty and Russian.

    2. We call them Khanty and Mansy.

    3. They are short, slim with..

    4. They hunt and go fishing. They bread deer.

    5. They live in settlements in th North because they want to free and live in their own land. But some young people live in towns.

    6. The climate where they live is rather severe.

Парная работа

Исследовательский метод

Репродуктивный метод

Доска с новыми лексическими единицами, слайд


IV. Pre-listening activities – 4,5 минуты

Первичное усвоение лексического материала и его грамматической структуры с целью облегчения овладением говорения и слушания.

Оценка качества выполнения задания заключается не только в выборе подходящего заголовка, но и в обосновании данного выбора.

1)формирование навыка аудирования (понимание основной идеи)

1.T – Ps: We’ll start the second game.

2.T – Ps: Now it’s time to listen the information about the Festival. I suggest you to give a title for this event. You have some of them, choose the right one. Then try to prove your idea. (Slide 4)

The teacher makes a summary, tells the results.

They listen to the text for the first time and choose the title.

(Appendix 2)

Students can choose one person from the team to prove their choice.

Индивидуальная работа



V. While-Listening comprehension – 10 минут

Этап развития умений коммуникативной компетенции - аудирования.

При выполнении данного задания запланированы изменения сценария данного этапа. Если ученики сталкиваются с определенными трудностями в понимании текста и заполнении таблицы, то, в таком случае, предлагается обменяться таблицами между командами. Другая команда подписывает свою информацию. Таким образом, пройдя круг, таблица возвращается к первоначальной команде. Далее идет анализ и взаимооценка.

1) формирование навыка аудирования (понимание детальной информации), сравнение, анализ

1. T – Ps: We’ll start the third game.

2. T – Ps: Everybody has the lists with the table. Watch the video without any sound and try to fill in the table. (Slide 5)

The teacher makes a summary, tells the results.

3. T – Ps: The fourth game is starting. Listen the text for the second time and choose the right answer: it is called True – False task. (Appendix 4)

The teacher makes a summary, tells the results.

Students listen to the video and fill in the tables.

 (Appendix 3) Then they exchange the tables to control.

      2. Students give answers to each other and discuss them.

      3. They listen to the text and choose the right answer from the list. Students work in a group. They can discuss, ask each other questions. To examine the results they exchange the lists and check the answers.

Метод самостоятельной работы

Метод сообщения новых знаний

Групповая работа


Карточки с заголовками (можно на доске)


VI. Post-listening activities  - 15 минут

Активизация изученного материала через говорение

На данном этапе предусмотрено изменение состава команд. Каждый участник команды выбирает уровневое задание и в соответствии с заданием формируются новые группы. Ученики работают в группе, производя самоконтроль и взаимопроверку, оценивая друг друга, занося баллы в экспертный лист команды, участник которой ей принадлежит.  Этап не разбит на подвременные рамки, они могут варьироваться в зависимости от увлеченности и работоспособности учеников.

1)информационно-поисковое чтение, анализ

2) развитие грамматического навыка


развитие навыка говорения

1.T – Ps: The fifth game’s starting! You have the text on your desks but it has been cut through. Try to restore the information you’ve heard from the video in the right order. (Appendix 5) (Slide 6)

The teacher makes a summary, tells the results.

2.T – Ps: Let us start the sixth game. This step of the lesson is full information speaking. The less mistakes are done the more points are given to you (up to five). You have cards with questions in. Read them, try to answer. Some of you (one from the team) have a chance to retell the information about the Festival using the cards. And some of you have a chance to tell the information without any cards.

(Appendix 6)

1 level: tell the answers;

2 level: tell the main idea with the card;

3 level: tell the main idea without the card.(Slide 7,8)

The teacher makes a summary, tells the results.

     1. Students make up the information in right order. They work in groups. Each abstract has its number, pupils write numbers on the paper sheet, then give it to the opponents to be checked.

     2. Students discuss the questions 2 minutes in groups. Then teacher reads the questions and they give the answers. The group gets a score if it gives correct information.

     3. Pupils take different roles according to the tasks. Someone answers the questions, someone tells the main idea with the card, someone tells the main idea without the questions. Students change their places according to the task.  Now they have three new groups according to the levels, they tell to each other the information and give marks to each other in range from 3 up to 5. After that they tell their results and sum them up.

 Групповая работа

Метод обьяснения

Метод контроля и самоконтроля

Прием логического задания

Парная работа

Индивидуальная работа

Разрезанный на части текст

Карточка с вопросами

VIII.         Conclusion – 5 минут

Этап рефлексии и оценивания. Учитель спрашивает о положительном опыте, полученном на уроке. Просит высказать свое мнение и по Фестивалю, и по уроку. Анализируют работу команды.

Подведение итогов, формирование личной ответственности за результаты деятельности

1.T-Ps: So, we’ve done much today. You were very active and interested today. Let me ask you some questions, be ready to answer:

1. What important have you done today during the lesson?

2. Why do we discuss the Khanty – Mansiysk Festival?

3. What kind of work did you like best?

4. What did you do best/worst?

5. What was the most difficult for you to do today?

6. Have you anything to think over a bit more?

7. Have you got to know anything new today?

8. Would you like to tell your friends about this Festival?

2.You can see the paper on the board, let’s make a diagram “What have you done best today?” and stick your card.

3.Your home task: imagine youself to be a reporter and make a note into a local newspaper “Varta” about the Festival in Khanty-Mansiysk.

Let’s analyse our results. I’m so happy to have this lesson with you today. The winner is …You’ve done your best today. Have a nice day!

1. Students answer the questions, give some conclusions, measure their results in the game, think over the ratings.

2. Students stick cards to the paper on the board to show their results. They make a summary about the lesson and if they improved their knowledge.

Парная работа

Метод контроля и самоконтроля

Прием сотрудничества


таблица-диаграмма на доске


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