Чтение вслух.Подготовка к ВПР 7 КЛАСС
тренажёр по английскому языку (7 класс)

Лебедева Янина Пятровна

Практика чтения для ВПР 7 класс


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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price and limited distance on a single charge. However, this summer a Russian company  has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to solve environmental problems.

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