Методическая разрабоика "План-конспект урока по технологии «кейс-стади» на тему: “Vegetarian diet: pros and cons”.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)

Родионенкова Маргарита Анатоьевна

Данный урок разработан по технологии "кейс-стади". 

Тема урока: "“Vegetarian diet: pros and cons”.

Цель: составление таблицы

Задачи: формирование УУД

  1. личностные: смыслообразование, нравственная и этическая ориентация;

  2. регулятивные: целеполагание, планирование, коррекция, саморегуляция;

  3. познавательные: поиск и выделение необходимой информации, структурирование знаний;

  4. коммуникативные: планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками, инициативное сотрудничество в поиске и сборе информации.


Предварительный просмотр:

Урок по технологии «кейс-стади» на тему: “Vegetarian diet: pros and cons”

План урока.

I. Оргмомент:

(приветствие, оргвопросы, сообщение учащимся цели и задач данного урока)

Цель: составление таблицы

Задачи: формирование УУД

  1. личностные: смыслообразование, нравственная и этическая ориентация;
  2. регулятивные: целеполагание, планирование, коррекция, саморегуляция;
  3. познавательные: поиск и выделение необходимой информации, структурирование знаний;
  4. коммуникативные: планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками, инициативное сотрудничество в поиске и сборе информации.

II. Зарядка, фонетическая и речевая.

(в качестве фонетической зарядки предлагается повторить за учителем названия лексических единиц, которые будут активно использоваться в работе: vegetarian, cholesterol, blood pressure, heart disease, fibre-rich diet, bowel movements, prevent constipation, immunity and a glowing complexion, Vitamin B12, Protein, Iron, Zinc, Calcium and vitamin D, Riboflavin)

III. Проверка домашнего задания.

(на данном уроке этот этап целесообразно пропустить).

IV. Основная часть урока- работа по технологии "кейс-стади".

  1. Учащимся предлагается прослушать отрывок из интервью, посвященного теме вегетарианства (In this programme, Neil and Catherine discuss why more and more people are becoming vegan. They also teach you six items of useful vocabulary.).

Ссылка на интервью: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/features/6-minute-english/ep-170525 (текст интервью в Приложении 1)

  1. Перед прослушиванием интервью им предлагается ответить на вопрос после прослушивания интервью:

Which of these celebrities is vegan?
a) Brad Pitt
b) Jennifer Lopez
c)  Miley Cyrus

Listen to the programme to find out the answer.

  1. Ученикам предлагается список слов: emission,in this day and age, ethical, veganism, arid, livestock. Каждому ученику раздаем листок с предложениями из интервью (предложения в Приложении 2) в которых встречаются эти слова, просим прослушать интервью еще раз и перевести предложения, пытаясь понять смысл выделенных слов.
  2. Просим дать определение понятию «веганизм» (What veganism is?).
  3. Делим класс на две (три) группы, раздаем текст о Вегетарианстве (Приложение 3). (Источник: https://www.nestle-family.com/en/article/pros-and-cons-being-vegetarian). Просим прочитать текст.
  4. После прочтения текста задаем вопросы:

-What can a vegetarian diet help for?

-What does the vegetarian food help to regulate?

-What do fruits and vegetables provide the body with?

-How many kinds of vegetarians do you know? What are they?

7) Просим учащихся догадаться о значении слов и выражений(What do these words and word combinations mean?): to lower cholesterol, a blood pressure, the prevention of heart disease, fibre-rich, to regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation and reduce the risk of colon cancer, promote general health, immunity and a glowing complexion, plant-based foods.

Помогаем им найти правильный перевод выражений.

8) Переходим к итоговому заданию: просим учеников еще раз внимательно прочитать текст, разобрать его в группах и составить таблицу:




V. Итоги урока.

В ходе  урока у учащихся сформировались УУД:

  1. личностные: смыслообразование, нравственная и этическая ориентация;
  2. регулятивные: целеполагание, планирование, коррекция, саморегуляция;
  3. познавательные: поиск и выделение необходимой информации, структурирование знаний;
  4. коммуникативные: планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками, инициативное сотрудничество в поиске и сборе информации.



В современном мире, когда люди не только не испытывают недостаток информации, но часто имеют ее избыток, человеку бывает, порой, очень трудно отделить значимую информацию от неважной, несущественной.

Поэтому очень важно научить школьников работать в таких условиях, отбирать информацию, помогающую решить поставленную задачу, игнорировать ненужную.

Проведенный урок показал, что очень важно ставить перед школьниками задачи, максимально приближенные к условиям реальной жизни. В этом случае школьники получают отличный шанс применить на практике все, чему их учат в школе, а это не только возвышает их в собственных глазах, но и вызывает одобрение у значимых для них взрослых, что, несомненно, повышает мотивацию к изучении иностранного языка.

Приложение 1.


Note: This is not a word for word transcript

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English – the programme where we bring you an interesting topic and six items of vocabulary. I'm Neil.

And I'm Catherine.

Now, if you want to fight climate change – what can you do?

Well, you can use less electricity…

Or stop driving…

But scientists believe there's another behaviour which has an even bigger impact on the planet, and that is what you eat.

We're talking about meat here. If people cut out meat and animal products from their diets – harmful emissions could be reduced by 70%. That's according to research from Oxford University.

Now emissions are the gases produced by an activity or living thing – so we could talk about factory emissions or farming emissions.

And if you eat no meat or animal products you're what we call 'vegan'. More and more people around the world are going vegan. And today's question: which of these celebrities is vegan? Is it…
a) Brad Pitt,
b) Jennifer Lopez or
c) Miley Cyrus?

And I'm going to go for…c) Miley Cyrus.

Well, we'll find out at the end of the programme. Now, before we go much further, why don't we find out a bit more about exactly what it means to be vegan?

Here's Tom Kuehnel from the Vegan Society in the UK.

Tom Kuehnel, Vegan Society
Veganism is a way of living which excludes, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals. So that's for food, clothing or any other purpose. So we just don't want to use or abuse animals. And we feel like there, you know, there are plenty of alternatives in this day and age. It's never been easier to be vegan.

Of course, he says that avoiding cruelty to animals is what it's all about, but that doesn't just mean food. If you're a true vegan, then clothing from animals is also out- no more leather shoes!

But he feels that it's easier than ever before to become vegan – and uses a nice phrase: "in this day and age".

Yes. It means 'these days', or 'in the present time' – and is often used to highlight a contrast with a previous time.

So, many people go vegan for ethical reasons. Now ethical is a useful word, it means 'relating to moral beliefs', so if you become vegan for ethical reasons, you do it because you think it's wrong to eat or use animal products.

Others go vegan because of environmental considerations, as we looked at earlier. Rearing livestock– that means animals like cows and pigs – produces a lot of harmful methane gas. Now, let's just say the animals themselves produce a lot of it from their bodies. The other major reason to choose veganism

– now, that's the noun for the diet.

… is because they believe it is healthier.

In the research from Oxford University we mentioned earlier, scientists found that 8 million deaths per year could be avoided if the world went vegan.

Now, that's human deaths. They claim that half of this figure would be because we no longer eat red meat, and the other half would be due to eating more healthy fruit and vegetables – as well as fewer people being overweight.

And they say that this would have an economic impact too. They suggest that up to $1,000bn a year would be saved due to reduced healthcare costs and increased productivity at work - because fewer people would get sick.

So, if it's all so simple – why don't we all go vegan tomorrow?

Well, meat-eating is an important part of most cultures – not everyone wants to change.

And millions of people worldwide raise livestock for a living.

So these jobs would disappear. Now, with up to a third of the planet estimated to be arid– which means dry and unable to support crops - people living in these regions rely on livestock, so people for example like the Berbers in the Sahara region.

Without animal farming they would be forced to abandon traditional nomadic lifestyles – that's where they move from place to place - and settle in cities.

And for many people, well, they just like eating meat and dairy.

We asked you about well-known vegans: which of these is vegan?
a) Brad Pitt,
b) Jennifer Lopez or
c) Miley Cyrus?

And I said it was Miley Cyrus.

Well, you're kind of half right, Catherine. In fact, both Brad Pitt and Miley Cyrus are vegan. Jennifer Lopez used to be, but has since started eating meat again, apparently.

Now, why don't we wrap up by looking at today's vocabulary one more time?

Well – we started with emissions: gases produced by something or an activity such as digestion. Livestock emissions for example – are gases produced by animals.

We can also add a word that describes a kind of emissions, like methane emissions or greenhouse gas emissions.

Next up we had in this day and age– which means 'these days'.

I still can't believe you still don't have a smartphone in this day and age, Neil.

Well, maybe I just object to smartphones for
ethical reasons!

So you have for moral reasons to smartphones?

Yeah, for me it's important to understand the conditions of the workers in the factory where the smartphone is made.

That's fair enough then. But, Neil, you haven't become vegan yet for ethical reasons, have you?

You've got me there – I admire veganism but I still like cheese too much to do it! Veganism is the noun.

That's right. So two more words to go – we have arid and livestock. Arid describes land that is too dry to support many crops or plants.

But arid regions can sometimes support livestocklivestock means farm animals. If you think of the 'stock' as being the assets of a business, then animals are 'living' or 'live' stock.

And that brings us to the end of today's programme. Join us on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube pages for lots more! Let us know what you think of veganism!

Bye for now.


Приложение 2.

  1. «Now emissions are the gases produced by an activity or living thing – so we could talk about factory emissions or farming emissions».
  2. « And we feel like there, you know, there are plenty of alternatives in this day and age. It's never been easier to be vegan». 
  3. «So, many people go vegan for ethical reasons. Now ethical is a useful word, it means 'relating to moral beliefs', so if you become vegan for ethical reasons, you do it because you think it's wrong to eat or use animal products». 
  4. «Rearing livestock – that means animals like cows and pigs – produces a lot of harmful methane gas. Now, let's just say the animals themselves produce a lot of it from their bodies».
  5. «Veganism – now, that's the noun for the diet».
  6. «Now, with up to a third of the planet estimated to be arid – which means dry and unable to support crops - people living in these regions rely on livestock, so people for example like the Berbers in the Sahara region».

Приложение 3.

Being vegetarian benefits the body in many ways. A vegetarian diet can help lower cholesterol, and blood pressure, aiding in the prevention of heart disease. Additionally, vegetarian food is fibre-rich which helps regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

A fibre-rich diet also helps in weight loss and maintenance as it keeps you full for longer. Fruits and vegetables, an integral part of this diet provide the body with vital vitamins and minerals that promote general health, immunity and a glowing complexion.

How can you define a vegetarian?

People who generally exclude meat, fish and chicken from their diet and eat a variety of plant-based foods are called vegetarians. Most vegetarian diets are rich in fibre and low in fat, especially the unhealthy saturated kind.

Within this group there are three kinds of vegetarians:

  • Total vegetarians / Vegans: Those who exclude all kinds of meat and animal-based products such as milk, butter and eggs.
  • Lacto-vegetarians: Those who do not consume meat, chicken and fish but allow milk and milk products.
  • Lacto-ovo-vegetarians: Those who consume milk, milk products and eggs but exclude all kinds of meat.

Good to Remember

A vegetarian diet is naturally low in fat and high in fibre. It is a healthy way of eating but you must be cautious to follow a planned diet that includes fortified foods to prevent nutrient deficiency.

Being vegetarian has its own risks

Advantages aside, some vegetarians – especially vegans, have low levels of certain nutrients which they should be careful to include:

  • Vitamin B12: Plant foods are naturally lacking in Vitamin B12. So vegans who avoid dairy products and eggs need a regular source of this vitamin. To avoid deficiency, a good solution would be a fortified breakfast cereal.
  • Protein: Proteins from plant foods can meet protein needs if the right food combination is eaten. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians easily get their protein from dairy products and eggs.
  • Iron: Some vegetarians have a lower iron count than non-vegetarians. Iron from plant food does not absorb as well as that from meat, so vegetarians need to increase their iron intake and also consume a Vitamin C-rich food source to enhance iron absorption.
  • Zinc: Vegetarians also appear to have a lower intake of zinc than recommended. Soy foods, legumes, nuts and supplemented foods are good sources.
  • Calcium and vitamin D: Calcium intake of lacto-vegetarians is comparable to non-vegetarians. But when milk products are excluded, calcium levels drop. Such vegetarians are advised to have soy milk fortified with calcium and vitamin D, in addition to getting adequate sun exposure.
  • Riboflavin: Vegetarians also have low levels of riboflavin than non-vegetarians. This can be corrected through the consumption of milk, almonds, fortified breakfast cereals, yogurt, soy, bananas and broccoli.

Last word

Well-planned vegetarian diets are healthy and help prevent chronic diseases. But make sure to ask your dietician to guide you on how to include the 'at risk' nutrients by choosing the right foods in the right combinations for a complete balanced diet.

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